"It's done, isn't it enough to show your face in front of the emperor? It's a supreme honor." Ye Sanniang said as she looked at them with her jet-black pupils.

"That's true." Gao Mancang nodded seriously.

"I prefer affordable rewards." Lai Fu said with a face full of money, "Officials' salaries are not high."

"Is it very low?" Ye Sanniang said in surprise, "No matter how poor you are, you can still be poor, sir. Besides, you don't have a salary, but you still have land and shops! Don't live too well!" She muttered again, "This After winning the election, most of them came to vote.”

"Our officials here, because of the war, are rarely born in a serious imperial examination. Most of them are donated by the previous government." Gao Mancang explained in a low voice.

"Donate officials?" Ye Sanniang raised her eyebrows and looked at them lightly and said, "You still have to be rich!"

"Not much?" Gao Mancang looked at her with a slight tilt of his head and said, "There are many bandits in troubled times, and there are more soldiers and bandits. Once a group of people come, they will be blackmailed once, and even if they are looted, only the land can't be taken away." Sword eyebrow lightly Picked up, "So poor!"

"So that's the case!" Ye Sanniang looked at him lightly with black eyes and said, "That's not right! The Bai family is clearly rich, since it's fine."

"Didn't the Bai family donate an official? They only have a name and no real power." Gao Mancang said in a low voice, "And the truth of not revealing the wealth is very clear to Mr. Bai, and he has been robbed a lot. But this cunning rabbit and three caves, no one is hiding a little bit. For the sons to take the imperial examination, they have been planning since they were ten years old, and the previous dynasty pointed at this thing to hold money. That Kai Enke is like a bean."

Ye Sanniang stared at him dumbfounded, "In this way, Mr. Bai still has little money, and jumping up and down didn't make a difference."

"That's right! A mountain is still as high as another mountain. This is not the right way to worship the temple gate." Gao Mancang said with a chuckle.

"Hush..." Ye Sanniang whispered, "Here's someone coming, let's stop talking."

"Oh!" Gao Mancang and the others hurriedly stood up.

Ye Sanniang looked at Master Li approaching, bowed her body and said, "Master Li."

"Mrs. Ye is here too!" Master Li said, looking at them gently.

"Master Li is specially instructing us on how to grow cotton." The head of the company happily said to the surrounding villagers.

"Is it too early to plant seeds now?"

"It's just passed the Waking of Insects, and it's still happening again and again."

"Before and after Qingming, plant melons and beans. Is it possible now?"

"Don't talk, don't you understand the rules." The company commander heard a blue vein on his forehead.

"Master Li said, let's listen." The villagers hurriedly said, all of them were terrified and kept silent, not daring to speak anymore.

Master Li smiled and said, "It's okay, you often know much better than me in the field." Everyone was relieved.

Ye Sanniang's black eyes flickered lightly, and this Master Li did not show any airs of officialdom.

"So let's prepare the land first, select the seeds, and process the seeds." Master Li said, looking at them peacefully.

"The land preparation, I know, plowed the land and leveled it with a rake."

"Yes!" Master Li looked at them with a smile on his face and said, "We are located in the north, and the precipitation seasons are concentrated in summer and autumn, and there is little precipitation in winter and spring. Especially in spring, there is little rain."

"We know that spring rain is as expensive as oil. We can look forward to the rain from the sky."

"It's not raining, so I have to build ditches to water it."

"There was a heavy snowfall last year, and the land is very dry."

"What you said is correct." Master Li nodded his head lightly, "When preparing the land, before planting the seeds, the land should be thoroughly watered and fertilized."

"I retting the manure early on, so I don't dare to delay it. It's just that there is little manure and there is a lot of land."

There was deep regret in this tone.

this?Who doesn't want to be full of manure, but it's not enough to use the strength of breastfeeding!

"I collected the chicken manure from the chickens at home, rabbit manure, and other livestock manure, and fertilized them."

"You can feed less, not enough!"

"We even used plant ash, just when the ground was getting wet, we turned it down."

"You did it right!" Master Li praised without hesitation, "The return of the tide you mentioned is called "Dishi" in agricultural books. This is the best time for plowing, sowing and transplanting crops."

He is an expert, Ye Sanniang nodded in her heart, from his words, it can be seen from "Qi Min Yao Shu", every first month, burn the dead leaves collected, and when the soil returns to pulp in the coming spring, immediately Plow the ridges between the furrows.

In the slurry return stage, the water, air and heat in the soil reach a coordinated state, which is beneficial to the growth of crops.

"Qi Min Yao Shu" refers to this time as the "yellow field". '

Don't underestimate the land preparation, Ye Sanniang looked at them with deep and bright eyes and said, "Regardless of stubble land or continuous cropping land, the land preparation must meet the six-character standards of moisture, flat, loose, broken, earned, and uniform to ensure the quality of sowing. Sow all the seedlings at one time without replanting.”

Master Li's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Mrs. Ye is right."

"According to the book, this is my first time participating in spring plowing and I have to learn from everyone." Ye Sanniang said very modestly.

"What do you mean?" The head of the company heard the words, "Isn't it just deep plowing and plowing, how can there be so many ways."

"There is a lot of knowledge here! The ancestors have summed it up." Master Li said eloquently, "Soil moisture means that the soil has enough surface moisture and bottom moisture; flat means that the ground is flat and without ditches; , no compaction in the middle layer; broken refers to the surface is finely broken, without large clods; clean refers to the surface soil without stubble, grass roots, new grass, and the whole field is clean; Qi refers to the ground to the head to the edge, reaching the corner into a square, and the edge into a line. He continued seriously, "Among these six characters, soil moisture is the key to the success or failure of soil preparation. In order to achieve sufficient soil moisture, it is necessary to irrigate the soil moisture well and do a good job of soil moisture conservation after the spring. The key to flat, loose, and broken soil is soil preparation To grasp the suitable tillage period of the soil, the soil with heavy viscosity is particularly important."

"I understand now that you said that." The commander of the company heard that his brows and eyes became crescents, "I've always done it like this." He said with a smile, "I still need you to check whether it's done well or not. You said six characters."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, my official is here during the spring plowing period." The smile on Master Li's face became brighter and brighter.

This company commander knows the officialdom very well!Holding Mr. Li everywhere, the eyes that are coaxing people are full of joy.Ye Sanniang cursed in her heart.

"Levelling, after plowing the land, we have to pick the seeds." Mr. Li looked at them with a smile on his lips and said
"I have to ask Mr. Li for advice." The company chief said seriously, clasping his hands.

"Pick out the seeds, and pick out the shriveled ones." Master Li stretched out his hand and twisted the three strands of beard on his chest.

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