Da Suining

Chapter 130 Prescription

Chapter 130 Prescription
The Min'an Hall in the city.

Adjacent to the alley where Liuyunfang is located, there is a three-room pharmacy.

This pharmacy queues up numbers to see a doctor every day, one hundred numbers a day.

Three years ago, the princes and aristocrats in the city and several big households united to give a sum of money every year as the expenses of the Min'an Hall, and the cost of traditional Chinese medicine and the doctor's sitting fee were also paid from this money.

Since the establishment of Min'an Tang, people who have any illnesses, poor families and unable to pay for medical fees can come here for consultation.

Lu Yu can be regarded as a doctor in this free clinic.

He said it was a free clinic, but he consciously didn't pay the fee for the consultation. He was young and just came here to practice.Second, unlike other doctors, he comes at a fixed time in the morning or afternoon, and he usually comes when the time is right.

For example, if Physician Lu is too strict, he may not be able to come to Min'an Hall once in ten days and half a month.

After all, he was more of a part-timer.

When we arrived at Min'an Hall, if there were not enough doctors, Lu Yu would help to take the pulse, or go to the cabinet to grab medicine for others.

Recently, Imperial Physician Lu was busy with affairs in the palace, Guo Wei was beaten, and he still needed to prescribe a prescription, so Lu Yu was not so concerned.

Lu Yu then told Xiang Suining to ask her to come to Min'an Hall at Chenshi, and he wanted to feel her pulse.

After all, she was seriously ill and had to be observed for a few days to avoid recurrence.

At Chenshi, at this time, Min'an Hall was still distributing wooden sticks to the patients, and the doctors were still busy sorting out and summarizing yesterday's prescriptions. Lu Yu could show Xiang Suining first when he had time, so that she would not have to wait for a long time.

Xiang Suining came to Min'an Hall according to the appointment, according to what Lu Yu said, there are very few people who come to Min'an Hall to see a doctor at this hour.

But in fact, it's not.

At least Xiang Suining was deeply surprised when he arrived at Min'an Hall.

There is a long plaque at the entrance of Min'an Hall. From the front door to the back, there is also a special warehouse for storing medicinal materials.This scale is considered medium in Qingcheng.

There is a large flat stone slab at the entrance of Min'an Hall, and people who come to see a doctor stand here in two lines every day.

When Xiang Suining came, the two teams at the gate of Min'an Hall had already been dispersed, you squeezed me and I squeezed you, let alone six or seven teams, and even the steps at the gate of Min'an Hall were full of people sitting or standing. people.

As soon as the door panel of Min'an Hall was raised, it was crowded with people.Several doctors were squeezed so that they could not get into the pharmacy no matter what.

The doctor became anxious: "Our doctor hasn't entered yet, what's the use of you squeezing in, can't you feel your own pulse?"

The clerk of Min'an Hall held up the number plate in his hand and shouted: "Don't squeeze, don't panic, it's still the old rule, those who are seriously ill stand on the left, and those with mild symptoms stand on the right. There are [-] signs every day, everyone has a share, and everyone can see them." Go to the doctor."

It's okay if the buddy doesn't talk, but when he talks, the people at the door are even more crowded.

"There are only one hundred numbers a day. One hundred numbers are not enough. I think there are at least two hundred people at the door."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone became even more anxious.

"Someone fainted, someone fainted." Someone yelled, and sure enough, an old man in a gray shirt rolled down the steps.

The doctor wanted to go over to have a look, but he couldn't get his feet in. The staff of Min'an Tang leaned over to touch the old man's breath, rolled his eyelids, and couldn't help shouting: "No, he's passed out. The old man has passed out. , eyes turned white."

"Take it to the house, put it under the window to let him get some air first." The doctor explained.

Before the waiter could carry the old man into the pharmacy, another man in a blue robe fell backwards, hit the back of his head on the ground, bleeding out, and he didn't respond, lying on the cold stone slab Never move again.

The daylight was not strong, nor was it too hot, so it was not summer heat. Two people fell down one after another, and the patients who saw the doctor were even more panicked.

A six or seven-year-old child hugged his mother's waist, not even daring to open his eyes: "Mother, I'm scared, I'm scared, why can't they wake up when they shout?"

The child's mother stood there blankly, no matter how the child shook her, she did not respond.

Something warm dripped onto the child's head. The child thought it was raining, but didn't think it was, so he reached out and touched it. It was bright red blood, warm blood.

He raised his head and found that his mother's eyes and nose were bleeding. The blood looked like red earthworms, protruding from her eyes, mouth, and ears, and then flowed down her cheeks and onto her dress. , falling on the child's head and face.

