Let you appear on variety shows, and you bring the whole village to become rich?

Chapter 152 The evidence is in front of you, believe it?

Chapter 152 The evidence is in front of you, believe it?
After saying this, Su Yiyi actually hung up the phone on her own initiative.

She was sure that Song Junnian would definitely come.

People in high positions have a kind of superstitious self-confidence, and if they meet each other near the company, even if it is a bureau, it will not be successful.

Song Junnian looked at the blacked out phone screen, his face became extremely ugly.

He will definitely go, not because of ego, but because...

It involves his sister!

He kept brainwashing himself. As an older brother, he had to help his younger sister eliminate all dangers around her.

Just like that, Song Junnian went to the appointment.

The bodyguard cleaned up the rubbish in advance. When he arrived, Su Yiyi had been waiting for two hours and 59 minutes.

Stuck, no more, no less, just right.

"Mr. Song really knows how to get stuck in time. He is indeed the successor of Huachuang Technology."

Su Yiyi's face was about to freeze with laughter, the ghost knew how angry she was during the waiting time, the other party clearly wanted to play tricks on her.

Song Junnian didn't respond, he pulled his seat away and sat down, and countless coercion burst out.

Glancing at his watch, he said indifferently, "Miss Su, I'll give you three ten minutes."

Three hours changed to three 10 minutes, and the face was slapped so vividly that Su Yiyi felt that the anger in her chest was about to burn her dry.

She was dissatisfied and asked: "Mr. Song, is this your attitude of asking for help?"

Unexpectedly, Song Junnian replied calmly.

"One minute left."

Su Yiyi was choked by this attitude, but her heart grew more resentful towards Qu Suihuan.

It's all because Qu Suihuan ruined her image, that's why Song Junnian treated her like this.

"Mr. Song, you don't have to target me like this, because what I say next will make you realize that I'm just a victim of Qu Suihuan's persecution. She ruined my image in front of the public, and she is only jealous of me. The family is really rich."

Song Junnian didn't have the patience to listen to the other's parents, so he spoke impatiently.

"One minute left."

Su Yiyi complained that he didn't eat oil and salt, but she had to stop teasing his little thoughts.

"That's Mr. Song, I found out that Qu Suihuan and Qin Wantong have come to deceive you."

"Trick me for what?"

"Qin Wantong was not frightened into dumb at all, nor was she crippled."

When the loud accusation came down, Su Yiyi's pupils were grim, eager to see the scene of Song Junnian going berserk.

Get angry!

Let the anger burn that bitch Qu Suihuan to death, and make her no longer worthy of fighting with her.

But after waiting for a while, Song Junnian unexpectedly...

Be silent!
He is like a Buddha hanging high in the clouds, he ignores it, dismisses it, and is so calm beyond imagination that it has reached the point where people doubt whether he has normal emotions.

Su Yiyi couldn't hold back anymore, and couldn't wait to produce evidence before the other party replied.

"Mr. Song, look, I didn't lie to you, this is the recording they planned, and this, this is the photo of Qin Wantong walking down the ground."

Song Junnian's eyes fell on the photo. When the truth was in front of him, he was not as calm as he imagined.

Qu Suihuan lied to him, he didn't care, but he did...

Qin Wantong lied to him.

In the photo, it was obviously at his house, and Qin Wantong walked down the ground like a normal person, showing no signs of lameness.

He was naturally angry in his heart, but he instinctively wanted to defend her, no matter how angry he was, he didn't want to fall into the trap set by Su Yiyi.

"Miss Su, where did you get the photos and videos? It's obviously in my house, so your hand has already reached my house?"

Su Yiyi never expected that he would ask this question.

Shouldn't he question Qin Wantong and ban Qu Suihuan who spoiled his sister?

"Mr. Song, it was Qu Suihuan and Qin Wantong who lied to you. Now I am helping you see their true colors."

Hearing this, Song Junnian showed a sneer on his face.

"If they count it as cheating, then you, Ms. Su... are illegally taking photos and violating other people's privacy."

Su Yiyi was so shocked beyond words, her dilated pupils showed the imbalance in her heart.

"No, it's not...it's Qu Suihuan, she lied to you, you should focus on her."

She almost lost her composure and yelled out these words, extremely unwilling.

Song Junnian ignored it and only gave the bodyguards a look.

The bodyguard stepped forward to back up Su Yiyi's evidence and deleted the original.

"Miss Su, it's a waste of time to bribe my servant to get the photo without authorization!"

He smiled, but it was extremely creepy, what Su Yiyi wanted to say was stuck in her throat.

"What about Qu Suihuan and Qin Wantong, I will find out, but you are not innocent. I took these things you shouldn't have. If they are uploaded from your hands in the future, then I don't mind letting you restore the original appearance."

The original appearance...

That is, when she was not yet the daughter of the Su family.

Song Junnian is trying to deal with the Su family?

Su Yiyi panicked. She had a hard-won good day today, and she would never allow anyone to destroy it.

"Mr. Song, I was wrong. I apologize. Don't worry, the photos will not be published. Your bodyguards have already deleted them. I swear there is no backup."

She hastily raised her hands, not half of the confident look she had at the beginning.

Song Junnian didn't say much, he got up and left.

Little did they know that after he left, Su Yiyi almost smashed the coffee shop down.

In the car, Song Junnian fell into deep thought while clutching the backed up evidence.

There was only one thought in his mind: Qin Wantong was lying to him.

He didn't want to admit it, but the facts were in front of his eyes, she was like those women who tried their best to get close to him, she pretended to be pitiful, but in fact she was full of scheming.

He suddenly felt so tired that his temples twitched.

Sure enough, their family has been in conflict with the surname Qin in this life.

He didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit it: Qin made him sick!

When the car drove back, Song Junnian walked directly to Qin Wantong's room without any hesitation.

He only paused at the door for a second, then knocked on the door cruelly.

"It's me, Song Junnian."

Upon hearing the sound, the drowsy Qin Wantong immediately woke up, and quickly slid over in a wheelchair.

The moment the door opened, a pair of bright eyes first came into view.

Even if she didn't speak, Song Junnian seemed to know what she wanted to say.

That kind of expectation, eagerness, and admiration cannot be hidden.

But... she lied to him.

So, is her current appearance true or false?
Song Junnian clenched his palms tightly, his throat was a little astringent, and he blocked everything he wanted to say.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Qin Wantong was full of worry, and quickly typed a line on the phone.

[Mr. Song, if you are unhappy, you can tell me. It will be much better if you tell your troubles. 】

Looking at this text, Song Junnian's eyes darkened.

He tried, but he couldn't speak, couldn't reprimand her.

The two just stared at each other, and the air was filled with unknown thoughts.

After a while, Song Junnian finally spoke.

"Can I drink?"

Knowing that he was unhappy, Qin Wantong nodded decisively even though she couldn't drink well.

"Come and drink with me!"

He guessed that she didn't drink well, and that she was just a cliché when she was drunk.

He wants to ask...

Why lie to him.

(End of this chapter)

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