Black Widow became the richest man by farming

Chapter 476 I am the master of my dreams

Chapter 476 I am the master of my dreams (Part [-])
"Come on, let's lie down and talk." Ye Sanniang patted the pillow and lay down, "I'll turn off the oil lamp later."

Zheyuan lay down and talked about her own affairs slowly, even the secrets in the back house slowly came.

Ying Shanhong was taken aback when she heard this, "But I heard that she was sold to the city to be a girl, and those concubines are doing well."

"What's so good?" Zheyuan looked at her with deep eyes and said, "They all grew up in bitter water, and they returned home in good clothes. Could it be that they came back in tatters and made you laugh!" She sighed with emotion, "Many are It won't last long."

"It's true that you said that, but they have not heard from them in a few years." Ying Shanhong suddenly remembered, "It seems that they are only in memory."

"Each has its own difficulties!" Zheyuan looked at her yawning frequently with tender eyes, and slowly closed her eyes.

Zheyuan raised her head slightly, looked at Ye Sanniang, pointed at Ying Shanhong, and said silently: "Fell asleep."

Ye Sanniang smiled and nodded when she heard the words, expressing that she understood.

Zheyuan pointed to the oil lamp on the kang table again, what should I do?
Ye Sanniang pointed to herself, I'll come.

She didn't want to blow it out at first, the room was too dark, she was afraid that Ying Shanhong would wake up with a start, and couldn't bear it.

But this kerosene lamp is too smelly, it smells really bad.

Ye Sanniang directly extinguished the kerosene lamp with a wave.

Looking at Zheyuan's staring peach blossom eyes before the bedroom was dark, Ye Sanniang whispered, "It's not difficult!"

"It's a bit far away." Zheyuan lowered her voice.

"Try hard." Ye Sanniang said bluntly.

You really have to use force, otherwise the oil lamp will go out.

I was so noisy all day, I didn't rest, I was so tired that I fell asleep quickly.

After they all fell asleep, Ye Sanniang sat up and crossed her legs into the daily meditation.

On the fifteenth day of today, a full moon hangs high in the sky, and the bright moonlight shines on the earth.

The room is not the kind of dark where you can't see your fingers. After getting used to the darkness, you can see clearly.

The occasional chirping of insects breaks the silence of the night.

Ye Sanniang opened her eyes suddenly, looked at Ying Shanhong who was frowning and sweating profusely, and quickly lit the oil lamp.

Ye Sanniang grabbed Ying Shanhong's waving hands, "Shanhong, Shanhong, wake up, wake up."

"Don't!" Ying Shanhong sat up abruptly, gasping for breath, sweat dripping down her cheeks onto the quilt, densely covered.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Ye Sanniang patted her shoulder lightly and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here!" Looking at her softly, she said, "Look, I'm here!"

Ying Shanhong raised her head slightly, her deep black eyes faded from fear, and she looked at her with bottomless eyes, "Thank you!"

"Thank you, silly girl." Ye Sanniang looked at her tenderly and said, "Can you tell me? What nightmare did you have that scared you like this?"

Ying Shanhong opened and closed her mouth, looking at her anxiously, "I..."

"If you don't want to say it, you don't have to." Ye Sanniang looked at her tenderly and said.

"No... yes!" Ying Shanhong said with difficulty in a hoarse voice.

"Don't worry, don't worry, speak slowly." Ye Sanniang said while holding her cold hands.

"The blood I dreamed of drowned me, the more I struggled, the faster I sank." Ying Shanhong said tremblingly.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, dreams are all fake, fake." Ye Sanniang comforted her by rubbing the back of her hand.

"Actually, I also know it's a dream, and I also know it's fake." Ying Shanhong clasped her hands tightly and said, "But I just can't get out, no matter how much I struggle, I can't get out."

"Then don't struggle, can you swim?" Ye Sanniang said looking at her with deep black eyes.

"Swimming?" Ying Shanhong's reaction was a little slow.

"Swim in the river!" Ye Sanniang said, looking at her intently.

"Yes, I can swim." Ying Shanhong said meaningfully.

"Then swim in the dream, what are you afraid of?" Ye Sanniang smiled softly with her eyes bent, "If you meet monsters big and small in the dream, beat them up, beat them hard." She waved her fist and said, " Your dream is up to you, beat them all so hard that their parents can't recognize them, do they still dare to bully you?"

Ying Shanhong stared at her dumbfounded, and stammered, "This... this..."

"What's wrong?" Ye Sanniang looked at her with crooked eyes and said, "Just talk about me, those young people who came to the door, didn't they dare to come again after beating them up?"

"Yes!" Ying Shanhong's eyes lit up instantly, looking at her brightly and said, "I was still envious at that time."

"Since you're envious, let it come true. What are you afraid of in your dream? Whatever suits your appetite, you can do whatever you want?" Ye Sanniang said while looking at her with shining eyes.

"Is it possible?" Ying Shanhong looked at her with eager eyes and said.

"Why not? Even if we wipe them all out, we won't be caught by the government." Like a wolf grandmother, Ye Sanniang tempted her to solve the problem violently.

"Then let me try." Ying Shanhong said excitedly, and lay down with a bang.

"Blow the lamp, blow the lamp." Ying Shanhong turned to look at the oil lamp on the kang table and said.

"Okay!" Ye Sanniang lightly waved her hand and turned off the oil lamp.

After a while, I heard a small snoring sound coming from beside me.

"You're not afraid of teaching bad children anymore." In the dark night, I thought of Zheyuan's voice scolding her.

"Teaching is not bad!" Ye Sanniang said confidently after hearing the words, "You have to dream, how can you kill the Quartet if you don't dream!"

Zheyuan looked astonished, "Can it still be like this?" She shook her head slightly and said, "It's just a dream!"

"When it's time for the summer harvest, I'm so busy that I'm going to peel off my skin, and I'm so sleepy, are you still dreaming?" Ye Sanniang asked with a chuckle.

"Uh..." Zhe Yuan was speechless.

"Mother, when you were dreaming, didn't you have the kind of time when you could fly up to the sky and be free?" Ye Sanniang asked suddenly.

"Yes!" Zheyuan said with unusually bright eyes, "It seems like a fairy, flying around."

"Then is there anyone who bullied you in reality and took revenge in a dream!" Ye Sanniang suddenly asked curiously.

"Yes! It's even like in ghost novels, there are magic spells, and you can get wind and rain." Zhe Yuan said with bright eyes.

"What about waking up from the dream?" Ye Sanniang asked with a smile.

"Meng Xing?" Zhe Yuan said with some frustration, "Meng Xing has nothing left, just continue to work obediently."

"Hehe..." Ye Sanniang laughed softly, "Then what are you worried about?" She suppressed the smile on her face and said, "From the conversation just now, Shan Hong herself said that she knew it was a dream. She can distinguish dreams from reality, don't worry, I'm watching her!"

Zheyuan heard the words and thought about it carefully, "Yes!"

 see you at [-]pm
(End of this chapter)

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