I raise dragon gods in the interstellar

Chapter 214 Pure Divine Power

Chapter 214 Pure Divine Power
The skirt that Boss Coal brought was pink and white, very cute, with white stockings and small black leather shoes.

Qiao Mei put it on, and her face was roughly cleaned by Qiao's father, and after she tied two nondescript braids, the final effect looked really good.

"Tsk, as expected of my daughter, she looks good. After you go, you must remember not to make the coal boss angry, do you hear me?!"

Qiao Mei didn't say anything, and Qiao's father was not angry. After pushing her into the car called by the coal boss, he began to smoke the cigar handed over by the driver in the front seat.

While smoking, he also promoted Qiao Mei to the driver and asked him what he thought of Qiao Mei.

Ao Cang followed, and sat beside Qiao Mei, listening to Father Qiao's words that he was inferior to a beast, he gritted his teeth and wanted to attack him, but the divine power he used had no effect on him at all.

He could only hold Qiao Mei's hand and tell her not to be afraid, he would be by her side and guard her.

As he said that, he quietly gave her a fruit knife he picked up from her house and asked her to take it.

"Use it in case I can't help you later, you."

Ao Cang didn't finish his sentence, as if he had hit a barrier that could bounce him back, he was knocked out of the car, and fell on the road the car had just passed, watching helplessly as the car drove away from him. further and further.

He wanted to follow, but the invisible barrier blocked him again, blocking the outside.

"what happened?!"

Ao Cang released some divine power to try again, but the result was the same.

While anxious, he caught a glimpse of the sea not far away from the land from the corner of his eye, and suddenly understood something.

He quickly ran to the shore, and looked at the position he was in just now, it happened to be a place completely isolated from the sea.

"That is to say, if I leave the sea area, can I not follow?"

But what should Qiao Mei do?
Qiao Mei didn't expect that Ao Cang would suddenly disappear like the time she saw him three years ago. After a moment of panic, she subconsciously looked back.

But when she went to look again, she couldn't see him anymore, so she could only tightly hold the fruit knife in her hand.

the same moment.

Ao Cang has already entered the sea, and checked the situation in the sea area.

The layout of this sea area is a bit strange. It doesn't span a large area as he knows, but it only encloses a small piece of land, and the water area is extremely small.

The idea of ​​chasing Qiao Mei through the waters is obviously impossible.

He could only return to the position of the barrier, reach out to touch and sense it, and think about what it is and how to break it.

Not long after the palm was printed on it, he felt a very strange but familiar force,
It was as if he had touched it a long time ago.

He suppressed the daze in his eyes, and wanted to continue to explore, but at this moment, he felt the dizziness in his head began to increase, and he felt a little unsteady in his body.

But he didn't give up, and continued to attack deeper with his divine power.

As a result, he couldn't stand upright in the end, and he was unable to sit on the ground against the barrier.

A lot of blood was spit out of the mouth, and the body was too cold.

He thought of what he had heard from Qiao's father before, and the coal boss that Qiao Mei was going to meet. He could almost predict what would happen after Qiao Mei passed away.

And he, who is clearly here, can't do anything, can only wait for her to come back helplessly, and he doesn't know when she will come back.

He glanced at the gloomy sky, which had already started to snow, and his mood also sank.

what else can i do to save her
Just as he was thinking about it, he felt that the speed of the snowflakes falling from the sky was not right.

It was as if someone had played it at double speed. It took only a few seconds for the snowflakes to hit the ground, and the dry open space in front of him had already turned into a snowdrift.

He looked back in surprise at the scene behind him, and found that not only the snow, but all the scenes and people seemed to have been pressed by the fast forward button.

The gloomy sky also changed from dark gray to pure black.

The vehicles and pedestrians coming and going around pass through at an extremely fast speed.

He glanced at the building with a huge clock not far away. The hour and minute hands on it were turning at an extremely fast speed, from nine o'clock in the morning to two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Once here, everything returned to normal.

Ao Cang stood up, shook off the snow that had fallen on his body, and looked to the other side of the barrier. He no longer had any hope of seeing Qiao Mei again.

That being the case, no matter whether this is just a ridiculous dream or it is indeed reality, he cannot continue to wait.

No matter how powerful the barrier is, can it be stronger than his pure divine power?
The young man's golden eyes began to overflow with a dazzling light, accompanied by blood flowing from his seven orifices.

His form slowly changed as the golden white light overflowed.

From the appearance of 24 years old to the appearance of [-] years old.

And the barrier in front of him, as if he had sensed something, was gradually filled with a lot of cracks.

This time, with the help of pure spiritual power, when Ao Cang reached out to touch it again, the barrier shattered, unable to stop him from moving forward.

It's just that his condition is very bad, the blood flowing from his seven orifices can't be stopped at all, and every step he takes, it feels like thousands of needles are piercing his body.

But he acted as if he didn't notice anything, and he just followed the position where Qiao Mei left her breath despite the pain.

"Ah!! Killed! Killed!!"

Qiao Mei clenched the bloody fruit knife in her hand, listening to the screams coming from the room.

Not far away was a room that could be used for bathing, so he rushed in and washed the blood off his hands with cold water.

But the cuffs of her clothes were also stained with blood, no matter how much she washed them, blood would drip from her cuffs.

The strong smell of rust made her dizzy and wanted to vomit.

But she knew it wasn't enough.

Forced to calm herself, she searched the bathroom for something to start a fire with.

Soon, she saw the lighter with the cigarettes on the window sill.

She tried it and it lit.

If you can, that's fine.

She was not the only one in the room, there were many girls of her age who wore various styles of skirts.

But they are all dead.

She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if she didn't hold the fruit knife Ao Cang gave her.

Should he die on the bed with disheveled clothes and eyes open like those girls, or should he survive and be tortured by the coal boss later?

The girl took a deep breath, cut off the bloody cuff with a knife, and then took the lighter to the basement where the coal boss said that there was a lot of gasoline.

There is no one there now, and they are all in a mess because the coal boss is dead, which happens to be convenient for her to get gasoline.

 I have written a short section of this part before, here is a complete supplement, you can read it together~
(End of this chapter)

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