Lord Qing Leng bowed down for me

Chapter 147 I Can't Let Him Go

Chapter 147 I Can't Let Him Go
After the doctor and Uncle Zhang walked out, Uncle Zhang looked at the half-open door and asked, "Are you sure you have taken care of the wound on Grandpa's leg?"

"Don't worry, I've always been careful, but the bandage was scary. I've already cleaned up the wound inside."

Hearing the doctor's words, Uncle Zhang nodded and led him out of the Huaishui courtyard together, hoping that this way Lord Hou could bring the beauty home as soon as possible.

Shen Zhiyi sat on Jiang Huaice's bedside, looked at him with her chin propped up, she didn't know where Uncle Zhang went to get the medicine, and she didn't return for half an hour, she blinked, and then saw his eyelashes quivering slightly.

"Jiang Huaize?"

There was a familiar voice next to his ear, calling him softly, he stretched out his hand, and touched a piece of smooth material, then opened his eyes, and the lotus face of the little girl came into view.

"You're awake, I'll call the doctor."

"No need."

He grabbed the corner of her clothes with his hand, and said in a hoarse voice, if this poison is placed on someone else, it may indeed be life-threatening, but he will not, since he was young, he has suffered injuries, eaten Poison, already countless.

Even when they were talking just now, he could vaguely hear their conversation, and Shen Zhiyi's concerned tone made him a little bit unbelievable. He couldn't care less about the pain in his body at this time, and he just wanted to spend more time with her. Say something.

Jiang Huaice was afraid that if he missed this time, he might never have the chance to be alone with her like this in the future.

"It's better to call the government doctor over for your injury."

"Zhizhi, if you don't want to answer, and if I'm in the carriage, it's all, it's nonsense."

He closed his eyes, feeling uneasy, a man who had never been afraid of anything, was actually cautious in every word he said and everything he did in front of her.

"Which sentence did you say? Master Hou said too much, I don't know which sentence you are referring to."

The girl sat on the bed again, looked at him and said: "If what you said is the last sentence, I don't know how to give you an answer. If you mean the previous sentence, I think, maybe I can try to believe it."

"My heart is also in a mess. Even if I say ten thousand times, I don't like you anymore, but I still can't let you go."

Shen Zhiyi's words came slowly, and when she heard the sentence I still can't let you go, Jiang Huaice suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her, Shen Zhiyi smiled lightly and said, "Surprised? I can't believe it either."

When she was first reborn, she was in constant fear, as long as she closed her eyes, it would be a matter of her previous life, and she was even more afraid that all this was just a dream, and she would be in the underworld when she woke up.

When she saw Jiang Huaice, she really hated him and wanted to kill him, but she couldn't, she didn't have martial arts, she couldn't get close to him, and she would bring disaster to the Shen family.

So she didn't have a good face towards him, and later she knew that he was also a reborn person, and when she heard him express his strong love for her, at that moment, she admitted that she panicked.

That was the person she loved with all sincerity, who told her longing and love over and over again, but she was so scared that she had nowhere to escape.

The once unattainable person would half-kneel in front of her and ask her if she could give him her love again.

With the development of the matter to the present point, she also knows that there are some things that have nothing to do with Jiang Huaice, and he is also responsible for the person behind the scenes.

"There are some things that I may not be able to tell you right now, but I will answer you truthfully whatever you ask today."

Jiang Huaice's eyes softened, and he raised his eyes to look at her, but he seemed to be able to withstand all wind, frost, rain and snow. He said that he would no longer keep her out of those killings and dangers, because she was also a person who could hold a blade like him.

Today, I will tell her everything she wants to know and care about, in exchange for a reason to continue to stay by her side.

"The Shen family, why were you implicated?"

Shen Zhiyi met his gaze, and asked this sentence word by word. This was something that had been bothering her all the time. She died early, and before she had time to think about many things, she had no chance.

But Jiang Huaice was different, maybe after she died, he found out something different?
The man propped himself up and sat up, shaking his head lightly at her: "The specific reason is unknown, but the current clues may have something to do with the struggle for succession."

Shen Zhiyi's eyes widened slightly when he heard the words of the battle for the heir apparent, this matter was no secret in Dayong, after all, the battle for the heir apparent caused Dayong to fall into chaos for several years.

The casualties were terrible, and no one thought that the most inconspicuous prince in the royal family would eventually sit in his current position, the throne of emperor above ten thousand people.

"How could it be? How long has it been since that incident? How could the Shen family have anything to do with the struggle for the heir apparent?"

She couldn't believe it, but she trusted Jiang Huaice's words in her heart. He shouldn't have to use this matter to lie to herself. Therefore, how did the Shen family and the struggle for the heir apparent connect in series? .

"I don't know, I'm investigating, Zhizhi, you are very smart, but you are too eager, these things are too dangerous, if you want to know in the future, you can ask me, I will not hide it from you again."

Jiang Huaice knew that the fate of the Shen family in the previous life was what Shen Zhiyi cared most about. He was worried that she would ignore the Shen family's affairs and put himself in danger again.

"I have a sense of propriety. I live a new life. Many things have changed. Therefore, the fate of the Shen family will also change."

She will definitely find out who is behind the scenes and avenge the Shen family.

The man felt a little helpless, knowing that she had always been like this, he pointed his finger forward, touched her lightly and said, "Do you know about Yanyulou?"

Seeing his movements, Shen Zhiyi's ears were tinged with a red glow, and she put her hands to her side. She heard that the man said that Yanyulou should be a very important place.

"I heard from those people today that the Misty Rain Building is in your hands."

"Yes, it is an intelligence organization with a large scale, and the secrets of all countries can be detected, as long as you can pay the reward that Yanyu Building wants."

He just destroyed a stronghold in Yanyu Building, and it took a lot of time. Today, this person came to Huaijing and kidnapped Zhizhi, just as a warning.

Some people were caught from the Yanyu Building, and some information was obtained under pressure. They said that the real owner of the Yanyu Building had never shown up, and others called him Young Master H (su four times).

Young Master Xuan never appeared in front of outsiders, and occasionally came to Yanyu Tower wearing black clothes, either wearing a cloak or covering his head with a fence, like a daughter's house, tightly covered.

Holding a black cat in his arms all the year round, it looks quite strange, everyone in the Yanyu building is afraid of him, because he is moody and always kills based on his mood.

After Jiang Huaice's voice fell, Shen Zhiyi frowned slightly and said, "It's just a stronghold, how can they let them ignore it like this, the purpose of the young master you mentioned is not in Yanyu Tower, but in you."

"It's a warning. From this, it can be judged that the mastermind behind this scene is probably Young Master Yan. However, we are in the open, and he is in the dark. This person has no way to attack, but he is an extremely difficult person to deal with."

Shen Zhiyi's hands clenched his clothes unconsciously, who is this young master, who wants to start this bloody storm?
 H: four tones of su
  1. Defective jade. 2. Workers who carve jade. 3. Surname

(End of this chapter)

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