Chapter 152 is just one opportunity away.

"Qin Fang, do you mean that the bracelet absorbed Luohong at that time?" Lin Qiaoqiao looked at the bracelet on her wrist, feeling a little uncomfortable all over her body.
"This is too evil, if it's not impossible to take it off, I will take it off no matter what!"

At this time, Qin Fang had already spread the quilt on the kang, and seeing that she was still looking at the bracelet, he put her on the kang with both hands, and even took off her shoes.

"Since you can't get rid of it, then treat it as if it doesn't exist. Maybe this bracelet is just a chance to reopen."

Lin Qiaoqiao immediately thought of the novels she had read. Could it be that she didn't have enough blood?

Thinking of stopping Qin Fang's imminent hand here,

"I suddenly have a bold guess, that is to feed blood to the bracelet, what do you think can be done?"

Qin Fang frowned, "I seem to have heard of this method, but it is also dangerous. We don't know how much blood it can absorb."

Lin Qiaoqiao wondered, how much blood can a small broken bracelet absorb?

"Let's try it! Shall we?"

Qin Fang knew that he couldn't be persuaded, so he could only do what he wanted, so he went to the ground to find a knife.

At the moment when she saw the knife, Lin Qiaoqiao thought of her own pain, what should I say about this feeling?

I was afraid of the pain and wanted to bleed.

"What should I do if I'm afraid of pain?" Lin Qiaoqiao panicked at the thought of pain.

Qin Fang quickly put the knife away again, "Then don't try it, if you can't open it, wouldn't it be bleeding for nothing?" It looks like a calendar, wouldn't it also bleed when you suddenly thought of a woman?
"Is your aunt coming soon?"

Lin Qiaoqiao's eyes lit up instantly, "That's right! Maybe my aunt's blood can also be absorbed, and then I won't need sanitary napkins!"

At this time, Qin Fang thought that a woman's menstrual period can't do that, that is to say, if she misses tonight, she will have to wait for a while, so she blows out the candle directly.

Immediately afterwards, the person was pushed down, and then the adult pulling began.

Lin Qiaoqiao felt that since she couldn't resist, she could only accept it, and it was quite comfortable. . . .

When I woke up in the morning, the sky was already bright, and Qin Fang was no longer around. When did this guy get up and leave?
I sat up and looked at the bracelet. It seemed to be the same as yesterday, and it seemed to be similar to what they guessed.

Open the curtains completely, then fold the quilt before putting on your shoes.

When I came to the outhouse and saw the lid on the pot, I knew there must be breakfast in it.

Push open the door and go out to see two babies are busy.

There was no carriage or bicycle in the yard anymore, Qin Fang should have gone to work.

I have to say that I really admire the boss. According to the description in the book, he will be a billionaire in the business world in the future, and now he can go to work by bicycle every day to make a living.

This mentality is unacceptable.

Suddenly at this moment, I realized that this guy lived to be 85 years old in his previous life, so he is an out-and-out old cow eating tender grass.

Seeing his sister-in-law finally got up, Qin Ling closed the cage and ran over, "Sister-in-law, my brother said he went to work first, so let's not call you!"

Lin Qiaoqiao looked at their hands in a special way,
"Hurry up and wash your hands, why are you so messed up!"

It was only then that Qin Ling noticed that his hands were a bit dirty, so he hurriedly took his sister to wash their hands, and beat them with soap several times before washing them clean.

At this moment, Lin Qiaoqiao thought that today is Friday, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be the weekend. Qinling goes to school on Monday, so she asked him with a smile,

"Xiaoling, where do you want to go this weekend? I will start school the day after tomorrow."

Qin Ling was overjoyed, "Can I still go out to play?"

Lin Qiaoqiao touched his head and found that his hair was a bit long,
"Of course you can go out to play, but your hair has grown, so I'll shave it for you?"

Qin Ling also touched his hair casually, it was indeed a bit long, and he was not used to it.
"Success, shave my head after you finish eating!"

Lin Qiaoqiao was thinking about buying some cotton, cloth, and candy, and planned to exchange the sugar for some duck down or goose down in several nearby villages.

In addition to making quilts, she also wants to try making down jackets.

At this time, I am envious of those who have space. They bring so many things and don’t need to do it by themselves. It’s not like her, Haha, who has to worry about everything.Looking down at the bracelet on his wrist, what opportunity is missing?

Is it really necessary to feed blood?
I don't want to think about it anymore, but find out the toothbrush, wash my face and brush my teeth and then have breakfast.

After having to talk, Qin Fang will be more considerate than before.I don't know how he fried the egg, it looks a bit like a heart shape.

Fried eggs, rice porridge, and homemade pickles are delicious.

After eating, they shaved Qin Ling's head, and they sat on wooden stools and shaved in the courtyard.

Just after shaving for a while, I saw someone coming at the door.

It was none other than Li Xiaoyan who was still holding Tang Dashan in her arms.

Qin Chuchu ran to open the door and let them in.

Cao Dashan laughed happily, and the sound of rattling was endless.

At this time, the child's smile is very innocent.

Li Xiaoyan walked towards them with her hands freed. She didn't see clearly just now, so she confirmed it.
"Wow, you can still shave people's heads! Then you will shave my Dashan's head? His hair grows really badly. When it grows, I will cut it with scissors!"

"No problem, Dashan is honest, I'll shave his head!" Lin Qiaoqiao then continued to work.

The process of shaving someone's head is actually quite enjoyable and very stress-relieving.

Qin Ling sat obediently without moving, very cooperative.

Li Xiaoyan went to the rabbit cage to tease the rabbits, then came back and told them,

"Dashan, asked me where the rabbits are today! I couldn't explain it to him, so I brought him here.

The two rabbits at home have also grown quite big. It seems that I saw them doing something shameful this morning. Is there a little rabbit in my house soon? "

Lin Qiaoqiao smiled, "Rabbits have one litter a month, and they are very productive. As long as you don't separate them and raise them well, your family can have several litters of rabbits this winter. You can eat whatever you want, and you can exchange them for money." Very good! But rabbits can eat it. If there is not much grass in the house, you have to feed it with Chinese cabbage leaves and radishes.

If you don't want to raise too many, separate them in advance and don't let them give birth. "

Li Xiaoyan, "It turns out that it can still be raised like this. I have to write it down so I can't forget it."

After Lin Qiaoqiao confirmed that Qin Ling's head was shaved clean, he let him get up.
"Xiao Ling, go and wash your hair, and then change your clothes, otherwise there will be hair scum all over it."

Qin Ling nodded, and then patted his head, he likes to shave his head and feels comfortable.

It is unknown why Cao Dashan was put on the stool.

In order to make him calm down, Lin Qiaoqiao went to the house to get a few pieces of candy, first let the child eat one piece, and then let him hold the remaining two pieces in his hand, which really diverted his attention.

(End of this chapter)

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