idle mistress

Chapter 195

Chapter 195
What these women are here for, the two of them know very well, and they are indeed not suitable for doing things.

After hearing this, Guan Guan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then asked tentatively:

"Your Highness, should we all withdraw? Why don't you keep Miss Hao and Miss Zeng? The other two retreated and came here quickly?"

When Guan Song saw the appearance of Miss Shen, he couldn't help but think to himself: His Highness King Ling's preference is really unique, the four beauties in the room don't like it, but prefer this scrawny one.

It wasn't until these days that this man had gained some weight that he realized that there was indeed nothing wrong with King Ling's eyesight, and that Miss Shen was truly a beauty.

But in terms of beauty, in Guan Song's opinion, Hao Zhizhou's daughter is even better.

Pushing out such a beautiful woman made even one of his servants feel sorry, so he boldly proposed to his master to keep the two and withdraw them.

Unexpectedly, King Ling glanced at him and said mockingly: "If you don't want to part with these two, you can keep them for yourself."

Guan Song was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly knelt down on the ground: "I don't dare, I don't dare."

Zhao Yan looked at him coldly: "Don't question my king's words anymore, if you talk nonsense to me again, I'll replace you too."

"Yes, the slave understands."

After receiving the order, Guan Song didn't dare to relax, and immediately started to make arrangements.

Two days later

Eight women lined up and were led into a house through the back door. Lu Huijuan walked at the end, and she looked around curiously as she walked.

At the age of 19, she had never seen such a large house, and she was greatly shocked.

As we walked, a girl pointed to the right and said, "See, that's the East Courtyard. I heard that His Royal Highness King Ling lives in the East Courtyard."

As soon as the word "Your Highness" was uttered, Lu Huijuan felt her hairs stand on end. You must know that this title only existed on the stage for her.

If she guessed correctly, the one called His Highness is at least a prince, right?

She didn't know many characters, but she only knew that Chinese character. She looked curiously at the deep courtyard inside the arch.

Since this is the place where the prince lives, then this mansion is the palace of the prince. Thinking that she would be able to get in touch with the royal family in her lifetime, she couldn't help being nervous and looking forward to it.

The unhappiness when going out also disappeared.

She came to this big mansion as an errand, and this errand was introduced by someone from the yamen. It really wasn't just anyone who could come, she had to go through a lot of screening, and she had to be clean.

She, Lu Huijuan, escaped from marriage, and she didn't have any paperwork to prove her identity. She couldn't pass just because of her innocence.

After Zhang Mingxin bought an official, she thought she would have something to rely on in the future, so she hurriedly married herself.

I thought that if I became an official's wife, I would be able to enjoy the blessings in the future, so I don't need to serve others.

What she didn't expect was that because her man was a rough man who couldn't read a single character, he was dismissed due to a mistake after working in the Yamen for less than half a decade.

That was an official bought for hundreds of taels of silver. With the 30 taels in her hand, she bought a house, and there was nothing left, so she lived on the man's monthly salary.

Now the salary was stopped as soon as it was said, and of course she refused, so she went to the yamen to play and roll, and used all the horses that cried, made trouble, and hanged herself.

The official who took her man's money was afraid that she would make a big mess and it would be difficult to deal with it, so he finally let go and arranged another errand for her husband in the yamen. The salary, but the advantage is that I just walk around the entrance of the vegetable market every day, and I don’t need to write.

And she was introduced into the Yeyun Courtyard.

At first, when she heard that she was going to be a servant girl, she didn't want to.But then I heard that I could get 3000 Wen for the monthly salary, so I stopped making trouble immediately.

The official also told her that the person living in Yeyun Courtyard is the most powerful person in Quancang City, rich and powerful, if her errands are done well, not only will she get 3000 Wen a month, but she will also get a lot of money. .

The biggest character in Cangcheng?

At first she thought it was an official in the yamen, but unexpectedly, it was a prince.

I thought that if I could come in, it would be a matter of course that I could serve my master in close proximity.

But when she knew that she was assigned to the kitchen, Lu Huijuan was completely dumbfounded.

You know, among the eight people who came in at the same time, she was the oldest, but she was also the most agile.

Half of the eight people were selected to go to the east courtyard, and she was not among the four.

She, Lu Huijuan, was not stupid. She knew that only by serving her master would she have a chance to get the reward, which was a lot of money.

Why can those girls go to the east courtyard, but I can only go into the kitchen to do these dirty jobs?
Later, after inquiring, I found out that those girls secretly stuffed money for the manager.

She, Lu Huijuan, couldn't afford the money, but she couldn't let such a great opportunity go to waste.

She, Lu Huijuan, even dared to make trouble in the yamen, not to mention that it was just a big mansion.

Without further ado, Lu Huijuan went to complain to the person in charge.

But she didn't expect that the steward of a big mansion was even more powerful than the clerk in charge of the yamen, so without saying a word, he locked her in the woodshed.

One level is two days and two nights.

In that dark woodshed, cockroaches and mice were running all over the place. She was yelling that every day should not be done, and that the ground was not working. Only then did Lu Huijuan realize that in this deep house, arrogance will not have any effect.

After being released, she didn't dare to make trouble anymore, and obediently worked as an errand in the kitchen...

The next day, she learned from another girl that after four days of intensive training, the four of them officially went to work in the East Hospital today...
When Shen Qing was in a deep sleep, the arm under her neck moved, and then her head was gently lifted, and then a soft pillow was stuffed under her head.

The other party was afraid of waking her up, so he moved cautiously.

However, she still woke up, opened her eyes and took a look, it was not yet dawn.

She looked sleepily at the man in front of her, and asked, "Is it time?" Her tone was a bit lazy, which looked very cute in the man's eyes.

"Yeah." Zhao Yan responded, knowing that she hadn't slept enough, and said to her softly, "I have something to do in the barracks today, so I won't have lunch with you at noon."

Shen Qing nodded.

The man came up and kissed her on the forehead: "Go to sleep..."

His voice was deep and pleasant, and Shen Qing obediently closed her eyes, intending to regain sleep.

Half asleep and half awake, the man left the bed. She turned her head and took a look. Through the curtain, she saw the man standing there with his hands raised, allowing two servants to serve him and change his clothes.

He gently exhorted the maids in his ears: "Don't call her, after the medicine is delivered, let her eat something to cushion her stomach before drinking the medicine..."

(End of this chapter)

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