The child looked at his mother in horror, trembling like a sieve, he trembled and wanted to say something, or call "Mother", but his teeth chattered, his throat tightened, and he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

The child's mother was not the first person to bleed. After a short while, seven or eight people squatted down staggeringly, or vomited blood, or trembled all over, or their faces were black, and what's more, they were dazed. Crazy again.

"Look, the tomatoes in this field grow really well. They are red and round. I can eat five of these tomatoes for a meal." A young man hugged the tree in front of Min'an Hall and stroked it, thinking that it was a tomato.

Another old man laughed at him: "Where are the tomatoes? It's obviously a beef stick bone. It's the first time I've seen such a thick beef stick bone. I guess it can cook three or four pots of soup?"

Another woman crawled down the steps, patted the door of Min'an Hall and cried, "Master Qingtian wants to avenge me. The daughter of the people is from the Hedong family. She is fifteen years old. My husband went to Beijing to catch up with the exam. Gui, I was worried, and I had no livelihood, so I brought my children to the city to look for him, but he took another house from a wealthy wife, and my sons have given birth to three. Afraid that I would cause trouble for him, he even sent someone to kill me, Unexpectedly, I didn't die, but my poor son died, he killed his own son, the official wants to make decisions for me."

An old woman wiped her tears and helped the woman stand up, "Aren't you mad with anger? This is not the yamen of the official, this is the Yan Luo Palace of the Lord of the Underworld. We are all dead, right? Otherwise, why are there so many people around?" The little devil took his life?"

"It turns out that my son was killed by him, and I died too. Then I can't take revenge? If I don't take revenge, I don't want to die, I don't want to."

There was unprecedented chaos in front of Min'an Hall.

The smell of blood floated in the air.

Pieces of blood on the stone slabs were like bright red hibiscus flowers blooming.

Those crazy people either cried, grabbed people, scratched their faces, or laughed up to the sky.

Not long after, two more people fell down. No matter how they shouted, they never woke up again.

Where has Min'an Church experienced such a thing?
The doctors were also stunned. The nonsense people couldn't be accommodated for the time being, so they had to rescue the seriously ill first, and instead of queuing up, the fainted people were carried in first.

The scene seemed familiar.

A few days ago, Xiang Suining also had similar symptoms.

This time, watching others get sick in front of her, a little sweat came out of her palms.

He grabbed her arm with both hands and pulled her away from Min'an Hall. He held her hand so tightly that he was afraid that if he let go, she would run away, get lost, or disappear.

It's Lu Yu.

He was wearing a water-colored silver-colored gown with cross-neck collar and wide sleeves. The gown was exquisitely embroidered. Although the color of the material was not outstanding, it was the most stable and least error-prone color.

Lu Yu tore it hard, and tore off a piece of cloth.

"Tie it up." Lu Yu handed over the cloth, "I don't wear a handkerchief or sweat towel, so you can just use this cloth."

Of course Xiang Suining knew what this meant.

When Physician Lu asked Xiang's family to wear face scarves, it was to prevent the plague.

Obviously, the situation in front of Min'an Hall has already put Lu Yu on guard.

He is the most dangerous person when he sees people in Min'an Hall.

"Young Master Lu is the top one."

"It's okay with me, you just recovered from a serious illness, and you can't stand this anymore."

"But you still want to..."

"Tie it up if you tell me, otherwise, how can I go to see others with peace of mind?" Lu Yu couldn't help but pull Xiang Suining, put the torn cloth on her face, passed around her ear, and went around her Tie under the hair.

His technique is very light, I didn't expect his technique to be very light.

"Go home quickly, don't come out soon."

"And you."

"I still need a free clinic."

"There are so many patients..."

"That's why I need me more, you go."

"But..." Xiang Sui would rather stay, but Lu Yu couldn't help but pick her up and leave. He didn't put her down until the gate of Liuyunfang: "Don't let me see you again, remember? What's going on outside? No one can tell now, it looks extremely dangerous. There are often horse-drawn carriages passing by here, so you can stop the carriage here and go home without delaying for a moment."

Lu Yu turned and left.

His back is so determined.

He seemed determined to go to the battlefield, and he never looked back after such a long journey.

He was wearing a silver crown, and the white jade belt around his waist was clean and moist. His wide-sleeved robe was blowing up in the wind, enveloping him like waves.

He is just a small doctor in Min'an Hall.

Speaking of it, I don't even receive a salary, it all depends on my personal preference.

