Liu Daqiang looked firmly into the distance: "Everyone can see big stars on TV."

"If everyone can see it, can my mother also see it? She knows that I am promising, so she will come back." Liu Daqiang wanted to be a star just to let his mother go home.

Wen Qixuan understood this feeling.

After he became sensible, he knew that he didn't have a mother. Even if there were many servants in the family, none of them could replace his mother.

Every time the school holds a parent-teacher meeting or writes an essay, as long as it is about his mother, he is very envious of others.

Classmate Duan Yuzhu didn't have a mother either. His mother died of illness, but at least Duan Yuzhu could worship, while Wen Qixuan didn't even have a place to worship.

Everyone said that his mother was missing, and they didn't know if she was dead or alive. Because the body was not found, my father refused to make a tombstone.

Wen Qixuan filmed the first set of commercials, which were played several million times. At that time, he asked his grandma if his mother could see it.

He hoped his mother would find him when she saw it.

But until he faded out of the entertainment circle, Liang Shuang didn't show up.

Grandma Sun Fanghua told him that his mother might get lost in some forest and be eaten by wild animals. Gradually, Wen Qixuan accepted the fact that he did not have a mother.

Unexpectedly, one day my mother came back suddenly.

"Well, if you become a star, your mother will come back when she sees it." Wen Qixuan encouraged Liu Daqiang, "I thought so before, and then my mother really came back."

Sa Guorui is so envious of them that his mother can come back.

"My parents are in the sky, can they come back?" Sa Guorui asked, "There should be no TV in the sky."

Wen Qixuan and the others all know Sa Guorui's story.

Several others were silent together.

Finally Wen Qixuan said: "Your mother has become a star, she is there." The boy pointed to the sky.

"My grandma said, Mom and Dad went to the sky to plant peach trees, because I love peaches, and only Plum Village has peaches, so they went there to plant them."

Lu He responded: "Yes, every parent loves their child the most, and they will give you whatever you like. They want the world to be full of peach trees."

Wen Qixuan already knew that this was a lie, because his grandma had told him before that his mother might become a star, and the dead people had long since disappeared, so it was impossible to become anything.

But he couldn't bear to expose it.

On the contrary, he said against his will: "No wonder I can always smell peaches when I come here, it's from the sky."

"Grandma said, when I grow up, my parents will take me to pick peaches." Sa Guorui said happily.

No one planted peach trees in the sky, but Grandma Sa made up a lie, which made the grandson always feel that his parents were there, and he only saw them when he grew up.

Wen Qixuan didn't expect that Sa Guorui, who was so thoughtful, would believe his grandma's words.

In fact, Sa Guorui knew that grandma lied to him. Since the second grade, he heard from his classmates that he should not believe that the dead will become stars.

But he would rather believe it, because grandma is also kind.

Or maybe their souls will go to the sky and become human-planted peaches again.

"Brother Qixuan, what about your ideal?" Sa Guorui changed the topic.

Wen Qixuan took a deep breath, his ideal?
"Eating and dying." The boy blurted out.

That's what he thought. Anyway, he has the inheritance of the family property, so he just needs to eat and wait to die.

There was a sound of surprise.

"Wen Qixuan, are you so unmotivated?" Lu He complained.

"However, it's a skill to eat and wait to die. Most people will starve to death." Lu He was more mature than the other three.

"That's right, if I don't sell vegetables, I won't even be able to eat." Liu Daqiang's living expenses are basically earned by himself.

"Me too, if I don't do anything, I won't even go to school." Sa Guorui's eyes darkened when he spoke.

Maybe that's the difference between them.

After hearing this, Wen Qixuan realized how shameful his thoughts were.

He smiled to cover up: "I'm just kidding with you, my ideal is..."

The three of them looked at Wen Qixuan in unison, waiting for his next words.

"My ideal is to have my own band. Of course, now I have to be admitted to a four-star high school instead of going to a technical school, but my grandma said that even if I graduated from a prestigious university, I have to start with screwing when I enter Wen's. Then I still I won’t get in.” Even though Wen Qixuan didn’t want to study at the beginning and wanted to eat and die, he still hoped to live with the real money his father gave him.

Instead of inheriting the company and earning money by yourself.

"Four-star high school is quite difficult. Our teacher said that not half of the students in our school's class can pass the exam, but I have always been in the top ten of my class, so it's not a big problem." Liu Daqiang is the kind of kid who is not smart but works hard. .

Even though he has to make money besides going to school, he hasn't missed his homework at all.

"You are amazing." Wen Qixuan has fifty students in his class, and he got the best [-] in one exam. For this reason, his grandma took him to the supermarket for a day and granted him three wishes.

If it was in the top ten, grandma would probably invite people from the community to eat for three days. If she was admitted to a four-star high school, grandma said that she would invite Wen's employees to travel to celebrate.

Although Wen Qixuan's grades were not good, he could still do simple arithmetic. Every time his grandma asked him if he didn't do well in the exam, he would always say that he would save money for grandma.

After listening to grandma, she smiled and passed away.

In the first year of junior high school, no one in the family really caught his study.

For Sa Guorui, who is just in the fourth grade, he doesn't know how cruel the competition in the four-star high school is.

Sa Guorui has been stuck in the choice of whether to go to school, not because he doesn't want to go to school, but because his grandma can't go to school. It wasn't until Liang Shuang told him that programming might be his best way out, that he decided not to skip classes on purpose.

"I failed every exam, but I made mistakes on purpose," Sa Guorui said.

Wen Qixuan pressed Sa Guorui's shoulder: "Brother, what do you think? I wanted to cheat in order to get two more points in the exam, but you made a mistake on purpose."

"Oh, yes, for grandma's sake, but it's all right now." The boy asked himself and answered.

"Let's become sworn brothers." Lu He suggested.

Everyone agrees.

"I, Lu He, am 15 years old this year."

"I, Wen Qixuan, am 14 years old."

"I, Liu Daqiang, am 14 years old this year."

"I, Sa Guorui, am 12 years old this year."

"I am the oldest, I am the eldest brother, Wen Qixuan, Daqiang, you are both 14, when is your birthday?" Lu He asked.

Of course Wen Qixuan disagreed with Lu He being the boss.

He raised his hand to veto: "I don't rank the boss according to age, I have experience, I will be the big brother."

"It's all based on age." Lu He resolutely refused to give in.

"I can protect you as a big brother, and I am also a big brother at school. You are so gentle, can you be a big brother?"

"That won't work. I'm older than you. It's embarrassing to call you brother." Lu He thought that the fans are much older than him, and they all call him little brother. He is obviously the biggest, but instead calls him Brother Wen Qixuan, so he won't do it. Woolen cloth.

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