Chapter 354 Suicide 1
He Ma, "It's not that you don't know what's going on with my family. It would be nice if you can pay your hospital deposit. You still need treatment. The doctor said you have to pay a deposit of at least 500 yuan, or you will stop treatment. , what do you think you are doing now?"

An Yue naturally didn't know what to do. At this moment, her heart was full of blackness, and she suddenly felt that life was meaningless.

And in the time and space they couldn't see, a cloud of black air was surrounding An Yue, but they couldn't see it with naked eyes.

As for Liu Jiaxing, who was sitting on another hospital bed, there was already a lot of black energy on his body, which was about to overwhelm him.

above the sky.

A strange smiling face appeared, it was the grudge.

People who didn't think of this plane are really interesting. The so-called human emotions and desires are their fatal weakness.

It has gathered powerful strength by absorbing resentment.Looking at the seal above the sky, as long as she gathers all her strength, she can break through the sky and leave this place.

At that time, she would be unstoppable, even a high-level god would have the power to fight, maybe she could cultivate to become a god, and then achieve immortality.

The door was pushed open and a man came in, holding a can of fruit in his left hand and biscuits in his right.


"Dapeng!" An Yue looked at her concubine and shouted.

Yue Dapeng's heart ached when he saw the woman's injured arm. It was because of his ugly appearance and poor family conditions that he became a bachelor without knowing it.

He has also earned some money in the past few years, but because he is too old, no one wants to marry him.

I met An Yue when I was picking firewood on the mountain. The woman spoke softly.

After he tasted the taste of a woman, he couldn't stop. Even if he knew that there were men and children, he still wanted to be the third party who couldn't see the light.

In order to appease the man, he used his savings to buy meat, so their relationship became much better.

Just didn't expect such a big thing to happen.

It was only when someone told him specifically that he knew An Yue had been hacked and rushed to the hospital with his savings.

He suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, that man must have gone in, and whether he could monopolize An Yue, it seemed pretty good.

He Ma looked at the man in front of him who was older than himself, he could be called an old and ugly man, and his sister got mixed up with such a man.

And there is his seed in the stomach, I really can't bear to look directly at it.

"You two talk! Let's go outside!" After speaking, he winked at his daughter-in-law.

Gao Lan didn't want to go out that much, but was dragged out by the man.

An Yue, "Look at my hand being cut by him, I don't know why he cut it so hard, it was fine before, but I drank a little wine that day.

And I have your child in my stomach! "After speaking, I squeezed out a few tears on purpose.

When Yue Dapeng heard that there was a child, his heart trembled with excitement, and he didn't know what to do.

"Is there really my child? Is there really?"

"Of course it's yours. I don't have the same room as him. His place has been destroyed. It's just a waste!" An Yue took the man's hand with her left hand and stroked her stomach, "The child is in here. Born in a few months!"

Yue Dapeng thought that he had finally become a father, maybe there was still a son in his belly, and he was floating all over, wishing he could hug the woman.Looking at her injured right arm,
"I'm sorry, I made you wronged, and I will take care of you and the child in the future."

An Yue saw that the man had already taken the bait, so she hurriedly said, "Now I need a lot of money for treatment. I heard from my brother that it costs 500 yuan. Do you have money?"

"That's a lot of money!" Yue Dapeng took out his savings from his pocket, which was stored in a rag bag. After opening layers, all his money was inside.

"There are more than 200 yuan in it, which is my savings!"

"That's not enough!" An Yue was a little disappointed, she thought the old bachelor was rich, but it turned out that it was just such a small amount of three melons and two dates.

Thinking that the deposit would cost 500 yuan, she might not be able to keep her arm.Secretly regretting again in her heart, if she knew that those things would not have happened, maybe she is still fine now.

The resentment towards the voice of the man in front of her is just the kind of wishing for him to die for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he shook his head again, how could he have such an idea?It's really terrible, to actually want the other party to die.

Yue Dapeng, "I still have a few pieces of leather at home, I'll take them out and sell them, and then I'll make them up again and find someone to borrow them.

Maybe I can get the money together, but in that way, all my money will be taken out, but I won't be able to give you a decent life.But I will work hard, you must give birth to this child, this child is my life! "

An Yue heard that he could pool the money, and her dark mood gradually eased, "Okay, as long as the money is pooled, the child will definitely be able to keep it. If my arm is disabled, my body will definitely recover, and the child will definitely not be able to keep it." live."

Yue Dapeng thought the same way in his heart, betting his life savings, it would be nice to be able to keep his wife and children warm.

For a while, when the two fell in love, they almost kissed each other.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Jiaxing was very disgusted, and then thought of what happened before, the horror and panic made him look towards the window involuntarily.

At this moment, there was a plop, the sound of something falling from above?

They all couldn't help but look at the window, it was a bit loud.

Immediately afterwards, someone shouted, "Someone jumped off the building and killed him!"

This scared him a lot, someone jumped off the building in the hospital, that must be a big deal!

If it wasn't for An Yue's inconvenient arm, she would have gone down a long time ago to see what's going on?

Yue Dapeng stood at the window and looked downstairs. At this moment, he felt a gust of wind blowing by, and another person fell to the ground with a bang.

The distance between the two is about the same, that is, about two meters. Because the sky is dark, I can only see a black piece flowing out of the body.

Needless to say, it was blood.

"I'm going, why did two people jump?"

An Yue became anxious, "Did someone kill someone upstairs? Go and lock the door!"

Yue Dapeng did as soon as he heard this, and just as he reached the door, the door was pushed open vigorously.

Homer and Gao Lan came in from the outside.

"Brother, what's going on? Why did someone jump off the building?" An Yue asked.

He Ma, "It seems that the woman didn't have money for treatment, and then the couple danced together? It sounds like this is the case. Someone has already dealt with it. Let's stay in the house and don't go out."

Gao Lan, "It's so difficult for people to live these days, but some people are trying to kill them. What do you think!"

 Thank you for your support, everyone, good night and sweet dreams!

(End of this chapter)

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