Chapter 490 Farce
"Nephew, are you... kidding us?" Lu Zhenhua asked tremblingly with a pale face.

Lu Zechuan let out a cold snort, his black eyes were deep, the chill surged, and he clenched his hands in his pockets tightly.

If this is not the real world, if this is not a society ruled by law, he really wants to kill the family of Dafang Lu!
They are also human beings, how could their family of three have no morals and bottom line, and be so shameless?
Looking at Lu Zechuan's face that was so cold that it was almost icy, Lu Zhenhua swallowed lightly, and took two steps back cautiously.

Wu Mei grabbed Lu Zhenhua's arm tightly, because of the fear in her heart, her nails were even broken by the thread on Lu Zhenhua's clothes, but she didn't notice it.

Not to mention Lu Zefang. When the man went crazy before, she had been hiding behind Wu Mei and Lu Zhenhua. Now she had her head drooped, not even daring to look at Lu Zechuan.

She even regrets now why she listened to her parents and came back from abroad.

If she hadn't returned to China, she could still live a life of luxury and luxury abroad.

"Are you kidding me?" Lu Zechuan raised his eyes slightly, and said with a hint of disdain in his tone, "Do you look like it?"

The three people were trembling all over, and no one dared to speak anymore.

Lu Zechuan's methods have always been cold-blooded. It was the old lady of the Lu family who was kind enough to separate them from the Lu family before.

Now that the old lady of the Lu family doesn't care about this secular matter anymore, it seems that they are no different from courting death when they go to Lu Zechuan.

"Nephew, look, it's quite cold outside. Your aunt is weak. I have to take her home quickly. We won't talk to you anymore..." Lu Zhenhua said while holding Wu Mei's hand Just want to leave the bridge.

However, before Lu Zhenhua could turn around, Lu Zechuan's cold voice reached their ears again, "Stop!"

The simple two people seemed to have some kind of magical power, and the three of them suddenly seemed to be glued to the ground, unable to move a step.

"She's weak?" Lu Zechuan snorted coldly, "I think it's a guilty conscience!"

Lu Zechuan's eyes were cold, and his eyes were burning like fire on the three of them, "If you don't give me an explanation for today's matter, no one will be able to leave!"

Although it was early spring, there was sweat on the foreheads of the three eldest members of the Lu family.

Because they really can't leave!

It was as if they had stepped on ten thousand years of glue under their feet, and they couldn't pull their feet out at all.

"Eldest nephew, you... what do you want to say?" Lu Zhenhua had a mournful face, but he still had to laugh along with him.

"Sign this." Lu Zechuan said. With a shake of his hand, three agreements appeared in his hand.

Lu Zhenhua squinted his eyes, trying to read the words on the agreement.

"Lu Zhenhua voluntarily severed the father-son relationship with Lu Zeming... From then on, life, old age, sickness and death have nothing to do with each other..."

"Wu Mei voluntarily severed the mother-child relationship with Lu Zeming... From now on, life, old age, sickness and death will be in peace with each other..."

"Lu Zefang voluntarily severed her sibling relationship with Lu Zeming...From now on, no matter whether you are poor or rich, you will never see each other..."

Looking at the words on the agreement, Lu Zhenhua's face gradually darkened, "Nephew, have you asked my son's opinion for doing this?"

As Lu Zhenhua spoke, his eyes had already fallen on Lu Zeming, "Son, do you really want to sever ties with us?"

Lu Zhenhua's words were almost squeezed out between his teeth.

With a strong sense of threat.

Lu Zeming raised his head and looked at Lu Zhenhua and the others.There was a hint of resentment and threat in the eyes of the three people.

Up to now, they still don't feel that they are at fault, and they still feel that they are heinous if they refuse to continue to be their blood bag.

Lu Zeming smiled, his smile was a little desolate, he took a deep look at Lu Zhenhua and the others, and said "yes" emphatically.

Yes, he wants to sever ties with these three blood-sucking worms!
From then on, old age and death have nothing to do with each other, and life and death have nothing to do with each other!

Lu Zhenhua froze, as if struck by lightning.

Did he hear right just now?
His son said he wanted to sever the father-son relationship with him? ?

Lu Zeming was kind and honest since he was a child, and abided by filial piety. How could he sever the father-son relationship with him? !

Lu Zechuan must have led him into trouble!

Lu Zhenhua gritted his teeth, with resentment shining in his eyes, he stared at Lu Zechuan firmly, wanting to rush forward to tear Lu Zechuan apart, but he couldn't pull his foot away.

"If you don't sign, you may be left here forever." Lu Zechuan still held the three agreements in his hand.

Every word is so cold-blooded and ruthless, which makes the three of the Lu family members feel very glaring.

Lu Zhenhua took a deep breath and said, "Eldest nephew, does your grandmother know that you have become like this?"

Lu Zechuan curled his lips and smiled lightly, "What is it like now?"

After a pause, Lu Zechuan's palm moved slightly. On his palm, there were green vines dancing like elves, "Is this so?"

This scene was so unbelievable that Lu Zhenhua subconsciously opened his mouth wide and swallowed lightly, not daring to say another word.

He should have thought earlier that Lu Zechuan's biological mother was not human, and Lu Zechuan would definitely be a freak!

"Not only grandma knows about this, but many people know about it!" Lu Zechuan smiled at Lu Zhenhua.

She looked very gentle, but Lu Zhenhua felt a chill running down his spine!

Thinking of the last time, when I and others were trapped by Lu Zechuan, the people from the Supernatural Incident Investigation Bureau appeared in time. Although they rescued them, they also warned them not to fight against Lu Zechuan again.

What does this mean?
This shows that those people knew that Lu Zechuan was abnormal, but even though those people knew that Lu Zechuan was abnormal, they still chose to stand by Lu Zechuan!

Lu Zhenhua's face turned pale, and he thought about many things in an instant, "I'll sign."

Upon hearing this, Wu Mei immediately screamed, "You're crazy!"

She and Lu Zhenhua are just two rice worms waiting to die, and they have ruined all the wealth they secretly hid when they separated!
If they don't continue to pick Lu Zeming to drink blood, they will have to wait for death in the future!

Lu Zhenhua slapped Wu Mei with a backhand, "Shut up for me!"

If Wu Mei hadn't been encouraging him to cause trouble for Lu Zeming, how could Lu Zeming be so heartbroken by them that he was now so disappointed that he wanted to sever ties with them?
Lu Zhenhua's slap was so strong that half of Wu Mei's face immediately swelled up.

She looked at Lu Zhenhua in disbelief.

Is it true that poor and lowly couples are sad about everything?
Before being kicked out by the old lady of the Lu family, Lu Zhenhua had always held her in his palm, but now, when Lu Zhenhua felt a little bit uncomfortable, he would take his anger out on her...

(End of this chapter)

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