Chapter 293 Connection
Qian Chi Han Feng: [Knock, I have such a girlish heart! 】

My natal Fei Shao: [Macho fan, this dolphin is perfect for a macho man to use as a pet! 】

Chen Gui Jiu Gan: [So cute, how could there be such a cute dolphin! 】

Wen Wanwan watched the barrage in the live broadcast room and introduced the pink dolphin to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"The Chinese white dolphin belongs to the marine mammal family Delphinidae and the genus White Dolphin."

"Usually the body length is between 280 meters and [-] meters, the longest can be [-] meters, and the weight is between [-] and [-] kilograms."

"This guy's skin is actually not pink but white. It was darker in childhood and will turn completely white as an adult."

"The pink color you see is actually pink because its skin is congested."

"In different areas, this guy has different names, such as sea pig, white ji, Luting, Mazu fish, pink dolphin, Zhenjiang fish."

"Currently, the Chinese white dolphin is a first-level protected animal in my country. The number in the wild is extremely rare, with only about [-]."

As Wen Wanwan explained, the audience in the live broadcast room finally realized how precious the tender dolphins are.

Five thousand seems to be a large number, but they are scattered in different areas.

Even though Wen Wanwan had tried her best to plan the route, she could only find less than [-] animals on her route in the end.

There is no doubt that when the sewage spreads, the remaining [-] animals will without exception choose to commit suicide in the ocean in order to be purified.

After the death of large mammals in the ocean, the substances degraded by their bodies can have an impact on ocean pollution.

But for such a huge ocean, the effect of this small amount of material is too limited.

"Move, don't you see they are coming!"

The captain looked at a group of sailors staying on the deck, kicked the idiot next to him, and quickly drove the group of people to the first floor.

It's hard not to like this little guy with pink all over his body.

Especially because they are very smart and know where they should go. The moment the gate opened, they all formed a group and swam along the glass channel towards the pool.

Wen Wanwan turned her head and glanced at Su Xiu, then turned her attention to the instrument beside her.

After carefully watching several sets of data, he quickly spoke.

"The ph value is a little low, please adjust it again!"

"Hurry up and replace the filters in the filtration equipment. There are so many of them crowded together. If one of them has a problem, the entire pool will have problems!"

Following the orders, the sailors who were still admiring the pink dolphins immediately became busy without touching the ground.

It took more than an hour for the data on the instrument to return to normal. The humming operation of the feeding equipment, coupled with the continuous filtering and circulating sea water, allowed the new group of big guys to stay in the pool quietly.

After confirming that there was no problem, Wen Wanwan also stretched and found a seat to sit down.

"The connection can begin, who comes first?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a connection application popped up. The name was from an aquarium in Nanjing with the fastest speed.

Soon, the girl with thick hair appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Hello, Commander Wen, this is the Nunnuan Aquarium. Let me show you the new animals today." As he spoke, the young lady had already walked to a huge aquarium.

Through the bright glass, you can clearly see more than a dozen Atlantic white dolphins chasing a school of fish inside.

"All the aquariums in our aquarium are made of single glass, which ensures that human gaze will not put any pressure on them."

"For this mission, we were allocated thirteen Atlantic white dolphin rescue quotas. We conducted detailed inspections on each one when they arrived. They are all healthy!"

Some people are really good to animals, but you can see it just from the surrounding environment and equipment.

Next to the entire aquarium, a maintenance man was dozing on a chair, and all the lines were connected to an alarm.

As long as there is any abnormality in the data, the alarm will sound and the maintenance personnel will start repairing the equipment as soon as possible.

And this kind of one-way glass is perfect for Atlantic white dolphins who don’t like to come into contact with people.

Human gaze will cause it to feel tremendous pressure, but in this one-way glass, Atlantic white dolphins can swim unbridled without worrying about being watched by humans.

The higher the IQ of an animal, the greater the pressure it will face from humans. Even pandas will have this problem.

However, the pandas you can see in the zoo now are the results of a round of screening at the breeding base.

This type of panda has a relatively stable personality, is greedy, and is accustomed to human eyes and contact.

This kind of wild Atlantic white dolphin has no experience and conditions for artificial domestication. If it is in contact with humans for a long time, it can easily cause depression or autism.

Once this problem occurs, most animals will begin a hunger strike, even to the point of committing suicide.

After the young lady gave the introduction, she handed the phone to the keeper and stood aside.

The keeper opened the small door on the side and followed the stairs to the top of the aquarium.

"Because these Atlantic white-sided dolphins have just arrived here, they need some time to adapt to the environment."

"During this period of time, we do not allow other staff to have close contact, only breeders and veterinarians."

After a few simple explanations, the keeper quickly dragged the fishing net to the water's edge, and then opened the rope above.

Fish of all sizes quickly dispersed into the artificial seawater, and one by one the Atlantic white dolphins also quickly started chasing.

The selection of the aquarium where these animals were temporarily stored this time took more than a dozen teams flying across the country for a week to finally inspect it.

Being on this list itself represents a certain level of strength.

Whether it is the advancement of equipment, the entire breeding environment, or the quality of employees, they are among the best in the industry.

After the first live broadcast connection ended, the second one popped up quickly.

The entire connection process took a full two hours, and it was finally over.

Yesterday, every Atlantic white dolphin was examined. Some of them were indeed not that healthy, but they were all given medicine as soon as possible.

And most of them adapt to the environment very quickly, especially the little guys. They are already young and don't mind contact with humans at all after being given enough food.

Wen Wanwan glanced at the pool, and all the pink little guys gathered on the shore.

(End of this chapter)

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