"Oh! Compared with hiring someone, marrying a daughter-in-law is more beneficial." Ye Sanniang nodded knowingly, and then asked, "This old Tian's family is married to a daughter-in-law, how much is it suitable for our family to pay?"

"Country people don't have much money for their errands, usually a few copper coins, eggs or something?" Shen Ruyi said, looking directly at her with her phoenix eyes.

"Then let's take the six copper coins as the meaning of Liuliu Dashun." Ye Sanniang thought for a while after hearing the words, "I would like to give the bride another piece of bright material."

"Don't use this material!" Zheyuan said while looking at her with light brown eyes.

"I just want the bride to do this once in her life. She will live for others for the rest of her life. Treat them better." Ye Sanniang looked at them with warm eyes and said, "This material is really not worth it to us. What? Just a suit of clothes, jacket and skirt, the skirt doesn’t need to be so wide, and the skirt looks fine to me.”

"You've already said that, it's up to you." Zheyuan looked at her with a smile in her hazel eyes and said, "But don't go with everyone this ceremony."

"Understood." Ye Sanniang smiled and nodded.

Just go to the official day of their wedding, and Ye Sanniang is holding the bloody Red Double Happiness newly painted by Yao Raspberry.

Sure enough, it was eerie and spooky enough. It was obviously festive and lively, but it was so eerie that people shuddered.

The use of color is bold, realistic and realistic, and compared with the first album, the progress is too obvious.

"Would this be too scary? It will frighten people." Zheyuan said with some worry after hearing the words.

"The real thing is scarier than this." Ye Sanniang looked at her coldly and said, "This kind of horror doesn't come from outsiders, or from unknown ghosts and gods, but from your relatives, from people's hearts, or from Rules, rules!" Looking at them with eyes as dark as ink, he said, "It comes from what happened to her around us."

Zheyuan swallowed her saliva when she heard the words, "Stop talking." Rolling up her sleeves, she said, "Goosebumps are on my skin."

"Do you still think this painting is scary compared to the real things that happened around you?" Ye Sanniang said looking at her with dark bottomless eyes.

Zheyuan pursed her lips tightly, and it took a long time to find her own voice and said, "The truth is even more suffocating, I can't breathe."

"How about the source of its horror? It's not a specific person or a specific ghost, unknown, it's a whole set from ancient times to the present..." Ye Sanniang put her index finger on her lips, how should I put it?The value system, which they can’t understand, “is a concept, take it for granted. As for how Cui’e was married to a ghost marriage, what’s the point? There is condemnation, but more secretly envy. Post a comparison Windfall. It’s top-down, massive, fused in everyone, and everyone can be an embodiment of itself.”

"I don't quite understand what Aunt Ye said?" Yao Raspberry looked at her confusedly and said.

"To be more specific, let's talk about Suanzao, the ones around me." Ye Sanniang looked at them with deep eyes like ink and said, "Although the 12-year-old Suanzao has heavy housework, he is innocent, and the 13-year-old Suanzao welcomes the spring breeze with a smile." , with a bright smile on her face, and the 14-year-old Suanzao, who was in the prime of her life, was forced to marry a tuberculosis ghost by her parents. This is the system Sexual squeeze." Looking at them with pitch-black pupils, he said, "This is the real thing, it happened in many places, silently. Now Suanzao always feels like flowers in the water, like the moon in the mirror, beautiful It’s like a bubble, and it will burst when you touch it.”

"I'm afraid of ghosts, but ghosts haven't hurt me at all." Raspberry Yao looked at them with dark eyes and said, "I'm not afraid of people, but people hurt me all over."

"Yes! If this is the feeling, ghosts are not that ghosts, monsters are not that monsters, and ghosts and snakes are cuter than that gentleman." Ye Sanniang looked at them with jade-like eyes and said, "The entanglement of cause and effect is such a nightmare. The way of heaven is ruthless and easy to lose one's life, there are many past events that hide resentment, good and evil love and hatred are the cause."

Zheyuan shuddered upon hearing this...

"It's said that auspicious snow heralds a good year, but the snow is really heavy, so we're afraid." Ye Sanniang said, looking at them with bottomless eyes.

"I'm afraid that the roof won't be able to hold up, that it will collapse, and I'm even more afraid that it will be too cold and freeze to death." Zheyuan said in fear after hearing the words.

"When it snows, the dignitaries sit around the stove to enjoy the snow. The poor people are afraid that the house will be crushed by the heavy snow, that people will get frostbite, get sick from the cold, or that the whole family will starve. After a heavy snowfall, maybe there will be more prostitutes or thieves in the city, or Some people went to prison. It is better for children to be thieves and prostitutes than to go hungry! Snow falls to the rich, it is a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation, but to the poor, it is more fear and trepidation. Simply put, this snow falls to the poor. Good people are also given to bad people. In fact, snow is fair, and the earth is white, but it falls on a world without justice. It seems unfair." Ye Sanniang looked at them with deep and bottomless eyes. Said slowly.

"This kind of horror!" Ye Sanniang said looking at them with deep black eyes.

"Don't talk about it, this happens anytime and anywhere, not only because of snow, rain, drought, natural disasters are followed by man-made disasters." Zheyuan said helplessly and powerlessly.

"What should we do in this situation?" Yao Raspberry looked at her with some fear and said, "The manpower is too small."

"Resisting natural disasters is building water conservancy projects, but relying purely on manpower is too bitter and tiring." Ye Sanniang looked at them with calm eyes and said, "And as far as the Yellow River is concerned, it has to be considered from top to bottom, not just in one corner. The land is enough. And this is a bottomless pit that needs a lot, a lot of money, and the court was just established, and there is a shortage of money.”

"For us personally, being strong can cure all diseases." Ye Sanniang said while looking at them with her jet-black pupils.

"People are good at being bullied, and Ma Shan is being ridden." Zhe Yuan looked at them with dark brown eyes and said.

"Then I will draw more and make more money." Raspberry Yao said excitedly.

"It's okay to make more money, but do you have so many stories in your head?" Ye Sanniang pointed out her fatal flaw.

"Uh..." Yao Raspberry was speechless, and said anxiously, "How can I make up for this! I have experienced too little."

"You need to study more." Ye Sanniang looked at her with warm eyes like jade and said, "Now you draw what you can see and hear. In the future, you will open your imagination." She pursed her lips tightly Looking at her, he thought for a while and said seriously, "This requires a rich reserve of knowledge, and it can't be done in a short time." Holding Yao Raspberry's hand, he said, "You need to calm down and experience it slowly. Life is still long. Let's go! Don't worry."

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