Whether it is from Wanhua or Lilan, as long as there is profit to be gained, it is fine.

This kind of secret information was sent to Zeng Hui by Li Lan's senior management, asking him to pass it on to Cen Wen when he contacted her.

As for how the country got the news so quickly, of course it was the ambassadors stationed in various countries who did it. We have been old friends for more than 200 years, and they knew what they were going to do as soon as they stuck their butts out.

Similarly, Lilan kept strict confidentiality so that foreign ambassadors stationed in their country could not inquire about anything. All they knew was that Lilan's senior officials were furious and vowed that once they found out which group of star thieves was responsible, they would send troops to wipe them out.

Of course, these are rumors deliberately released. The real situation will not be known to outsiders.

Cen Wen asked Zeng Hui and Guo Guo to adapt to the situation and take it slow. She was not in a hurry. She had just robbed a large cargo ship and was still on her way.

In China, through the mouths of "ordinary" netizens, some dark history of what Wanhua once did is thrown out. It does not mean to slander them, it is history in black and white. It is just that it is very old, and people nowadays have to look for it from the pile of old papers if they want to know.

Anyway, the stories told are all true. It proves from the side that Wanhua has not been involved in human affairs for a long time. He likes to assassinate elite talents of other countries. In the war of aggression they launched more than 300 years ago, because the war was stalemate, they did not know that they were assassinated. How many powerful warriors and famous generals with outstanding combat capabilities.

Taking advantage of Wanhua being entangled internationally, Cen Wen and his group drove a large cargo ship and drove quickly. In order not to be tracked, they also turned off all the equipment that transmits positioning signals.

This cargo ship transporting primary processing raw materials has disappeared from its established route. It is a new spaceship. The cost of building the ship has not been recovered yet. The shareholders of the ship-owning company are so anxious that they can't sleep and lose their breath. Sores.

In the vast universe, it is not easy to find a spacecraft that deliberately hides its whereabouts.

The large cargo ship used its own wormhole generator to rush at full speed to the nearest large military base.

Don’t worry about running out of energy and not being able to replenish it. Now the energy standards of all the countries in the interstellar are unified. All you need to do is find a place with supplies. Besides, Cen Wen also has spare energy blocks that he moved from the logistics ship before departure. .

The clues to these secret military bases, of course, come from the good king of Wanhua. His palace has all kinds of confidential information, and the military defense map has been handed over to Li Lan's military department.

The independent legion led by Zeng Hui and the mixed legion coming for reinforcements all have defense plans. If Cen Wen is delayed and unable to do anything, these two large legions will immediately come forward.

The worst outcome is to start a battle with Wanhua. Anyway, Cen Wen has already sneaked into Wanhua's territory. He is a top soldier and a terrifying humanoid weapon.

The Lilan warriors who knew the truth were willing to carry Wanhua's army for her and mess with Wanhua to delay her.

The large cargo ship is too conspicuous. Before arriving at a busy route with spaceships, first find a place like the meteorite belt to hide, and let everyone on the ship sleep in the sleep cabin. Cen Wen released a medium-sized cargo spacecraft in the pet space, with 200 people. Wandering around leisurely in the vast and boundless territory of Wanhua.

It looks like he is wandering, but he is actually looking for warships. If he encounters a warship heading towards a military base, he will quietly board it.

Just like this, I changed one warship after another, and finally set foot on Wanhua's first large-scale military base.

After entering the berth, Cen Wen and the others quickly moved to the warehouse in the berth area to hide.

Cen Wen secretly observed for several hours, seizing the time when the number of warships in the berthing area was greatly reduced, and used a big move. The entire base, except for his own people, was drained of [-]% of their vitality, fell to the ground, and fell into a state of suspended animation.Xiao Tengzhi immediately took action and took away most of the supplies in the base, leaving only enough to last for a month at most.

At the same time, several special floral fragrances are introduced into the entire base along the air circulation system. The high concentration of compound fragrance can make these soldiers drunken and dreamy for several hours. When they wake up, they will be completely unaware of what happened and continue working and living step by step.

Taking advantage of this time, Cen Wen and his party came out of the warehouse, and Xiao Tengzhi put them into the dormitories outside the parking area for the soldiers on duty. Two people shared a room. They bathed and changed comfortably and had a good rest 48 Hour.

Cen Wen and Xiao Tengziao did not rest leisurely. Instead, they woke up the commanders at all levels in the base and controlled them to arrange a fast main battle warship and gave it to her along with the soldiers who drove the warship.

After all preparations were made, Cen Wen returned a little bit of the life force that had been taken away. It was not much, and it was enough to maintain the normal operation of the base for about a month, which was consistent with the amount of supplies left for only one month.

A month later, the soldiers who had their vitality drained would fall to the ground again. Without medical treatment, they would really die after lying down for a few days.

When the military headquarters in Wanhua discovered that something had happened at a military base and realized that something was going on internally, Cen Wen himself couldn't even tell where he would be at that time.

The intelligence soldiers in the team also copied all the military intelligence from the base and sent it to the rear. After the rear had finished analyzing it, they picked out the useful ones and sent them back.

After Zeng Hui collected the data, he exchanged the latest situation with Cen Wen.

The current international public opinion is very lively.

The country he was in finally issued an international announcement. The crashed spacecraft was severely damaged and disintegrated outside their borders, but all passengers and crew were safe and were temporarily placed in a military space station.

What that country means is that its country is small and weak. Thousands of people are on the space station, eating and drinking every day. The space station has limited supplies and is seeing that it cannot afford to provide them. I hope that the countries behind the passengers can take their citizens back as soon as possible.

In order to show that he was telling the truth, he also specially shot a long video. All passengers and crew members were in the video, lighting up the light screen of their bracelets. On the screen was their electronic ID. Each person had five seconds to appear. .

Then, an unexpected revelation came to light.

Cen Wen is not in that long video.

This international flight was carefully selected by the embassy, ​​and only Cen Wen was a Lelanese.

The precaution was that if there were other Lilan people, they might be too emotional to help Cen Wen after the incident, so I wanted to find a flight with as few Lilan people as possible.

The embassy was just lucky. They found such a flight, and there were still first-class tickets.

So now, countless netizens in Lilan have directly used the comparative search method and searched back and forth many times, but they can't find Cen Wen's name.

Cen Wen has never shown her face in public for many years. She only showed her forehead once at Capital Star's New Year's dinner. Netizens with great savvy found photos of her forehead and compared them, but still found nothing.

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