I raise dragon gods in the interstellar

Chapter 212 Unable to bear the price of losing him

Gemstones are piled up in the corner, and when the light shines, there are beautiful light and shadows refracted from it, hitting the floor and the wall.

After Qiao Mei looked at them for a while, she didn't intend to put them away, but got up and took the nest of gemstones that had been set aside, and placed them in the center of the pile of gemstones.

"Cangcang, you can go up in the form of a little black dragon and try."

If she remembers correctly, dragons seem to like to nest on a pile of gems.

And it is.

Ao Cang didn't know how much stamina it took to resist not getting started with those gems.

Now with Qiao Mei's consent, he quickly changed into the form of a little black dragon, climbed up the gem mountain, and left his own breath on each gem.

Seeing him happy, Qiao Mei became happier.

After Ao Cang had finished enjoying himself, Qiao Mei picked him up and started talking to him about the business.

"Tell me honestly, where did you get the money to buy these gems?"

She had vaguely guessed that he took it from Yan's family.

The reason why I asked this question was not only for confirmation, but also to see if Ao Cang would lie to her.

The money she gave him was only a few thousand interstellar coins, and the small gemstone nest on the gemstone pile cost her [-] yuan at that time.

Not to mention, there are so many huge gemstones that don't know how many gemstone nests can be made.

Ao Cang glanced at Qiao Mei, twitched his thick eyelashes, and finally told the truth.

"I went to the Yan family and got back the [-]% of the rights promised to me by the head of the Yan family, so I have this money."

Qiao Mei nodded: "Well, what else?"

"Anything else?" Ao Cang raised his eyes in bewilderment, not quite understanding what Qiao Mei meant.

Seeing him like this, Qiao Mei explained clearly: "What identity did you pass by, how many people know about it, and what will happen if they find out, have you considered it?"

Ao Cang went in the past, of course as the Dragon God.

He glanced at Qiao Mei's solemn face quietly, and vaguely guessed that he must have done something wrong, so he changed back into a human form, and held her hand in a flattering way, letting many family members know that he had gone Tell me about the Yan family ancestral hall.

"If An'an is worried, I will use my divine power to tamper with their memory now, what do you think?"

Qiao Mei was speechless: "What's the use of tampering now? Those who should say it have already said it. Can you be sure who knows it, and can you make sure that everyone who knows it will forget it?"

"Cang Cang!" Qiao Mei pulled him to sit on the sofa, cupped his somewhat fleshy face with both hands, and forced him to look at her, with unprecedented worry and concern in her red eyes.

"Forget it this time. Since the matter has already happened, what I say will not help the matter. In addition, the Yan family has indeed received a lot of favor from you. They may see that you have protected them for so long. Say it, but if there is a next time, I hope you will not make such a big fuss and let them know your real identity, okay?"

Ao Cang didn't understand: "Okay, but can I ask why? Are you afraid that they will attack me?"

But he obviously recovered a lot of strength now, and he can now be sure that no one or anything can hurt him.

"Yes, I'm afraid of this, and I also know that you have the ability to protect yourself, but Cang Cang, everything has a contingency, and I don't want that contingency to happen to you, do you understand?"

If only those patriarchs or helmsmen who have received his great favor know about this, she feels that the danger is still very small, but if everyone can know, wouldn't it be a mess?

Ao Cang saw her worry, didn't say any more, and nodded silently.

The mood seemed much more languid than when he first entered the house.

Seeing him like this, Qiao Mei felt uncomfortable. After reaching out to hug him into her arms, she said softly, "I'm not blaming you, I just can't bear the price of losing you, so it might look a little too much." Strict, don't think wildly."

Her body is soft, and there is a faint fragrance of roses on her body.

Being held in her arms like this was very healing for Ao Cang.

He buried his head in her arms, hugged her back with both hands, and said softly: "Okay, I will listen to An An."

After finishing the important matter, Qiao Mei handed him the pajamas she had prepared for Ao Cang in advance, and asked him to take a bath.

She is to repair the damage of the [Black Crow Boy] mecha, and see how to make a small modification to it.

You don't know if you don't play, but when you play, almost all kinds of small problems emerge one after another.

Fortunately, the competition time this time is still relatively long, and she still has a lot of trial and error costs.

in the bathroom.

After Ao Cang soaked himself in the bathtub, the image of little Qiao Mei suddenly appeared in his mind again, thinking in his heart, how will she live after he left?

Maybe it's because you think about it every day that you have dreams at night.

That night, when Ao Cang was drowsily sleeping with Qiao Mei in his arms, he had that very strange feeling in his brain again.

When he opened his eyes again, he seemed to have returned to the world where little Qiao Mei was.

But compared to before, the little Qiao Mei in front of her can no longer be described as small.

She looked a lot older, about fifteen or sixteen.

Although he was wearing tattered and dirty clothes and his face was not very clean, the facial features that were exposed looked very good.

It is six points similar to the Qiao Mei he saw in the interstellar era.

It was her body, which seemed to be as thin as before.

It felt like any gust of wind could knock her down.

She was holding a tattered vegetable basket, which contained some vegetables with muddy roots.

In winter, she just walked to the frozen river in a shabby dress that could be called a spring dress.

After that, he skillfully smashed a few holes in the ice with stones to expose the water.

She had severe chilblains on her hands, swollen like sausages.

But as if she was unconscious, after taking the vegetables out of the basket, she put her hands and vegetables into the ice water.

The temperature is very low, and she wears very little.

With the cold wind blowing outside, her lips were bloodless, Ao Cang looked at her like this, his heart ached so badly.

He took a few steps forward and held her hand that was about to be soaked in ice water, and said to her in a hoarse voice, "An'an, don't you hurt?"

His voice didn't seem to have any effect on Qiao Mei. She even paused for a moment, then continued to touch the ice water again with a numb face, but there was still a faint smile on her face.

I don't know if I'm talking to Ao Cang, or to herself.

"Cang Cang, you haven't shown up for a long time. The last time I saw you was the time I almost starved to death."

Qiao Mei: I can do whatever I want, but nothing will happen to Cang Cang! !

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