I opened a spicy hot shop in different time and space

Chapter 289 I’m getting older, it’s time to talk about kissing

Emperor Xuanhui was sitting in the carriage. The carriage was not moving very fast, because on both sides of the carriage were the accompanying ministers, as well as the emperor's relatives, dignitaries and prominent figures in the capital.

Of course, the ones closest to the carriage were the elite members of the Imperial Guard.

The group of people walked slowly forward along this straight and wide road.

Whether you are in the car or walking below, you can experience the difference of this road with your own eyes.

It is actually smoother than the bluestone road.

The carriage the emperor was riding in was the best, and the shock absorption effect was excellent. He sat in the carriage and looked at the teacup on the coffee table next to him. He said that it was motionless. That was an exaggeration, but there were only faint ripples.

You really can't see it unless you look carefully.

Emperor Xuanhui's expression was calm, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The road leading to the sky is indeed stable.

Some of the people who followed Emperor Xuanhui had already experienced it, and naturally had calm and steady smiles on their faces.

Some of them have never seen it before. After careful observation, they found that it was different from the bluestone slabs paved on the road.

He simply stopped and squatted there, touching and patting bit by bit with his hands.

Such people will end up with a shocked look on their face.

It turns out the rumors were not exaggerated, they were just facts.

The road to heaven is indeed the road to heaven.

New Year's Eve in the year of Ding Chou is completely different from previous years.

There seems to be an extraordinarily fresh and unique feeling everywhere.

After the New Year, Ye Luoyin became one year older, so someone came to kiss her.

But they were all dismissed by Sun Cuizhi.

The two people sat there relatively silent.

Some people actually said that Ye Luoyin was getting older now and that if she continued to delay, she would not be able to find a suitable marriage.

Sun Cuizhi wanted to jump up and beat him up.

My daughter is not yet 12 years old, and all these people dare to say that my daughter is older.

Is it too much?
But calm down, the two of them felt as if they had taken it for granted.

I started dating when I was twelve or thirteen years old, and then prepared for marriage.

They got married two or three years later.

Most families in the Taikang Dynasty were like this.

If everyone is like this, it means that outstanding teenagers and young men are destined to leave early.

The remaining ones are estimated to be in very poor condition and it is hard to say dear.

It's not easy to talk about someone close to you. If you have all kinds of problems, the couple will definitely look down on you.

I wanted to wait until my daughter was [-] or [-] before proposing marriage, but now it seems that it is really too late.

However, after much discussion, we still couldn't get past this hurdle in our hearts.

Marry A Yin when she was fourteen or fifteen years old. The two of them must be sick.

Even if you have already taken root here, you will just do as the Romans do.Not so early.

It's really not possible to recruit a son-in-law.

You can even raise a teenager now.

Why not?
Isn't it good for two people who were raised since childhood to get married when they are eighteen or nineteen years old? They are childhood sweethearts?
So Ye Feng thought of Huzi.

Then he shook his head sadly.

Huzi is two years younger than my daughter, no, no, no.

But if you really want to talk about it, he seems to know someone who is about the same age and about the same age as Chi Shaoan, which is really appropriate.

But this properly refers to himself.

Not including the Duke's Mansion behind him.

Ye Feng thought about it and finally decided that he wanted to become a bigger official and earn more money.

The system store still exists today, and the two of them are still in good health. They may live to see their daughter's children start a family.

So no need to worry now.

Say what other people like to say.

So I didn't refuse the offer, but just put forward my own conditions.

Only then can we get married.

This condition immediately stumps more than [-]% of people. , what do you think?
If a girl gets married, she will really be an old girl. Who will she marry then?

That is to say, the widower whose wife died.

Where are the suitable young people?

If the men are not married, there must be something wrong.

Even if your daughter is a country prince, you can't ask for such a condition. You might as well ask for a sky-high betrothal gift.

Whose child can wait for you to arrive?

Even if they could wait, the concubines and daughters in the backyard would have given birth to a bunch.

But, what are the conditions on Sun Cuizhi’s side?

She doesn't care about family status.

But the other party’s character must pass the test.

At the very least, the surroundings should be clean, and there should be no girls having intercourse with each other, especially concubines and concubines, let alone having extramarital affairs.

There may be other conditions, and I'll wait until I think about it, but for now, these two points alone will stop anyone who is interested.

But there is another family that is very interested.

It's the Zhang family in the county seat.

They did have a suitable one, four years older than Ye Luoyin.

But there are also two girls in the house who teach him how to do things.

It's not impossible to send the girl away.

But we have to wait for Miss Ye to get married again, and the young master will already be 21 by then.

It's not right at all!
When it was time to continue planting sweet potatoes, Ye Feng and Sun Cui’s roots finally became clean, and almost no one came to see them.

Then Ye Hanqing sent another letter at this time, telling them not to worry about their little sister's marriage.

You must find someone you like for your little sister, and you have to pass his level.

Ye Hanqing's tone was still very tough.

The tough tone made Sun Cuizhi nod with satisfaction.

Her love for Jin Liuniang was not in vain.

And all she wants is that they can treat their daughter sincerely.

Ye Feng and Sun Cuizhi feel that their daughter is still a child.

At this age, even if you go to school early, you have just graduated from primary school, my God, a primary school student.

Sun Cuizhi wanted to cover her face.

This damn feudal society is really abominable.

After deliberating for a while, Ye Feng and Sun Cuizhi still made a compromise, which was to restrain their daughter's behavior.

Of course, there are not all restrictions, just let the attention be paid attention to.

For example, you can no longer follow the motorcade around.

I can’t ride a horse around anymore.

There were other restrictions, but Ye Luoyin didn't object. She knew the rules of this era better than her parents.

So Ye Luoyin generously spent five thousand space-time coins to upgrade her suit.

The upgraded suit can change its appearance.

In other words, it was not a problem for Ye Luoyin to go out.

She can become an ordinary teenager of seventeen or eighteen years old.

The only bad thing is that when entering the city, you need a guide, which is a letter of introduction.

This is not a problem for Ye Luoyin either.

Just follow the example and make a fake one.

Anyway, she won't do bad things and won't be discovered.

However, I don’t need to go out much these days.

After contacting Mrs. Chi, Mrs. Tan from the soap workshop naturally came running back and forth, as well as Lin Da in charge.

Even if there is no communication, there is a section of the road that is easier to walk. If you drive quickly, it will only take two hours.

It’s also very convenient if you want to get in touch.

Today's Mrs. Chi has left Yangshui County and went to Lingzhou Mansion.

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