In this dangerous situation, he can just walk away, and no one will hold him tight.

But he doesn't.

If Min'an Hall was a pit of fire at this time, Lu Yu walked towards the pit of fire with a smile on his face. He had made up his mind to jump into the pit of fire.

There is no room in Min'an Hall.

The only four clinic beds were already full of sleep, and the others with severe symptoms were lying in the Min'an Hall unable to get up, looking tired and even groaning lazily.

The faces of those who vomited blood just now were pale, and now they lost the strength to speak, dizzy, leaned against the back of the chair and coughed profusely, until their necks were red from coughing.

Those with milder conditions were sitting on the steps of the door, vomiting, or restless. Several people had already developed a high fever. I was going to the toilet, but before I got up to go to the toilet, I was already pulled in my pants.

"The situation of these patients is very strange. So many people have accidents at the same time. If it is said that they have eaten bad food, but I asked just now, and it is not." A doctor frowned and pressed the patient's wrist: "The pulse is weak, the breathing Difficulty, vomiting, delirium, high fever, fatigue, I have practiced medicine for several years, and I have never seen such a condition."

"So many people get sick at the same time, don't tell me there is something wrong with the drinking water? Could it be that someone poisoned the well?" another doctor speculated.

Soon a doctor overturned his guess: "These people don't use water from a well, how could they get sick on such a large scale? It doesn't make sense."

Lu Yu clasped his hands and said: "The top priority, please take care of yourself, so that you can make it easier for others. Listen to me, everyone cover your mouth and nose with a cloth, and there is a partition between each other."

"Why do you cover your nose and mouth?"

"These people broke out on a large scale. It's not a problem of food or water. It's very likely that it's a plague."

"Plague?" Several doctors said in unison: "You are a teenager, do you know about plague?"

Old doctors have only heard of it in medical books.

Who has experienced this?

What's more, Lu Yu, a kid who came to make jokes, actually called these people a plague?
Hairy kids don't know how to grow high and the ground thick.

"Doctor Lu, don't be alarmist. It is said in medical books that tens of thousands of people died from the plague. That is not a joke. Don't scare us." An old doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Assuming it's really a plague, it's really scary if you don't cover your mouth and nose and walk around at will." Lu Yu looked serious, not like talking nonsense.

Life is important.

Several doctors found cloth strips and covered their mouths and noses one after another.

Cover your mouth and nose, still feel afraid.

These people flocked to Min'an Hall, this is a very dangerous place.

There's no point in losing your life for a few patients you don't know each other.

Several doctors exchanged glances, some said they had a stomachache, some said they were dizzy, and one said that he had suddenly gone blind, couldn't see, hear, ask, and wanted to go home for the elderly, and he ran faster than Fengjuan. All fast.

The doctor of Min'an Hall ran away leaving Lu Yu alone.

We agreed to fight together, now that the disease is serious, you can run faster than the serious disease.

Lu Yu was also helpless.

It's not that he is not afraid of death, he is an only son, and he also shoulders the important task of inheriting the family.

But seeing the patients in pain, although they are strangers, but the doctors are parents, and they cannot be left alone, otherwise, even if they go to other medical clinics, they may not have the energy to go. Even if they go, what is the situation in other medical clinics ?Maybe it was already overcrowded.

Don't ask for help to save all the common people in the world, just ask for one more to be saved.

"Six Umbrellas." Lu Yu called his attendant: "There is no one on the cabinet, you go and open the medicine box, weigh the medicine according to the prescription I prescribed, and start to boil the medicine after weighing it, and share it with everyone here. bowl."

It's a lot of work.

Liusan was a little embarrassed: "Master, I know how to boil medicine, but I don't know how to collect medicine, what should I do?"

"I'll come." It was Xiang Suining's voice.

Xiang Suining walked into Min'an Hall calmly, wearing a light blue chest-length skirt embroidered with white gardenias, making her petite and elegant.

Wearing a face scarf, she walked up to Lu Yu step by step, and tore off the hem of her thousand-layered skirt, which was torn in one piece, and wrapped the cloth around Lu Yu's face: "Let others cover their mouths and noses!" , how did you do it yourself?"

"You're worried about me." Lu Yu didn't expect her to come back, and he was both moved and distressed at the same time: "Xiang Suining, didn't I tell you to go home? Did you take my words as deaf ears?"

"It's all here, don't say anything about letting me go."


"Why are you mother-in-law and mother-in-law? Isn't it too busy to take medicine? I'll do it, and you just prescribe the prescription."

(End of this chapter)

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