As the army gradually went away, Bai Xianyuan put away her melancholy heart and tried her best to be stronger.

In the past, every time Dad left, she and Ah Fei would miss Dad very much and sometimes cry.At this time, A Niang will comfort them, and the gentle and strong emotions can often soothe them, making them forget the melancholy of Dad leaving, and focus on other places.

But this time, Bai Xianyuan discovered that A Niang was different.

She didn't comfort the crying Ah Fei, she just stood there and watched the army go away.

Moreover, later on, she was often preoccupied and frowning.

She actually took Bai Xianyuan to the temple to offer incense.

A Niang has never believed in gods and Buddhas. She also said before that pinning her hopes on gods and Buddhas is the idea of ​​getting something for nothing.

But this time, she actually took Bai Xianyuan to Chanjing Temple to offer incense and pray for blessings.

After the incense came out, the mother and daughter sat under an old pine tree, and Bai Xianyuan said, "Aniang, there is something wrong with you."

Lou Chuyan: "What's wrong?"

Bai Xianyuan: "You never took the initiative to burn incense in temples before, and you also said that burning incense and worshiping Buddha is based on the idea of ​​getting something for nothing!"

Lou Chuyan smiled, looked into the distance, and said: "At that time, I was young and full of vigor. Only after I experienced a lot did I realize that to achieve great things, it is of course man-made, but it also needs to be accomplished by God. Fate and luck are indispensable. "

Bai Xianyuan: "That's true. It's like Yu Ren's illness. If the moon tree didn't bear fruit this year, he would be gone."

Lou Chuyan nodded.

"Then, what is A Niang asking for?" This is something Bai Xianyuan doesn't quite understand.

Lou Chuyan was silent for a moment, then said: "Your father will use his military strength to 'ask' the emperor to appoint the emperor's eldest son, Huan Chuan, as the crown prince."

"Wh-what!" Bai Xianyuan exclaimed, and suddenly stood up, "Why?!"

Lou Chuyan: "For the survival of the Bai family, and for the survival of the eldest son of the emperor."

Bai Xianyuan: "Bai's survival? Is it so serious?"

Lou Chuyan said: "Why do you think Wu Mi, a concubine, can leave the palace for several months and come to Yuzhou?"

Bai Xianyuan couldn't figure this out at first, but when Lou Chuyan said this, she suddenly understood: "Could it be...could it be..."

Lou Chuyan nodded.

Bai Xianyuan sat there with straight eyes, and said for a long time: "The existence of the Iron Armored Army may have made the emperor feel uneasy. However, if you fight hard, let alone whether you can win or not, the Northern Dynasty will still be watching! The civil war in our southern dynasty gave them an opportunity. Therefore, the emperor took advantage of Wu Mi's status and came up with such a method to take back the Iron Armored Army without a single soldier. Own?"

Lou Chuyan's eyes were full of relief and joy, and said: "Ah, these days, your grandmother and third aunt both said that you have grown up, you have provoked the leader of the family at a young age, and thwarted Wu Mi's plots again and again. Now After listening to your analysis, I know that your mind is much more mature than before! A Niang is very happy and relieved."

Bai Xianyuan's tone was serious: "Mother, what will happen to us if Father fails?"

Lou Chuyan: "If we are defeated, the emperor will be well-known, and he will unite with the major families and gather troops to attack us. Even if he takes care of the north and stays put for the time being, our life will definitely become more and more difficult."

"Then if it succeeds, and the eldest son of the emperor becomes the crown prince, will he have the ability to protect us?" Bai Xianyuan shook his head: "He grew up in the north and has no roots and power in the capital. What will protect us?"

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