Her Majesty the Queen is a god in the entertainment industry

Chapter 433 I am sister Xixi’s true fan

Qian Yisheng opened the door and looked at the large and small children plus a suitcase at the door. He sighed and took the little niece over, "Now we are really like brothers and sisters."

Single, raising one child.

Fortunately, the person beside her is grown up and sensible, so she doesn't need to worry too much.

Qian Yisheng brought the suitcase in.

"The house near the hospital will expire in about half a month. I want to renovate it later. I'm afraid I will have to stay with you during this period."

Qian Yisheng put her little niece on the sofa next to her eldest niece, straightened up and patted her second brother on the shoulder, "Stay wherever you want."

After asking the eldest niece to watch the younger niece, the brother and sister went to the tidy bedroom.

Qian Yisheng watched his second brother who was single again unpacking his suitcase and packing his luggage skillfully, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's a bit surprising that my former second sister-in-law would sign the divorce agreement so quickly. I didn't expect it. I thought your divorce was a bit of a stretch."

"I expressed my attitude, and she knew in her heart that after this incident, the two of us would definitely not be able to go back to the past. In addition, I had gone through a clear path with the old man, and I had made concessions in the division of property. If we continue to pull this apart, it would only be in vain. It’s better to end the resentment as soon as possible.”

Qian Yisheng nodded after hearing this, "That's the reason. I used to think that my former second sister-in-law was a bit overbearing. Who would have thought that she would do things so crazy. Even if we divorce, she can even plot against her family. This kind of person is too It’s terrible, our Qian family can’t surrender.”

Qian Yisheng glared at her, "Talking people like monsters, go out and play, I don't need your help."

"I want to comfort you a few more words."


"Then I'm out."

When Qian Yisheng packed his luggage and came out, he saw his sister, niece and daughter sitting in rows on the sofa, looking at the TV screen seriously.

He walked over and took a look at the program the three of them were watching.

I saw a somewhat familiar face.

"This is Jiang Lingxi?"

Qian Yisheng turned around and waved to him, "Today Yaya and Miss Jiang went to the National Taiwan to record the "Heritage of Calligraphy and Painting" to be broadcast. Otherwise, I would have sent this girl back to study. The second brother sat down. Want to watch it together?"

Qian Yisheng walked around to the front of the sofa, picked up his daughter, who was also watching carefully, sat down and looked at the TV screen.

When the screen was cut to Jiang Lingxi.

Qian Yaya: "Sister Xixi is indeed the most eye-catching one among the group."

Qian Yiheng: "My temperament is also outstanding, and this outfit is also very nice."

Qian Yaya: "I remember that I changed into three sets of clothes during the three days of recording, and each set looked very nice."

Qian Yisheng: "The style of this dress is a bit familiar to me, but I can't remember which brand it is. Alas, I am really old! But it doesn't stop me from chasing stars, hehe."


Qian Yisheng felt a little complicated as he listened to the two people's endless discussion.

Who would have thought that such a big star who shines so brightly on the screen can be so fierce and domineering in private.

He still can't imagine how such a person could make his ex-wife extremely embarrassed by using only a mobile phone to remotely control her.

"There are actually people who question Sister Xixi being selected for the recording of "Heritage of Calligraphy and Painting". Sister Xixi can obviously beat us all, okay? Why does no one question Jing Huai, who is also a star? He is the one A piece of rat shit, okay?"

The angry voice of his eldest niece brought him back to his thoughts.

Turning around, he saw two people next to him holding a mobile phone, frowning while looking at the screen.

"Why are you angry? The show has just started, and those who question it will be slapped in the face when they see it."

After all, Qian Yiheng also looked unhappy, "Could these be Miss Jiang's fans? They came out and made such nonsense right after the show started airing."

Qian Yaya paused: "Sister Xixi seems to have quite a lot of negative fans."

Can she say that before this show was recorded, her impression of Sister Xixi was not very good because of the influence of these anti-fans on the Internet.

At that time, she still liked Jing Huai.

Only after she actually got in contact with them did she truly feel that the charm of some people was really irresistible.But some people are just the opposite. After being exposed to it, they die in the face of light.

"These anti-fans should really meet the real Sister Xixi. They will definitely regret the comments they made online!"

Qian Yisheng looked at her eldest niece: "Yaya likes Miss Jiang very much?"

Qian Yaya nodded without thinking, "Of course, I am sister Xixi's true fan. I am also a CP fan of sister Xixi and Mr. Shen."


"It means a couple, a couple. Uncle, Mr. Shen is also on this show."

Qian Yisheng immediately thought of the 'that person' he had mentioned inadvertently from his ex-wife and ex-mother-in-law. The two of them had let it slip once and seemed to have talked about Mr. Shen once.

At that time, he speculated that the table knife that pierced the palm of his ex-wife's hand seemed to have been thrown by Mr. Shen.

But after scanning the male guests on TV, I asked, "Who is Mr. Shen?"

"It hasn't come out yet. Mr. Shen is one of the commentators this time. He was behind the scenes for the first two days and only shared the stage with the guests on the second day."

"Then we won't be able to see it today?"

"You should be able to see it." Qian Yaya herself was not sure, mainly because she didn't know how the show was edited. "Uncle, please wait patiently. But why are you suddenly curious that Mr. Shen is here?"

"I want to see what kind of person he is."

He can pierce his ex-wife's palm with a table knife.

After doing this, I can still escape unscathed in front of my ex-mother-in-law and the old man.

But after hearing what he said, Qian Yaya had something to say.

"Uncle, you can ask me. I also talked to Mr. Shen. Isn't there a word called a gentleman as a jade? I have never been able to find anyone who can match this word. Until I met Mr. Shen, I felt that this word was simply It’s tailor-made for him.”

"A gentleman is like jade?"

Seeing her eldest niece nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, Qian Yisheng couldn't help but laugh.

How can a gentleman like jade pierce someone's palm with a table knife?

He really couldn't imagine it.

Until he was suddenly patted on the arm a few times, "Come out, come out!"

Qian Yisheng squeezed her daughter's little hand and looked up at the TV.

At this sight, he was startled.

"It's him!"

"Uncle, have you met Mr. Shen?"

Qian Yisheng hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "It's a fate."

Memories that can be considered distant come back like a tide.

At that time, he was still an intern doctor who had just graduated from college. Because of his good performance, he was specially allowed to observe a large-scale operation involving multi-expert consultation.

The face wearing a respirator and being pushed out of the operating room is difficult to remove from memory after just one glance.

Although the other party was transferred to another hospital and left soon after the situation was restored, within those few days, the special care unit was almost overwhelmed by all kinds of people who came to visit, which was like a scene in a hospital.

He still remembered the day the other party was discharged from the hospital. Even though he was sitting in a wheelchair, the way he lowered his eyes and said thank you still looked like a beautiful picture engraved for thousands of years.

The two faces slowly overlapped in his mind. He originally thought that he would never have any interactions with such a person who was not from the same world as him, but he didn't expect...

My eldest niece's curious voice sounded in my ears: "When did you see me?"

"It's been several years."

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