As the train stops at more and more stations, everyone has bought food that they can eat, and the price of food in the dining car has dropped.

The sudden landslide made them realize how insignificant human beings are, and even those who are usually reluctant to eat have to eat a full stomach in the car and go home.

Tao Mina also went all out and bought a lot of buns. The big beef stuffed buns were very delicious. She ate three of them in one go, and a few students were also very good at eating them. In a blink of an eye, a dozen big buns were dried up.

Liu Xiaoyun just ate a bun and stopped eating. He closed his eyes and didn't know what to think about. Following the shaking of the train, he seemed to fall asleep.

Tao Mina felt that she had something on her mind, so she didn't bother, anyway, as long as a few students were doing well.

The reason why Liu Xiaoyun closed his eyes was because he felt sick, as long as he opened his eyes, he would feel like vomiting, and this feeling lasted all the way.

At the moment when I got off the train, I finally broke out, ran into the grass and vomited, and vomited out all the things inside, and then I felt that I had come back to life a little bit.

But when she turned her head and saw the man, and gestured to her, she trembled in fright.

Ma Xinsheng didn't expect to get off at the same station as he was so destined to be with this little teacher, he thought it was really interesting.

Could it be that this is the fate that God gave them?

Tao Mina went to the platform to get some water, and brought it over for Liu Xiaoyun to rinse her mouth.

"What's wrong with you? Motion sickness?"

"It's okay." Liu Xiaoyun's hand holding the cup was trembling at the moment, she was worried that the man would cling to her.

Fortunately, that person has already left, maybe she thought too much, drank the rest of the water, and felt that her stomach was not so uncomfortable.

Reverting to his previous high-cold appearance, he gave the cup to Tao Mina,
"Go back!"

Tao Mina returned the cup in a desperate manner.

Lin Qiaoqiao and Qin Fang had already taken their two children out of the train station at this time, because it was late at night, there must be no car to go back.So they lay in the guest house next to the train station for a few hours, and could only wait for the morning to find a car to take back to the village.

Tao Mina and Liu Xiaoyun took a few children in the waiting room of the railway station and rested for a few hours. The cost of the journey was almost enough. If they wanted to live in a guest house, they had to pay for it themselves.

So I can only take the students to stay in the waiting room, just for a few hours, and they can stay in the waiting room to rest on the train, which is a piece of cake for them.

Without seeing Lin Qiaoqiao and the others, he knew that they must have gone to the guest house.

Liu Xiaoyun didn't bluff and swear like before, because now she just wants to take a bath, and feels that she is so dirty, from the inside to the outside!

Tao Mina was a little tired and fell asleep leaning on the chair.

At this moment, Liu Xiaoyun blamed all the resentment on Tao Mina. If she could help, maybe that incident would not have happened.

What good sister?good friend?It's all bullshit.


When Lin Qiaoqiao got up to fetch water and brushed her teeth in the morning, she saw the people living in the next compartment. It was obvious that they lived in a guest house.

Gu Ye, "What a coincidence!"

Lin Qiaoqiao nodded slightly at them, but did not speak.

Wen Yuanyuan felt that the woman in front of her was a vixen, which made Gu Ye, who was usually not talkative, talk, and snorted coldly, instead of being so noisy as before, she just left without brushing her teeth.

Seeing this, Cao Jianjun had no choice but to follow.

Lin Qiaoqiao went back to the house to see that Qin Fang had packed up almost everything, and put the toothbrush box in his bag.

"It's a coincidence that I saw those young people living in the guest house!"

"Which people?" Qin Fang asked.

Lin Qiaoqiao, "It's those who live in the next compartment."

Qin Fang nodded, "That's a coincidence, I'm going out to find a car, and you guys are waiting for me inside!"

Lin Qiaoqiao sat back on the bed, "Go find a car!"

Qin Fang then went out to find a car and buy breakfast by the way.

Song Jianshe took his things into the house after washing.
"This road, thanks to your care, if I take Qin Ling to the provincial capital to take the exam alone, I won't necessarily suffer a lot on the road behind!"

Lin Qiaoqiao, "Who would have thought that there would be a landslide, but fortunately we all survived, there was no danger, nothing happened, just hungry."

Song Jianshe was very grateful to Lin Qiaoqiao and Qin Fang, and was willing to accept him as one of his own.

The only thing he can repay is to educate Qin Ling well so that he can go further on the road of learning.

Qin Fang came back not long after, with a paper bag in his hand, which contained a big bag just out of the pan, and asked them to take the buns after entering the house.

"Hurry up and eat. The car is outside. I told the driver, we will set off in 10 minutes!"

After hearing this, they hurriedly ate breakfast. The freshly baked buns were hot and hot, but they were very fragrant.

Then drink some water, and this breakfast is settled.

They came outside, put their luggage in the back of the car, and then went up one by one.

Qin Fang waited for them all to board before getting into the car.

The bumps along the way, although the body is uncomfortable, but the heart is like an arrow.

It didn't take long to arrive at the entrance of the village. They got out of the car and saw the familiar scene, and their hearts couldn't help but feel at ease.

After getting off the car, Song Jianshe told them, "I came back a few days late, I don't know how anxious they are."

Qin Fang, "It's noon now, come back with us for a meal."

Lin Qiaoqiao, "That's right! You can go back with us!"

Song Jianshe knew that they had good intentions, but how could he keep taking advantage of others? Thanks to their care, he had already reached the entrance of the village. He really didn't want to owe any more favors, so he said,
"No, no, I'm going back, see you tomorrow!"

They just looked at Song Jianshe and walked towards the school with their bags.

With a thin body and a slightly hunched back, this man dedicated the first half of his life to school, which is really admirable.

All the way back to the village, they met many villagers, chatted and said hello after a meal.

I heard the news that the village has to press the poles, and it is estimated that the electricity will be connected in two months.

This is good news for them. Only those who have experienced the days without electricity can understand.

After returning home, the luggage was thrown on the ground, and the four of them sat on the kang, first sighed heavily, then looked at each other and smiled, and lay down on the kang together.

They were finally home.

I'm back on my own territory, what do I want to do?You can eat whatever you want.

At this moment, Lin Qiaoqiao thought of the rabbits placed in the space. He was busy these days and didn't look at the space. Looking at the good guy, there were only a dozen rabbits in it, but now there are hundreds of them.

And they are still breeding and multiplying. They regard the lawn outside the land as their own domain, and live well there.

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