Chapter 106 Speculation
Cheng Yi closed the door, turned around and said to Zhang Pingyang who was still undressing,
"Why do I feel that the treatment here is too good, not a good thing?"

Zhang Pingyang hung his clothes on the pegboard on the wall, "What's wrong? The treatment is too good, is it a bad thing?"

Cheng Yi, "The house we live in is obviously better than the house the factory manager lives in, because that house is bigger.

It is more convenient for them to live, so they did not live in our way.I went to see it just now, and everything in the kitchen was new, and it was spotlessly cleaned, obviously cleaned up on purpose.

What do you think they want to do? Do they want to use these sugar-coated shells to incubate our factory director and recruit people here to become factory directors? "

Zhang Pingyang walked over and slapped him on the head, "What do you think, this Hongqi steel mill is not a little bit bigger than ours, with 6000 to [-] workers alone, making it the largest steel mill in the country.

It may continue to expand in the future, because there are ores nearby, and the raw materials are endless, which is incomparable with ours.

We need to import raw materials, and the machines have begun to age. It would be good if the factory can last for another 10 or 8 years.By then we will be in our 30s, maybe we will be laid off! "

Thinking of the future, Cheng Yi was not angry at being beaten, but put his shoulders on him, "When do you think our life will be better?
I hope that I can eat rice, white noodles, eggs, and meat every day. I want to eat a lot of meat! "

Zhang Pingyang was a little embarrassed to be hugged, and quickly broke free a few times before throwing his arm away.

"This of yours is a dream, maybe it can come true in your dream!"

Cheng Yi, "Then I'm going to sleep and dream, and eat a big meal in my dream!"

Zhang Pingyang shook his head helplessly. The two of them have completely different personalities. They don't know how they have been friends for such a long time. Anyway, they have never quarreled. After a long time, they are closer than brothers.

Lin Qiaoqiao tidied up the bed briefly, and found that the bedding was new, and even the sheets were rattling new. The pillows didn't smell bad, so no one had slept on them.

Curiosity forced her to open the cabinet, and saw that there was a spare set of bedding, sheets and pillowcases, and the cabinet was half empty for clothes.

How to say this feeling?That is, everything has been arranged, and you can move in with your bags.

When Qin Fang went to the toilet, he found that there was a large iron bucket on the wall where he could take a shower, and there was a shower head hanging under it, so he went to the kitchen.

I opened the cabinet and found a kettle, and a large steamer next to it, all new.

He took out the kettle to fill up the water, and then put it on the stove. There was a match in the cabinet, and he took it out to light it, and then pressed the gas switch, and the flame came out in an instant.

The kitchen windows are slightly open to dissipate heat.

Lin Qiaoqiao was about to go to the bathroom when she heard a sound from the kitchen and saw Qin Fang boiling water.
"Why is the water boiling? Do you want to soak your feet?"

Qin Fang turned around, "The toilet can take a shower, do you want to take a shower later?"

When Lin Qiaoqiao heard that she could take a bath, she hurried to the toilet to have a look. When she saw the shower and the big iron bucket, she knew it was a simple bathing equipment.

After boiling the water, mix it with cold water, and then pour the water into the iron bucket to take a bath.

At that time, there were no water heaters in China, and it would take another seven or eight years to become popular.Such a big bucket is enough for one person to take a bath, and I feel very itchy all over my body instantly.

The weather has turned cold recently and I haven't showered for nearly half a month.

Go back to the kitchen and say to Qin Fang, "Boil some more water, I'll wash them first. Fortunately, I brought enough shampoo and a change of clothes to wash them well."

Qin Fang, "I'll call you when the water is ready."

Lin Qiaoqiao wanted to say more, but her stomach began to protest, so she could only go to the toilet to get a tuba.I have to say that the buildings are still comfortable to live in, and the toilets are much cleaner than those in rural areas.

I think the first difficulty she had to pass was to go to the rural toilet. You must know that when you lower your head, you can see many small lives.

At that time, she almost vomited, but she couldn't hold it anymore, and gradually accepted the rural toilet.

For this reason, after Qin Fang came back, he deliberately asked him to dig out the feces in the toilet tank, so that those little lives were reduced a lot.

After going to the toilet, the water was already boiled, so she led her younger sister out to take a bath when she went back to the house.

After using half of the water, the remaining water is just enough for Qinling to wash.

The child knew the difference between men and women and closed the door.

Lin Qiaoqiao and Qin Fang looked at each other and smiled, and then the feeling became different, a little bit drawn, his upper body was wearing a big vest, and his muscles were sharp and angular.

This figure is absolutely perfect.

Not daring to look any more, he hurried back to the house, saw clearly that Qin Chuchu had changed his clothes, found a clean towel from his bag, wiped the child's hair, and then wrapped it with a dry towel.

"Chuchu, I have to wait until my hair is dry before going to bed tonight, or I will have a terrible headache tomorrow morning."

"Understood sister-in-law, besides, I don't want to sleep now. I slept in the car for a long time, and I feel that I can't sleep tonight!" Qin Chuchu walked up and down the bed happily after speaking, because she felt that the bed was so soft.

"This place is so beautiful, so clean, and this bed is so soft!" Then I started to jump up, feeling that it was very fun to jump so high and so high.

"If the earth kang at home is covered with quilts, it will be very soft." Lin Qiaoqiao went to the window and drew the curtains. The room was very bright with the lights on.

It is said that there are no electric lights in the countryside, and I don’t know how I survived. I have adapted to life in the countryside unconsciously.

Qin Chuchu sat down and saw something strange on the cabinet, so she got off the bed, put on her shoes, ran to the cabinet, pointed at the thing and asked her sister-in-law,
"What is this?"

Lin Qiaoqiao only noticed the radio at this time, half of the users covered it, if her sister hadn't asked, she wouldn't have known.

Walking over to lift the cloth on it, it was the first time she saw such an old antique radio.There was no way to start for a while.

Qin Fang entered the room and saw the radio walking over, turned on the switch, and then tuned a station, and the sound of music came from inside.

Qin Chuchu pointed to the box and said in surprise,
"What's that sound?"

"This is music." Qin Fang looked at the ignorant little girl, just such a small thing made her so happy.

Thinking of the mobile phones that will be popular decades later, they will replace almost everything, and people will become a low-headed group. Whether it is office work, communication, or even transfer and payment, they will all be done by mobile phones, and cash will not be popularized anymore.

It can only be said that it is an era and a change. If he hadn't experienced it, he would not know that the era is developing so fast.

This kind of old radio was eliminated when TV became popular.

Lin Qiaoqiao thought the radio was good and wanted to buy one before. Considering that the village is not connected to electricity, it is said that the construction team will be able to install the electric poles in the coming year, and then every household will be connected to electricity.

"This is a good thing. If there is electricity in the village in the future, we must get one."

(End of this chapter)

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