Hong Kong Entertainment: The top class starts with great writers

Chapter 132 The Most Likeable Person in Dream of the Red Chamber

Chapter 132 The Most Likeable Person in Dream of the Red Chamber
Only Zhu Shengxiao and Song Huanxi were left in the whole group.

Knowing that Song Huanxi was the finale, Zhu Shengxiao immediately became nervous. She took a deep breath and held the manuscript high, blocking her own line of sight and also blocking other people's faces. nervous.

This is a little experience that Zhu Shengxiao summed up during the previous draft review.

Zhu Shengxiao has been overwhelmed by her elder sister Zhu Sheng's smile since she was a child. She doesn't like to talk in front of others, and she only likes to be alone when she is in public. Gradually, she developed a little interest in reading.

She doesn't like boring textbooks, but only loves reading novels, and because of the lack of fun in life, when reading novels, she only likes happy endings.

Like Dream of Red Mansions, Zhu Shengxiao read half of the book admiringly. At the beginning, he was fascinated, thinking that the Grand View Garden in the book was a paradise.

Including the many maids, these beautiful daughters are all carefree. When they open their eyes every day, they just need to think. The weather is getting hotter. Should they have a feast of lotus and lotus root, or a round of Qushui? The flowing cup is also extremely elegant.

As a result, when Zhu Shengxiao secretly read a book with a flashlight under the quilt again, because the light came through and affected Zhu Shengxiao, she smiled and casually talked about the endings of a few important people in the red building:

"Asheng, do you know that Lin Daiyu died of illness, Shi Xiangyun was sold, Yingchun was beaten to death, Tanchun married and got married, Xichun became a nun and became a nun, alas, each one is more miserable than the other!"

Zhu Shengxiao didn't believe it at first, but later asked his classmates to prove it, and it turned out that it was all true!
She just gave up on the article, even so, Zhu Shengxiao still didn't sleep well for several nights.

Zhu Shengxiao is really a bad sister!
So, in fact, Zhu Shengxiao only read half of A Dream of Red Mansions.

In this half of A Dream of Red Mansions, her favorite character is Ping'er.

Her own personality is relatively introverted, shy and shy, so deep down, she is very envious of those who are long-sleeved and good at dancing.

When I first read Dream of Red Mansions, Xiren and Xue Baochai became her favorite girls one after another, but the more I read it, the more I felt uncomfortable. Xiren's overall view was completely from the perspective of Mrs. Wang. Why is there another brother who looks like a demon king?
Just like Zhu Shengxiao, everyone praised her sister for her beauty and good grades. When they saw her, they would just sigh, as if her parents hugged her wrong!
If it wasn't for Zhu Shengxiao, how could she have become like this!

Siblings that are too perfect will only stress the other person out.

But classmate Song is also very good. When she is beside her, she just feels like a spring breeze. Therefore, an excellent person can easily make the people around her feel comfortable.

If not, it can only be said that you are not in the other party's list of people who value you.

These thoughts came after Zhu Shengxiao became familiar with Song Huanxi in the past few days. Her original mood of walking into a dead end also gradually improved——

If you don't have sisterhood, then don't force it!
Half a book was read and read, and in the end there was only one Ping'er who was the most likable.

Zhu Shengxiao took Ping'er as his heroine without hesitation.

"Ping'er went to Mrs. Wang's yard on behalf of grandma in the morning, and sent the few bundles of silk with the word "Fu" to Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang is not very old, but she prefers some old-fashioned colors. She always uses some old gold jewelry when combing her hair. The weight is heavy but the color is not fresh enough.

Grandma said last time that I would blow up all these old-fashioned hairpins and bracelets in a jewelry store, but Mrs. Wang refused, saying that only these old jewelry should be worn to look dignified.

A few little maids muttered in private, saying what's the use of Mrs. Wang's dignified dress, and the second master likes to spend the night with Aunt Zhao!
After being heard by her, she scolded them severely, and threatened a few little maids, and if they said such words, they would deduct their monthly money.

Ping'er knew what Mrs. Wang was thinking, no matter how she dressed up, the second master wouldn't look at her more, so it's better to dress up dignifiedly and look like a courteous wife.

Not only won the favor of the mother-in-law, but also won the respect of the second master, and the servants of the imperial envoy were also easy to handle.

My own grandmother was in a different situation. She married Lian's second master for only five or six years, and it was the time when the honey was mixed with oil. Every day, she dressed up beautifully, but it couldn't stop the bad nature of men who liked the new and disliked the old.

It's just that she can see things around grandma clearly, and when she meets the second master Lian, her mind becomes muddled -- once she finds out that the second master is stealing food and closes the door, the whole yard will be in a state of chaos.

Ping'er had no choice but to cover for the second master a few times.

It's just that the second master is getting more and more aggressive, and Ping'er is sandwiched between the male master and the female master, wishing he could disappear in place and let them fight guns against guns.

As soon as Ping'er entered the yard, he saw a few maidservants standing under the eaves, each of them silent like a cicada, and the sound of broken porcelain was heard from time to time in the room, and grandma cried hysterically: "What's so good about Bao Er's family!"You really put all the smells and smells in your arms! '

Ping'er sighed, and signaled the maids to go away, she was about to open the door to go in, but she heard grandma shout again: "I even gave you Ping'er!" '

Her feet felt as if they had taken root, and her bare hand was stuck to the door panel for a long time.

Until the male master's impatient voice came from inside: "Okay, okay, there is no end!"You said it yourself, but a servant wife!I can still divorce you if you marry her! '

As he said that, the voice of the male master became more and more loud, and he hurriedly moved aside to make way for the male master.

In the next second, the door was pushed open, and Second Master Lian strode out with a jade face as cold as frost. When he passed by her, he gave her a cold look. Baby that man!
Ping'er waited for the hostess to go far away, and hurried into the house, carefully avoiding the tiles on the floor, and when he reached Babu's bed, he helped the hostess who was lying on the bed sobbing, and softly persuaded: "Grandma, why is it still the same?" I can't see it, the second master is such a temperament that likes the new and dislikes the old, and he gets tired of playing outside for two days, and he will return to grandma in the end! '

While talking, she twisted the handkerchief, wiped Wang Xifeng's head and face, and combed her black hair. This is her job, practice makes perfect, and in a blink of an eye, she came out with a ponytail.

Ping'er was well aware of the hostess' temperament, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, and a hostess with a good face would never go out to meet people again.

The ponytail is just right, loose and loose, leaning on the couch, the hair will not be messed up, and it is paired with pear blossoms after crying, and it has a taste that I still feel pity for.

Women, at any time, love beauty! "

(End of this chapter)

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