With so much dowry, some families can get rich and well-off by relying on the dowry of their daughter-in-law.

So, what is the purpose of giving so much dowry?

Just for her daughter to live a good life?
Ye Luoyin couldn't figure out what the purpose of marriage was.

A good daughter marries and bears children for her husband's family, and the child has to be named by her husband's surname. In the end, she actually supports herself and helps her husband raise a concubine by the way.

For example, Mrs. Chi.

The mother-in-law is okay, but the mother-in-law is not good, and the daughter-in-law is simply soaking in bitter water.

Therefore, giving birth to a daughter has always been unwelcome.

The roots are here.

Many people in later generations always talk about how much dowry was spent, saying that they sold their daughters, but why don't they mention how much dowry was given.

The situation of dowry was the most abnormal in the Song Dynasty.

The times are not much better.

Some people are more ruthless, drowning immediately after giving birth to a daughter.

Said that he was worried about breaking the family and marrying a daughter.

As for Zhou Lizheng, it can be said that with the help of the whole family, the dowry was 64 lifts.

It has everything that should be there, and almost everything has been added.

The dowry was not asked for, so they took it back.

This sincerity is sufficient.

Ye Feng said, marrying a daughter seems to cost more money than marrying a wife.

Sun Cuizhi, "Didn't you agree on the son-in-law?"

Ye Luoyin laughed.

It's too early for a son-in-law not to marry a son-in-law, Ye Luoyin brought in a dinner plate for the bride, which contained the egg cake she smuggled out of the storage bag.

It's been a long day since I started working before dawn, and I must be thirsty, tired and hungry.

There was no one else in the new house, so Ye Luoyin asked the lobby wife to eat, "Eat something to make up for it, and it will be easier when everyone is gone."

Miss Zhou family thanked Ye Luoyin softly.

She knew Dongya.

With her in the house, she was less nervous.

Especially when I heard that most of the houses in the county were decorated with Dongya's help, I felt a little more grateful and close.

The groom's official came in with hands and feet and lifted the red hijab for the new bride.

In the beginning, the bride had to eat raw dumplings. The dough was raw, and the meat inside was also raw.

What if you eat a bad stomach on a good day?
So, Ye Luoyin insisted on replacing it with raw peanuts.

This is a century-old routine, who doesn't know.

Everything you eat has to be said raw.

It was almost here, Ye Luoyin ran to the house to see how the hatched chickens, ducks and geese were doing.

There was no light in the room.

Now Ye Luoyin has also learned to use the rolled paper tube to the light to see the hatching of the chicks inside the eggs.

That is to say, according to the egg.

Although I didn't look at them one by one, the 28 randomly selected ones, whether they were chicken eggs, duck eggs or goose eggs, all had embryos.

Because the species are different, the time of hatching is naturally different.

But you can basically see the organs of the embryo clearly, such as blood vessels, eyes, feet, and wings.

They all won the lottery.

As far as it is now, there is no slow growth, and no death.

Basically, the embryonic development is very healthy.

So the branches given by little brother Rabbit really contain rich life energy.

Today, the roses in the shop are still standing on the branches.

Ye Luoyin didn't dare to move the branch, but Ye Luoyin checked the rose and found that there are 99 petals in total.

99 petals, 99 roses?
But I have to admit, this thing really helped a lot.

So far, no repeat customers have entered the store.They all have so many space-time coins in their cards.

I don't know how to be a repeat customer?
But if it's Little Brother Rabbit, I must say thank you.

Suddenly, Ye Luoyin heard a sound outside, she carefully put down the goose egg in her hand, and left the room.

I saw an old man in his 50s walking slowly towards this side.

Dad followed behind him a step away.

Beside him was Chief Hu, the magistrate of Chi County, and the patriarch who was flushed with nervousness, and behind him was Ye Baoshan, who was equally excited.

who is this.

Looking at his clothes, he is a high-ranking official.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Ye Luoyin's mind, and Ye Luoyin remembered what she had heard a few days ago that Chu Dazai was coming to inspect the planting of sweet potatoes.

This news was actually brought back by Chi Shao'an.

He only said that he didn't know which day it was, but he didn't expect that it was Yejia Village who came.

Ye Feng asked Ye Luoyin to greet Chu Dazai, and told Chu Dazai that the hatching of chickens, ducks and geese eggs at home is in the hands of the little girl, and there is also a special recording method here.

Chu Dazai looked benevolent and gentle, but even so, he could not help exuding his authority.

Neither the patriarch nor Ye Baoshan dared to speak.

The county magistrate Chi was fine, but Chu Dazai entered the house, saying that he wanted to see the hatching situation.

Ye Luoyin also followed in.

We can't let Chu Dazai know that all chickens, ducks and geese eggs can be hatched here.

She said to Ye Feng, "Father, I picked up more than ten rotten eggs just now, I'll throw them away."

Ye Feng knew what the girl meant, nodded to her, and then he told Chu Dazai about the hatching of these eggs.

Seventy-eight out of ten.

This is already an astonishing figure.

Chu Dazai also took a paper tube to light the egg, unexpectedly, the boss still understands this.

A look is a real thing.

Therefore, we must be more cautious and meticulous in doing things.

Over there, Ye Luoyin ran out, and found that the whole village suddenly became quiet.

Ye Luoyin didn't know the scene just now, she might have imagined it.

Just look at the excited looks of the eldest brother of the big hall and the Zhou family.

Then Mrs. Wu pulled Ye Luoyin past her, with a trembling voice, "Dongya, that old man gave Hexi 100 taels of silver, what's the matter? How can we return the gift? Also, do we need to reorganize the table?" , I didn’t bother to ask your father just now.”

"There is no rush to return the gift. As for the money, the boss will definitely say something when he meets it. Grandma, don't worry, my father will take care of it. Haven't you recorded all the gift accounts? When the time comes, it will be up to that."

"I know, I know, I've already made an agreement with your second uncle and second aunt. The gift account has to be settled. It's not all theirs. There are many people who came for your father. Who dares to ask for it? Chop off his claws!"

Once the little old lady gets angry, she doesn't get nervous.

But she got off topic while she was talking, and Wu quickly asked Ye Luoyin, "Do you know what their regulations are?"

Ye Luoyin shook her head, "I don't know either."

Mrs. Liu patted Mrs. Wu, "You, why do you think so much about it? It's definitely right to prepare. The eight dishes and eight bowls are all set up. It's up to us whether we want to eat or not."

Wu Shi slapped his thigh, it was not a big deal.

This is not a villager, and asked if you have eaten yet?

That must not be the case.

So, Wu Shi and Liu Shi went to prepare wine and dishes.

The elder over there followed Ye Feng around again.

After looking inside and outside the village, I found that Yejia Village is really small and complete.

Really do everything.

It seems like everyone is busy.

But even though he was busy walking around, there was no pain and despair on his face, but a comfortable smile on his face.

This is a different Yejia Village.

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