idle mistress

Chapter 153

Chapter 153 A Serious Illness

"Then let's share this bowl of porridge between the three of us." She suggested, and seeing Lu Huijuan's eyes lit up, she looked over at her.

But Mu Xiu said: "You can eat. You are a patient and need nutrition. We just need to fill our stomachs."

"But..." She didn't want to eat alone.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Your stomach is weak, and you can throw up after eating fine grains, and you can't eat coarse grains even more."

Seeing what he said, Shen Qing had no choice but to give up.

Mu Xiu saw that she looked ashamed, and added: "When we go down the mountain, we will go to the market to buy more food, so we don't need to eat this dry food."

After hearing this, Shen Qing felt a little better.

She chewed slowly and drank the bowl of porridge in her hands, but quietly put away the other pieces of milk tofu that Mu Xiu handed over.

Lu Huijuan looked at the bowl of porridge in Shen Qing's hands, and felt that the coarse grains in her hands were tasteless. She reluctantly swallowed the last bite, and took a sip of water from the water bottle. At this moment, Mu Xiu walked up to her and waved to her. : "You come with me."

What did she think Mu Xiu was looking for?Unexpectedly, he actually led her to Shen Qing, asked her to squat in front of Shen Qing, put one of Shen Qing's legs on her thigh, taught her some acupoint massage techniques on her legs, and taught her how to help Shen Qing straightened and bent her knee joints.

Lu Huijuan didn't expect that he really treated herself as a slave, a slave who served Shen Qing, and her face suddenly became ugly.

Shen Qing didn't expect him to make such an arrangement. She looked at Mu Xiu and then at Lu Huijuan, and said politely, "Brother, I can do it myself."

But Mu Xiu insisted: "No." While speaking, he turned his head to look at Lu Huijuan, and said, "From now on, you will have to do this, you know?"

Seeing his serious expression, Lu Huijuan nodded reluctantly, not daring to refuse.

Mu Xiu stood up and signaled her to continue. Lu Huijuan started to press Shen Qing's leg according to what he said. Mu Xiu watched from the side and corrected it a few times. Seeing that she did not press the wrong again, she went over to do it for the horse. clean up.

As soon as he walked forward, Lu Huijuan's hand speed slowed down, but she didn't dare to stop, and complained to Shen Qing in a low voice: "Did he make a mistake, you are poisoned and can't walk, this massage can really help ?"

She wanted Shen Qing to agree with her, but she didn't want Shen Qing to nod: "It still has some effects, massage of acupoints can activate the meridians, accelerate the blood circulation of the muscles, prevent the formation of blood clots in the lower leg veins, and at the same time prevent edema and muscle atrophy. "

She tried to stretch her calf by herself, but unfortunately she was unable to do what she wanted.

Mu Xiu would occasionally give her a massage before, but he is a man after all, so she seemed awkward and uncomfortable when he massaged her.

Mu Xiu also noticed this, probably because of this, he let Lu Huijuan come...

After hearing what she said, Lu Huijuan was stunned: "What are you talking about, what kind of blood clot, what kind of circulation, I can't understand a word? Brother Mu told you these words?"

Shen Qing froze for a moment, then shook her head: "No."

"Then how do you know so much of this nonsense...?"

That's right, Shen Qing couldn't figure out how he knew it, these things seemed to be engraved in his bones.

Shen Qing saw that although she was reluctant, but the strength in her hands was just right, she couldn't help but raised her head and said to her:
"Hui Juan, sorry for the trouble, and...sorry!"

Lu Huijuan pursed her mouth and said nothing.

After the massage, Shen Qing reached out and pulled her over, and stuffed something into her hand: "You can eat this..."

Lu Huijuan froze for a moment, opened her palm and saw three pieces of white tofu-like food, she asked curiously, "What are these?"

"Milk tofu, haven't you seen it? It's a dry cheese made from goat's milk. It can be stored for a long time after being dried. It preserves the nutrition of goat's milk during the production process. It is a very nutritious dry food."

Lu Huijuan picked it up and brought it up to her nose to smell it. It really had a strong milky scent.

"Milk tofu? Although I haven't seen it, I've heard of it, but isn't this something only found outside the customs?"

Hearing this, Shen Qing froze for a moment.


...Could it be that Mu Xiu is from outside the Guan? ——
Hongyan would bring paper money to the Buddhist hall to burn incense and pray for the concubine Mausoleum every day, and would personally go to Concubine Mausoleum to pay homage on the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year.

On this day, when she came out of the Buddhist hall, she went to greet the old concubine.

The old concubine kept her for dinner, and during the meal, seeing that she really only ate vegetarian food and did not touch any meat on the table, she couldn't help feeling a little bit of goodwill in her heart, so she said a few more words to her.

The two chatted for a few words, and Hongyan suddenly asked: "Madam, I have been here for a while, why haven't you seen the prince and my eldest nephew?"

Concubine Sheng was stunned for a while, then she remembered that the eldest nephew she was talking about was her precious grandson.She sighed and said: "The son has not yet come out of the grief of losing his mother, so he seldom goes out."

After all, she looked at Hongyan, and said: "You are his uncle, I should have arranged for you to meet, it was my negligence for a while. As for his father, you know, he has many roles in the court. I have been busy with political affairs in Kyoto these days, and I haven’t been back for a long time.”

Since the east courtyard was burned down, his son became seriously ill.

Chizi told her that it was because His Highness was saddened by the loss of his beloved wife, but the old concubine disagreed, she thought it was because he was too busy with political affairs and the servants in the capital neglected to take care of him.

Although this son was not born by herself, she also watched him grow up.

This child was born with a cold personality and a cold heart; how could he be emotional with a woman from the country? As for giving him a grand funeral for the princess later, it was just a show, for the two sons to be seen by others...

The old concubine in front of her was over [-] years old, although her face was old, but when she sat there, she was very graceful and luxurious.

Hongyan knew that this old concubine came from a famous family, her father was once the emperor's grand tutor, with a first-rank official position, it can be said that her family background is prominent.

Being called by such a woman as Mrs. Xu in the first place and her in-laws in the second, Hongyan felt so light and light that she almost forgot her last name.

So I sat until it was getting dark before I was willing to say goodbye and leave.

As soon as she stepped out of the residence of the old concubine, a servant girl came over to report in a panic on her back foot: "It's not good, it's not good, ma'am, the young master is missing."

"What did you say? Qier is lost?" Hongyan's mood suddenly fell from the clouds to the bottom.

That was her precious son. Since she got married, she had even given birth to three daughters. She had suffered from her mother-in-law's eyes and gossip. For this reason, her husband also took two concubines.

The most hateful thing is that a concubine dared to talk about her full-fledged daughter to her face.

(End of this chapter)

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