"Yeah! Even being scolded for being so diligent, the little girl started. She was caught at home and abroad, but she was not inferior to a man at all." Ye Sanniang looked at Zheyuan with her deep and bottomless eyes and said, "But They don't get the respect they deserve at home. Men take it for granted, even as a kind of charity. A man and a woman form a family. This family not only has the contributions of men, but also don't forget the obscurity of women. Don't turn a blind eye !"

"Uh..." Zheyuan blinked slightly and looked at her for a long time, "You'd better not open your mouth, I'm afraid the men will blow up their nests."

"So! Instead of saying something against your will, it's better not to say it." Ye Sanniang snorted softly, "Am I wrong? Are you demanding? I haven't asked women to have the right to study, go out The right to find work."

"Ahem..." Zheyuan coughed lightly when she heard the words, "Now that I can support myself, who cares about a man's face!"

"You're right." Ye Sanniang nodded heavily as she looked at her with a smile on her brow.

"That's why women are kept in captivity at home like belongings." Ye Sanniang looked at her with eyes as deep as ink and said, sad but helpless!
Zheyuan held her hand understandingly, and patted it, "Let's leave it to others to be in the limelight tomorrow!"

"Aunt Ye, Aunt Ye." Raspberry Yao came over excitedly.

"What's wrong?" Ye Sanniang raised her eyes slightly and looked at Yao Raspberry tenderly and said.

"This is what happened to my sister Ying's birth according to what you said." Raspberry Yao sat down and handed the album to Ye Sanniang.

"The gate of hell?" Ye Sanniang said, looking at her slightly with her eyebrows raised.

"Isn't a woman's childbirth just like going through the gate of hell?" Zheyuan said without thinking when she heard the words.

Ye Sanniang pursed her lips and pondered for a moment before saying, "But I don't like it."

"Why?" Zheyuan immediately straightened up and looked at her seriously.

"Think about it! Now I'm encouraging you to have more children, and you've given me a whole hell of a gate. Women are very nervous, scared, and fragile when it comes to having children." Ye Sanniang looked at them with clear eyes and said, "This Maybe I scared myself to death, or left a shadow in my heart. Because this is what every pregnant woman has to go through."

"You're right." Zhe Yuan nodded her head when she heard the words.

"Then it's not for nothing." Zheyuan looked at Yao Raspberry with some regret.

"I'm optimistic about it myself." Yao Raspberry said very open-mindedly.

"It's not a waste of time. It's irresponsible to give birth like this. Our goal is to improve the midwife's delivery skills and reduce the harm to the mother and the baby." Ye Sanniang said, looking at them with quiet eyes.

"Technology?" Zhe Yuan raised her eyebrows and looked at her lightly when she heard the words.

"At the end of the day, medicine is also technology. To cure diseases and save lives, the doctor also depends on his skills. What he eats is technology." Ye Sanniang explained simply.

"It makes sense." Zheyuan nodded lightly and said.

"This is past Xiaoman, let's go into town." Ye Sanniang pointed to the album with her forefinger.

"Okay!" Raspberry Yao looked at her with dark eyes and nodded.

"The raspberry painting is very good, and now it can be turned into a picture according to your Aunt Ye's description." Zhe Yuan flipped through the album and raised her head to look at Raspberry Yao in amazement.

"Aunt Ye taught it well." Raspberry Yao said shyly, blushing from the praise.

"It's good to draw well, but I can't do it." Zhe Yuan looked at her tenderly and said.

In a blink of an eye, we arrived at Xiaoman. On this day, East Village was full of gongs and drums, colorful flags flying, crowded with people, and it was very lively.

After the archway is built, a formal unveiling ceremony will be held.

As Ye Sanniang thought, Master Lu impassionedly stated the emperor's sageness throughout the entire page, and ended the ceremony with a thank-you for the grace!

When this grand archway was erected, all the villagers in Hedong Village took wind with them.

But the life of Ye Sanniang, the person involved, has not changed in any way.

Of course, more people know her, and she is greeted everywhere she goes.

After all, this is the first archway established in Fucheng.

Ye Sanniang drove her sons to the academy, and then went to Houya with Yao Raspberry to meet Mrs. Lu.

"Why are you here?" Mrs. Lu looked at her enthusiastically and said.

"The raspberry will be Ying Lihong's dystocia, and I drew it." Ye Sanniang took out the album from her cloth bag and said, "Although I don't want to print it, please read it. How horrible that day was. It must be done as soon as possible." Improve the midwife's delivery skills." He walked over and handed his hands to Mrs. Lu, and then said, "We also need to train medical women."

"Medical girl? The royal family has them!" Mrs. Lu said as she looked at her with staring eyes.

"The folks must have it too! Women's illnesses make it very inconvenient for men to see a doctor." Ye Sanniang looked at her with crystal clear eyes and said bluntly, "Just like midwives are all women, no one dares to invite a doctor to deliver the baby. .”

"It's inconvenient for me to say some things. I write them all at the back of the album." Ye Sanniang pointed at the album with her index finger, "Madam, please have a look."

The last part of Ye Sanniang's picture book is the knowledge of women's physiological hygiene, hygiene and cleaning before and after married men and women have sex.

Mrs. Lu's face was full of fear and her whole body trembled when she looked at the picture album. It was as if she had experienced it all by herself.

Childbirth is a hurdle that every woman has to go through.

Then Ye Sanniang wrote the last words, which made Mrs. Lu blush.

"No wonder people say that a woman has stepped into the gate of hell when she gives birth." Mrs. Lu looked at her with cold sweat and said.

"So! This can't be printed, it will scare people." Ye Sanniang said looking at Mrs. Lu with her deep and bright eyes.

"I understand what you mean." Mrs. Lu looked at her with bright apricot eyes and nodded, "I plan to ask for help and find an experienced midwife to teach them how to deliver babies." Then she said, "Look now It’s not enough to come, we need a doctor girl.”

"Yeah!" Ye Sanniang nodded hurriedly when she heard the words, "Each government office can cultivate it by itself."

"Cultivated by yourself?" Madam Lu said while resting her chin lightly and looking at her thoughtfully.

"Whoever's daughter wants to learn, she can come here or save her for a while. Learning medical skills can also be a skill, and she can support herself when she grows up." Ye Sanniang said enthusiastically.

"That's okay." Mrs. Lu nodded her head when she heard the words, "It's just that the time is a bit long!"

"It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. It takes a long time to teach and educate people." Ye Sanniang said with her eyes as clear as water reflecting Mrs. Lu's figure, "This is originally a matter of predecessors planting trees and future generations enjoying the shade. "

"Understood." Mrs. Lu pondered for a moment and said, "If you want them to study medicine, there must be rewards, otherwise the elders in the family will not let them come."

see you at [-]pm

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