idle mistress

Chapter 170 Doctor He

Chapter 170 Doctor He

Her eyes dimmed, and she couldn't help falling into silence.

Mu Xiu carefully carried Shen Qing back to the ground, Shen Qing raised his head and asked: "The horse fell to death, the carriage fell apart, and I was injured, what should I do?"

Mu Xiu said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, we will arrive at Cangcheng soon. I can carry you through this section of the road even if it is memorized."

Hearing this, Shen Qing smiled, and with this smile, there was another sharp pain in her right chest, she just covered her chest and closed her mouth.

Without the carriage, the three of them could only camp and sleep. During the period, Mu Xiu ordered Lu Huijuan to collect dry firewood. Seeing that she had gone far, Shen Qing asked Mu Xiu to find the tools that had fallen halfway up the mountain.

"Why are you looking for those things?" Mu Xiu didn't care much.

She said, "Isn't that the guy you make money with?"

"It's just some silver needles for acupuncture, just go to Cangcheng and buy them."

Shen Qing looked at him, her expression became serious, and she said: "I suspect that the sudden madness of the horse has something to do with Lu Huijuan, I saw her take out your tool bag."

Hearing this, Mu Xiu obediently went to find the tool bag. When the bag was found, the two of them checked it out. As expected, there was indeed a needle missing in it.

Mu Xiu turned down the ravine again, and when he found the silver needle from the horse's back, he pulled the silver needle out with one hand, looked at the needle tip, his eyes were tearing open, and for the first time he made a murderous attempt.

Lu Huijuan came back with a bundle of dry firewood. Seeing that the tent had been set up on the flat ground, she felt a little guilty, and stood outside and called out, "Brother Mu, I picked up the firewood. Do you want to light the fire now?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Mu Xiu came out of the tent, strode up to her, and slapped her hard on the face without saying a word.

There was a burning pain on the left side of her cheek. Lu Huijuan covered her face with her hands, and called out to the man with red eyes in aggrieved way: "Brother Mu...why did you hit me...I did something wrong again...?"

Before she finished speaking, Mu Xiu's eyes were fierce, and he grabbed her throat with one hand. He leaned over, looked at her and gritted his teeth and said, "Lu Huijuan, you are so brave, you dare to kill her? I let you It's not a pity to die a hundred times."

At this moment, Lu Huijuan knew that Dong Chuang's incident had happened, and she wanted to defend herself, but her throat was locked, and she opened her mouth, unable to utter a single note.

At first she thought that the man was just trying to scare her, but soon, she found that the man really wanted to put her to death.

The hand holding her throat tightened little by little, she was terrified, and in order to survive, she kicked her legs desperately, and kept patting the person in front of her with her hands...

Shen Qing in the tent looked at the scene in front of her and the neck that was being held, and felt that there was something wrong with her breathing. A man's fierce face and that ruthless man flashed in her mind unconsciously. Clutching the hand around my throat...

Panting for breath, she felt that the air was getting thinner and thinner. In the end, her eyes went dark and she fainted.

When Mu Xiu heard the movement, he turned his head and saw her collapsed in the tent, he became anxious, let go of his hands and ran over.

Lu Huijuan lay on the ground, her chest heaved violently after escaping from death, fearing that Mu Xiu would turn around and kill her again, after letting go, she scrambled and fled into the forest in a hurry...
In the forest, a burly man walked slowly with a petite woman on his back——
She asked him: "Doctor He, do you know what happened to the two of us? I clearly remember that our car encountered a mudslide, how did we come to Dacheng Dynasty?"

She added: "Doctor He, your face now makes me feel very disobedient."

You must know that Director He, who was in charge of the Third Hospital back then, always paid attention to his appearance, and he always wore suits and leather shoes under his white coat; his handsome face was also neatly tidied up.

He is the object of flirting with those little girls in the third courtyard.

He Yihang told her that for a long time, she lived alone in Huaicheng, and also told her that he found her only by relying on the letters she entrusted.

However, she couldn't remember any of these.

Her memory is only limited to Shen Qing in the 21st century, and then there is Shen Qing who was poisoned after waking up in the carriage.

As for why the two did not die in the mudslide, but came to this other world, the two have discussed it, but they have no conclusion...

After arriving in Cangcheng, the two found a small house to settle down, and they were still called brother and sister on weekdays.

Shen Qing didn't change his words, and still called He Yihangmu Big Brother.

For one thing, in the 21st century, she is one year older than He Yihang, and now Mu Xiu's age seems to be more than a little bit older than Shen Qingnian, so it is inappropriate for her to call her by his first name.

Secondly, Shen Qing did not forget Mu Xiu's affectionate confession when he was drunk that day.

As the saying goes, telling the truth after drinking, for this reason, she no longer fights with this junior heartlessly like before. Although the two are close, they always maintain a certain distance.

Yin Yihang saw all these things, but didn't point them out.

The two carefully maintained this beauty, occasionally having a drink, talking at night by candlelight, and talking about everything in the 21st century. They would talk about the feasting and feasting at night in City A, the sadness of the intern period, and the medical school. That bald professor….

There is beauty, but there is also fatigue.

But both of them know that, good or bad, everything can't go back...

After Shen Qing recuperated in Cangcheng for a period of time, her ribs gradually healed, her legs and feet became much more flexible, and she no longer needed crutches to walk.

During this period of time, after Mu Xiu's careful care, the residual poison in her body was almost cleared.

It's just that the medicine is three-point poisonous, soaked in the medicine pot every day, the heart, liver, spleen, and lungs are all damaged. Her body is very weak, and she is prone to angina pectoris. Headaches, all kinds of problems, all appeared on her body alone.

In terms of diet, she used to be a person who didn’t like spicy food. She had a heavy taste. Don’t mention chili now, she can’t eat even greasy food. Even light food can’t be eaten at a time. Eat a little more Just throw up.

Therefore, the whole person always looks like a weak person, and if he responds to Mu Xiu's words, he will fall when the wind blows.

She has always been a restless person.

When she was in better condition, she followed Mu Xiu to see a doctor.

Soon, she was surprised to find that she knew the pharmacology of many herbal medicines well, even Mu Xiu couldn't match her familiarity.

This even surprised Mu Xiu.

Mu Xiu is a very philistine, he only treats rich people, he said this way he can make money faster, Shen Qing lamented, this person is in the eyes of money, why didn't he find out that he is such a person before.

Shen Qing has no objection, seeing a doctor is not seeing a doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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