What Mu Xiyang didn't expect was that the teacher came with Xiaoya.

"Teacher, what is this?"

Looking at the old lady being led off the bullock cart by Zhao Hu, Mu Xiyang looked in disbelief.

Xie Meiying stepped forward and looked at her student lovingly: "What, are you not welcoming me?"

"No, no, I welcome you very much." There just aren't enough rooms at home!

In fact, if the teacher hadn't come over, she would have invited her to live in the new house for a while after it was built.

"That's good, don't worry, I have a place to live." The old lady seemed to understand Mu Xiyang's thoughts and said with a smile.

After Zhao Hu carried the things down, he came to them and said, "When I went to help Teacher Xie print coal today, I heard she said she was coming to the village, so I just helped her carry it over."

On the way here, Zhao Hu already knew what Xie Meiying was doing here. She was coming to the village to teach high school classes to the educated youth.

At the same time, he also regretted extremely, why didn't he read more books at that time?
However, it's still too late. At least while Teacher Xie is teaching them, he can take notes and show them to Shen Jiayi, so that the two of them can talk more.

Regarding the matter between Zhao Hu and Shen Jiayi, Mu Xiyang didn't see any signs of it. She only knew that this man was a little crazy recently.Every day I would bring a lot of ingredients back and process them into stewed vegetables. Then I would go to the city before dawn and come back to work in the afternoon.I'm not busy now, as long as I can do five centimeters.After the work is done, I will continue to make braised vegetables.

With such a hard-working partner, Mu Xiyang was happy and relaxed. In the past two months, she had distributed nearly 200 yuan. It was no wonder that Zhao Hu worked harder and harder.

It was also his own boldness. After his aunt recovered, he returned the bun shop and started selling braised vegetables in the city.Although I have never followed him to sell food, I have tasted a familiar taste when I went to state-owned restaurants and other workplace canteens these few times.His business is quite big, no wonder he sells out so many of them every day.

Teacher Xie had better arrange it in the Zhao family. The Zhao family only has one son, Zhao Hu, and there are still many houses.Moreover, their home is also close to the village office.

Mu Xiyang School did not directly find replacements for the work, but asked the school to recruit people through recruitment.

"Teacher Mu, do you really want to stop thinking about it?" Principal Chen felt very reluctant to give up.

It's not that he looks down on business people, but he feels a sense of accomplishment when he sees the children he teaches grow up one by one.

Moreover, he could also see that the children in the two classes taught by Mu Xiyang were very fond of her. If she left, the children would be sad.

"When they get familiar with the new teacher, they won't miss me so much. Also, when I develop the village well, the children won't have to worry about having no money to go to school."

In fact, when she first came here, Mu Xiyang just thought that she could have a stable job and fall in love.

But now, she has a deeper idea. She wants to lead the village further, and she also wants the children in the mountains to get a good education and not be trapped in the mountains all their lives.

Not only do we want them to become successful, but they also don’t go out without knowing a word, and they don’t even know how to count when buying something.

Moreover, as history goes on, they are faced with not only being able to read and count, but also learning more interpersonal communication.

Having poetry and calligraphy in your belly is not a fun thing to say.When you have ink in your belly, you won't be easily restrained.

For today's children, the conditions for studying are not only limited, but also lack of money.That’s why she wanted to develop the village’s economy.Half of the money earned from the garment factory was given to the commune, and the rest of the money she earned was invested in orchards.

"Okay, I won't say much more. If you need help, just ask."

In terms of connections, Chen Baolin also had some, and Mu Xiyang was not polite to him.

When the second autumn rain came, all the procedures for the food factory were completed, and the county also provided a start-up capital.

There is a large piece of wasteland outside the village office, which is very suitable for building a food factory.

I heard that a food factory was going to be set up in the village, and everyone was very excited.

"Then we don't have to worry about having no place to harvest the vegetables we grow in the future?"

"It seems so. I heard from the village chief that the food factory specializes in selling pickles. Fortunately, I have grown a lot of radishes and melons this year."

"Then if you do it, my family will grow more radishes, but it doesn't matter. As long as the village's benefits are good, we can still get a lot of money at the end of the year. I heard that the money the clothing factory will give to the village this year will be shared with us. .”

"That's not true. I remember that Teacher Mu originally wanted the village to fund the construction of the factory, but many people opposed it. Fortunately, we did not give up, otherwise our life would not be so good."

Although the pay per capita is not much, a family can weigh one or two more pounds of meat. Moreover, some of them work in a garment factory, and their wages are paid on time every month.

Mu Xiyang was also under great pressure to run this clothing factory.At that time, people in the village were afraid of losing money and were unwilling to invest money, so she came up with such a compromise.

It has been more than half a year now, and the overall operation is still good.

With the clothing factory in front, the villagers didn't even object to the food factory. They were all gearing up to fight.

However, in order to improve the quality of the people, Mu Xiyang wanted the first batch of workers to be those who had graduated from junior high school.

Food is something that goes into the mouth, and it must be of good quality.

Those who don't like to be clean don't even think about it, so in addition to the written test, there is also an interview.

To check if a person likes to be clean, the nails and behind the ears are the best places to see it.

When they heard that there was still an exam, many people in the village were unwilling and went to Mu Weidong to ask for an explanation.It was impossible to find Mu Xiyang, and no one in the village wanted to offend her.

Mu Weidong was caught in the middle. Every time he sat down, he was surrounded by people, and everyone was spitting on his face.

"Daughter, can you relax the conditions?" This is a job recruitment, not a son-in-law. Why do you need such high requirements?
Yang Chunmei glanced at her husband, then sat next to her daughter: "Don't listen to your dad, just do whatever you think. Don't change your mind because of those people."

There is no rule without rules. If those people in the village really went to work in the factory, they would probably be emptied of everything in the factory within two days of work.

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