Black Widow became the richest man by farming

Chapter 403: People's words are awesome

"Fool, the days are getting longer and longer. You get out of school early, so you can help in the field when you come back!" Ye Sanniang shook her head and laughed, looking at the two brothers, she asked again, "Can you do it if you want to work?"

"Okay, call us when the seeds are planted." Ye Yanxing said with a smile in her dark eyes, "it won't be too hot in the evening, and it won't be too hot."

"Is it all right this time?" Ye Sanniang said looking at them with bright spring-like eyes.

"It's gone, it's gone." Ye Yanxing shook his head slightly.

"Then you study, I'm going out." Ye Sanniang got up and left.

When Ye Sanniang went out, she saw Yao Raspberry standing in the corridor, "Aunt Ye!"

"What's wrong?" Ye Sanniang looked at Yao Raspberry who had been recuperating for half a year. She was fatter, paler, and taller.

"I finished the drawing, can you take a look first?" Yao Raspberry looked at her nervously and said, holding her drawing tightly.

Ye Sanniang readily agreed, "Okay!" Pointing to the wooden stool under the corridor, "Sit!"

The two sat down, Yao Raspberry handed the stack of paintings in his hands to Ye Sanniang, and said solemnly, "Please take a look."

"Let me take a look." Ye Sanniang took the painting and looked down at it. Talent is talent, and you can't accept it.

The painting is really good, the technique is still a little lacking, but the emotion overflows the paper.

"The painting is not bad." Ye Sanniang praised without hesitation.

"Really?" Raspberry Yao looked at her with a blushing face and said shyly.

There are not many paintings, five or six sheets, and I read them in the blink of an eye.

Ye Sanniang looked at her with her lips tightly pressed together without blinking, and Yao Raspberry's nervous palms were sweating.

"Is my drawing not good?" Yao Raspberry's bright eyes instantly lost their energy and dimmed.

"No, it's not that the painting is very good, it's just that it's too peaceful. You missed drawing your father." Ye Sanniang stared at her and said, "Without your father's usual appearance, this seems to reduce the impact." Looking at it She said tensely, "Are you still afraid?"

"I...I..." Raspberry Yao looked at her stuttering tremblingly, unable to speak a complete sentence.

"It's okay, we don't want to, and we don't draw any more." Ye Sanniang hurried forward, hugged her in her arms and stroked her back, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. He can't hurt you now, he's gone, Gone."

The girl in her arms gradually became quiet under Ye Sanniang's non-stop gentle words.

"I know he's gone, and he won't hurt me anymore." Yao Raspberry calmed down and said, hugging Ye Sanniang tightly.

"Good boy!" Ye Sanniang said softly, "If he dares to come to your dream, beat him! What are you afraid of? In your dream, you decide."

"Pfft..." Yao Raspberry was amused when she heard the words, let go of Ye Sanniang, sniffed, stared at her and said, "I believe I can draw." He said hesitantly, "It's just that I don't know what to draw? "

"Draw his daily life." Ye Sanniang stood up the painting and showed her, "What is he doing when your mother is working hard on farming, cooking, and washing clothes? You don't need to add more details, as long as you see Draw it out, compare it like this, how to judge, the person who wants to see has eyes."

"Yeah! I see." Yao Raspberry nodded emphatically upon hearing that.

"Besides, I have a proposal. I don't know if you can accept it. It's a bit cruel to you." Ye Sanniang gently held her hand and said, looking at her who looked disturbed.

"Tell me, I'm listening!" Raspberry Yao said nervously holding her hand.

"Do you know why your mother married him?" Ye Sanniang said while holding her hand and looking at her without blinking.

Yao Raspberry shrank her pupils when she heard this, and squeezed Ye Sanniang's hand, "I...know, I was forced into the sorghum field by him and had to marry him." She blinked her eyes and said, "I understand what you mean , this picture needs to be painted.”

"Well! If you are bullied, you must report it to the police. It's not our fault. The villain should receive the punishment he deserves, not get away with it!" Ye Sanniang gently rubbed the back of her hand with her thumb, "Even if it is oppressed by various external forces, If you don’t report to the official and swallow this bitter fruit, you will definitely not be able to marry him.”

"I draw! In order to be vigilant to the world, I draw." Yao Raspberry's dim eyes suddenly became clear.

"Besides, you drew your mother so much, you're not afraid that people will find the prototype and give you pointers!" Ye Sanniang said looking at her with bottomless eyes.

"Pointing?" Yao Raspberry looked at her puzzledly and said.

"If you say you are unfilial, people will be gone, and the dead are the most important. How can you slander your father like this!" Ye Sanniang looked at her with dark eyes like ink and said, "It's just a family scandal, so how can you draw it? Everyone knows about it!" He pursed his lips and said, "If it is published in a picture book and makes money, it will be even more serious, and the overwhelming evil words will be directed at each other. In short, spittle can drown you." She looked at her with her hands in her hands and said without blinking, "Are you prepared? Can you bear it? Even wantonly slander Lingtang."

Yao Raspberry said without thinking, "I'm not afraid! I just want to avenge my mother! I'm not afraid of any bad words. I just want the truth to be revealed to the world. That's to make the world vigilant. If I can scare a man from beating his wife alright."

"Little fool!" Ye Sanniang stretched out her hand and rubbed her head, "Men? They won't be frightened, they will even get worse, and feel that the beating is not hard enough, so women dare to resist!"

"Try not to let Lingtang's appearance appear in the album." Ye Sanniang put down her hand and looked at her tenderly and said, "After all, it's too similar."

"Then I'll draw him, really." Yao Raspberry said with unshakable hatred in his eyes, "Let him be scolded by thousands of people."

"People should say you are unfilial." Ye Sanniang said, looking at her worriedly.

"A person like this is not worthy of being a father, let alone a human being." Raspberry Yao said in a cold voice.

"We're not in a hurry, think about it more." Ye Sanniang looked at her softly and said.

"I will practice again." Yao Raspberry nodded heavily.

"The painting is good, keep working hard." Ye Sanniang said while looking at her softly with clear eyes.

"Yeah!" Raspberry Yao nodded happily with a blushing face.

"Don't be afraid of running out of paper, this kraft paper is enough!" Ye Sanniang said looking at her with glazed eyes.

"The kraft paper is hard enough, so it won't break easily when drawing, but the rice paper is too soft. It will break if you use a little force." Raspberry Yao said with a foolish smile.

Yao Raspberry hesitated for a moment, looked at her and said, "I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Ye Sanniang looked at her curiously and asked.

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