Xiangsheng prosperous

Chapter 122 Into Hell

In the gloomy and gloomy prison of the county government in Chang'an County, a faltering candle hangs on the wall outside the prison, acting as the few light sources here.

Mrs. Tian couldn't count how many days she had stayed here. From being restless and unacceptable at the beginning, to being insensitive now, she became lifeless.

Since she was imprisoned, only Qiu Li came to visit her once.After that, even if it was a message or a word, it never happened again.

Lady Tian's heart was cold.

But even so, she still did not give up her desire for life.She knew that as long as the people from the government couldn't catch Nanny Song for a day, she still had a chance to leave here.

There was never a moment when Mrs. Tian was more grateful than she was now for being in charge of the Qiu family.

Therefore, she had the opportunity to secretly acquire a lot of private property.

She is very realistic, even if the Tian family is in trouble, she can no longer rely on her; even if Qiu Qianshen doesn't want her, she will abandon her; what's more, even her own flesh and blood have abandoned her.At least, she still has money, only the money shop will not betray her.

"It's time to eat!" The jailer opened the cell door and rudely threw the food on the prison floor.

Lady Tian sat on the ground, turning her head to look at this morning's meal.

The thin porridge soup is paired with a cornbread less than the size of a fist. The steamed cornbread is so dirty that you can't see the normal color of the rice noodles at all.

Lady Tian cast a disgusted glance. She hasn't eaten well recently, she hasn't lived well, and she hasn't slept well. There are many ulcers in the corners of her mouth and mouth, and it's hard to open her mouth. How could she be able to eat this kind of food.

She turned her head, not even looking at the swill-like food.

The jailer had finished distributing food to the other prisons, and when he turned back to pass her, he found that the food he had put in the prison just now hadn't been touched.He said to Mrs. Tian angrily: "You still pick and choose, don't know how many days you can eat? One bite is one less..."

When Lady Tian heard what the jailer said, she didn't suppress her anger immediately, and retorted,

"What do you mean? The government has no evidence to prove that I killed someone. I'm only temporarily locked up here. Sooner or later, your county lieutenant Wang will return my innocence and let me out!" She glared at the jailer angrily.

Unexpectedly, the jailer suddenly sneered after hearing what she said.

"Ha, you are the wife of the third bedroom of the Qiu Mansion, right?"

The hottest topic in the Weichaotang of Chang'an County recently is the serial case of the Qiu family.The jailer's elder brother works in Wuhou Shop, and has been staying in the county government office for a month since he has been investigating several cases in the Qiu Mansion day and night.The jailer listened to his mother and sister-in-law nagging at home, so he naturally felt resentful towards the people in the Qiu residence.

Especially the woman in front of her is a vicious woman suspected of murdering her relatives.

Lady Tian ignored him, a small jailer, it was impossible for her to have any interaction with him in her whole life in the past.If she wasn't so angry with what he said just now, she wouldn't even bother to speak to him.

The jailer laughed at her self-righteous attitude, and he couldn't wait for the proud phoenix to realize that he was actually a shed pheasant about to be fried.

"You don't know yet..." He knelt down, smiled at her through the prison bar with interest, and said softly in a very sarcastic voice, "I heard that, your wife Son-in-law, I handed over an account book about you instructing others to prepare poison yesterday as evidence to County Captain Wang. If the account book is found to be true, it would not be unfair to sentence you to death."

"What? Impossible!" Tian Niangzi suddenly turned her head and widened her eyes. She was so shocked by what the jailer said just now that even the muscles of her face began to twitch.

"Yes! And your concubine, what's his name...Qiu Fu's?" The jailer cleared his throat triumphantly, and continued to show off his knowledge to Mrs. Tian.

"He threw himself into a well in fear of crime. Before he died, he left a suicide note, in which he wrote everything about you having an affair with him and conspiring to kill others. You say, the two sides are a pair," he held up two sticks. Just put your fingers together, "Is the evidence conclusive? Hahaha..."

Lady Tian was completely dumbfounded...

What is this man talking about?What did Qiu Qianshen do?What evidence did she have that fell into his hands to give him a chance to kill his relatives righteously?And that Qiu Fu, what does it matter to him?When did she have an affair with him?Still conspiring with him to murder?Who are these?Who gave her the crime of rote?
"I didn't! I was wronged!" She rushed to the jailer, grabbed the bars and yelled at the top of her voice, "Qiu Qianshen framed me! It's all from the Qiu family who slandered me!"

The jailer was so frightened by her so suddenly that he sat down on the ground. It took him a long time to recover, and he cursed angrily, "You are fucking looking for death! How dare you scare me!"

He picked up the bowls and dishes containing the food on the ground and slammed them hard on Madam Tian. Madam Tian couldn't dodge in time, her forehead hit the solid wooden fence, and blood dripped down her forehead.

"You don't want to eat! You'll be a starving ghost later, I'll save you the trouble of bringing you food every time..." After finishing speaking, he stood up and left Madam Tian's prison cursing.

"No... I was wronged, I didn't..." At this moment, Lady Tian was ignorant, as if she couldn't feel the pain on her forehead.She let the blood on her head slide to her eye sockets, and then, like blood and tears, slid from her eye sockets to the ground.She slumped against the stone wall feebly, repeating the words with empty eyes.

It's over, this time it's completely over, she can't get out.

Qiu Qianshen, Qiu Qianshen, why?Even if she didn't work hard for him and the Qiu family, she must have worked hard.Even if he doesn't care about her and doesn't save her, there's no point in making trouble for her and putting her to death.

"Qiu Qianshen, in order to get rid of yourself, you actually set up such a big game. So if you don't kill me, you won't be able to sleep..."

Looking at the pottery bowl that was smashed to the ground by the jailer just now, Lady Tian stretched out her hand and hid a piece of broken pottery behind her back...

"Hehe, the men of the Qiu family are not good people... You have learned it too."

A leisurely female voice came from the opposite cell, the voice was slow and thin, and the words were full of sarcasm.She was laughing at Mrs. Tian, ​​who actually had expectations for a selfish creature like the man from the Qiu family.

At this time, Lady Tian had completely lost the strength to argue with her.She curled herself up on the straw pile in the prison. Although the straw was hard and painful, for her, this was the only place where she could feel warm in this prison.

Seeing that Mrs. Tian didn't respond to her, Pu Suzhen was not reconciled.She continued to stab Mrs. Tian in the heart: "I remember when you and the surname Song found me and had a big conversation with me. You vowed that with your status in the Qiu family and your husband's love for you, you would definitely help me Seek justice. Unexpectedly, today, you yourself are used as a shield by the men of the Qiu family."

Speaking of this, Pu Suzhen's pale, ghostly face suddenly came to the gap between the bars.She squatted on the ground, her gaze was just looking at Mrs. Tian, ​​her mouth was slightly opened, revealing black teeth that were dirty from not washing for a long time.She smiled and said to Mrs. Tian: "You wicked woman, you really deserve it... Hahahaha..."

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