Chapter 200
This battle lasted for a full month.

Beat until the air covered the sky, the sun and the moon paled, the sky shattered, and the earth fell silent.

When they saw the shadow of the monstrous ghost that descended into the world, the cultivators finally learned of Chu Ye's true identity.

This is the battle of Chu Yao's fame, and even the mountain that was on the verge of being broken in the thousands of Taoism was later named "Ghost Fairy Peak".

The name of ghosts and immortals resounded throughout the Northern Territory.

Tianyin Sect has another Tianjiao.


Bai Yuejian left the customs and successfully promoted to Yuanying, filling the vacancy caused by the passing of the master.

The young disciples who were waiting outside the sect died down, and the impetuous people inside the sect were completely stabilized.

Chu Yao, who heard the letter from afar, finally felt relieved and put her mind on traveling.

Break into secret places, visit famous mountains, venture into dangerous places, and seek longevity.

From the Northern Territory to the Southern Ridge, from the Western Desert to the East China Sea, she has traveled to every corner of the Fengyuan Continent.

Traveling through the hot and cold world, I am used to seeing joys and sorrows.

After countless hardships, he was able to turn danger into safety.

This walk is a few years.

It's been so long that Tianyin's old friend almost forgot her name, and it's been so long that the senior sister can only rely on the flickering soul lamp to be sure that she is still alive.

Until one day, at the gate of Tianyin Mountain, Bai Yuejian finally met her junior sister who had disappeared for many years.

She is thin and tired, but her eyes that have seen the world of mortals are still exquisite.

Looking at her dearest senior sister, Chu Yao showed a big smile:
"Senior Sister, I want to retreat!"


This is Chu Yao's longest retreat.

130 nine years.

On the day of leaving the customs, the sky changed and the earth changed, auspicious clouds arrived, phoenixes chirped and cranes mingled.

It was shocking.

The Tianyin Sect ushered in the fourth Nascent Soul cultivator, who has since become the strongest in the Northern Territory and flourished in the sky.

Everything seems to be going in a good direction.


Chu Yao finally had a cave of her own.

It is said that it is a cave, but it actually covers a large area, including mountains and forests within a hundred miles. This is naturally the privilege of Yuanying monks.

"Hey, after so many years of hard work, I can finally enjoy myself!"

Chu Yao used the treasures in the storage bag to build the cave as beautiful as a fairyland.

She also released Xiao Ling, who had been with her for a long time, and built a lotus pond in the yard. Watching the flowers and leaves in the pond and the koi swimming around, she was indescribably satisfied.

But there is always a faint uneasiness in my heart.

"I seem to have forgotten something very important... What exactly is it?"

Chu Yao felt more and more strange.

Her figure flashed in the Tianyin Sect. She saw Chen Qingyu who was busy with business, the inner disciple Yao Han who was immersed in cultivation, Mu Yao and Elder Lu Hua, and also Gu Yue, Jiang Lu, and Li Dayin. ...

Countless people, both old acquaintances and new acquaintances, some saluted her, and some did not realize that she had been here.

"What the hell is going on?"

Chu Yao was talking to himself, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

She decided to go back home and use Taoism to divination. When she "rummaged through" the storage bag, a broken scroll came into view:
"Long Ling Jue".

Chu Yao's head buzzed, and there seemed to be a flash of lightning in her mind. She finally remembered her real self and what was about to happen on Fengyuanxing.

But what she did was not to find a way to find out, but rushed to the senior sister's cave in a hurry:

"Senior Sister! Quick, we have to run!"

"Huh?" Bai Yuejian was still taking care of Lingtian, and she frowned when she saw her junior sister rushing over in a hurry.

"What's wrong with you, did you make a mistake in your cultivation?"

"It's not a mistake! The sect will be robbed soon, and everyone will be captured by Yali Company's battleship!" Chu Yao's eyes couldn't hide the scorching light.

"Pfft." Bai Yuejian couldn't help laughing, "Did you hear what you're talking nonsense? After all, you're a Nascent Soul cultivator, calm down."

"Calm...that's right, I have to calm down." Chu Yao took a deep breath
"No, their weapons can cover the entire sect, and they have nowhere to run... Now that things have come to an end, they can either escape to an alien planet, or try to see if the sect's secret realm can hide the truth... The safest method is the first one! Senior Sister , Is there a flying magic weapon in the sect that can shuttle between the stars? One that can hold the whole sect in it!"

"The demons have entered your head?" Bai Yuejian looked at Chu Yao, "The magic weapon that travels through the stars and the whole sect needs to be put in it. How dare you think that the Fengyuan Continent is not enough for you to toss about? How could it be?" If we had this magic weapon, we would have ascended to immortality long ago!"

Chu Yao's expression froze, and her face changed instantly:

"No, you are not Senior Sister!"

The two have been together for a long time, it is impossible for the senior sister to talk to herself like this!

If it was a real senior sister, no matter how absurd Chu Yao said, she would think carefully about it, instead of joking around like a child's play.

"What are you talking about, who am I if I'm not your senior sister?" Bai Yuejian was about to speak when the expressions of the two of them changed again.

Chu Yao felt that familiar yet unfamiliar feeling of limited consciousness and sluggish spiritual power.

She immediately looked up to the sky.

Above the stratus clouds, a huge black shadow loomed in the sky.

Next, the scene that happened once happened again.

The battleship fell like a catastrophe, all the magic weapons of Taoism were completely useless, the disciples were displaced, and the sect fell apart.

Standing on the top of the peak, Chu Yao looked at the huge monster, and there seemed to be a voice in her heart asking herself:

If this hundred years of hard work is doomed to be in vain;
If relatives and friends who regard themselves as their own will eventually be separated;
If you spend half your life cultivating the Tao but end up rebuilding;
If you had known that there would be such a calamity in your life,
In the restaurant back then, would you still kowtow to that old man?

Chu Yao closed her eyes.

At this moment, she finally understood what the heart question was asking.

Everything from the past came back to mind.

Leaving the countryside and going to the city, appreciating teachers in restaurants, encountering evil cultivators on the road, fleeing to the end of the world...

Breaking into the Northern Territory, Dou Zhongxiu, entering Tianyin, taking on the master's bowl...

Experience the Beast Tide, Refining Zihuang, Zhenxiao Xiao, Jie Yuanying...

All the way hard, all the way to go again.

In fact, she knew in her heart that this was just a trial, but she still made the same choices as in the past time and time again.

Just because her name is Chu Yao.

Half my life has passed, and I am still me.

Chu Yao opened her eyes.

She looked up at the huge celestial artifact, her eyes were clear and bright.

"Cultivating immortals is to go against the sky."

In the endless gust of wind, Chu Yao muttered to himself.

"Even if it is destined to have such a catastrophe, I will still go."

"This is my life, Chu Yao."

Facing the overwhelming golden light, Chu Yao opened her arms without fear, showing a firm smile.

"Never regret it!"

Everything suddenly turned into clouds and mist, like a dream bubble, and dissipated with a sound of no regrets.

When everything settled down, there was a shallow sound of waves in my ears, fish swimming on the bottom of my feet, and birds hovering above my head.

She has returned to the door of the first pass.

 After re-reading these four chapters, I feel that I am quite satisfied with the writing.
  It can be regarded as a complement to Chu Yao's past.

(End of this chapter)

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