The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft.

Chapter 418: Start renewing the lives of the nobles

Chapter 418: Start renewing the lives of the nobles (4)

The note contained her latest situation. One hundred thousand magical warriors were distributed underground in the manor, which restricted her. It was inconvenient for her to use space teleportation to run around. When her powers were activated, the magical warriors would also be aware.

After circulating the note to people around him, the ambassador lit a cigarette, burned the note, and then wrote about the incident in code in a routine email to the country.

Cen Wen has been restricted, and her future contacts will be somewhat limited, but it doesn't matter, a master is always a master. Now the entire country's upper class is obsessed with extending their lives and will only treat her as an honored guest.

The first nobleman received in the new location to renew his life, Cen Wen drained the life force of [-] magical warriors in one breath.

It didn't beat people to death directly, but the amount of whipping was enough to destroy their magical superpowers.

The nobles wanted to see how much vitality she needed to renew a person's life, and she also wanted to see how many 10 people the fertility factory could replenish in a short period of time.

Injecting such a large amount of vitality into other people's bodies has an outstanding effect. The rejuvenated gentleman is in better physical condition than young people of the same age.

This made the nobles who had previously renewed their lives want to make up for it.

I used to do it in the central business district. In order not to cause panic among the people, Cen Wen held back his hands while draining his vitality. At the time, he was quite satisfied. But now that he has compared it, he immediately feels that it is insufficient.

The news reached Cen Wen's ears, and she agreed to make the repairs, but she had to finish the repairs for others first. Everyone had paid their dues, and the people waiting in line behind them could not be kept waiting.

She has a strong sense of business contract.

A few hours later, the small manor was replaced with a new batch of one hundred thousand magical warriors.

Cen Wen, who was resting in her room, sensed that there was a new batch of abundant life force in the ground. Such a rapid replacement speed made her guess whether there was a rotating batch of people placed outside the small manor, and a new batch would be replaced as soon as one batch was used up. , without wasting any time.

This kind of seamless connection speed is quite frustrating. In the future, we can only take advantage of the last batch of magical warriors to be used up. No one can detect the energy fluctuations, go out and send a note, and then rush to the new batch of people. Come back before.

But, she didn't have any important news that she had to spread out in a hurry. Restrictions were restrictions, so it wasn't a big problem.

After she relaxed, the nobles were busy taking inventory. Cen Wen's usage was too large. The inventory outside the small manor was enough for them to use several times. How long would it take for the next batch to arrive.

10 people once, and 100 million people ten times. They add up to more than 200 people. Except for those in front who have completed their lives, and those in line at the back, it will take 2000 million cultivated magical warriors.

This expense is too high. The cost of a magic warrior from the gene editing of fertilized eggs to the cultivation and maturity is not cheap. One to twenty million people is a staggering cost.

At this point, many people question whether it is necessary to use [-] soldiers every time, and whether Cen Wen will secretly provide it to himself.

But this little doubt was quickly washed away by other people's chatter.

Most people don't care about this problem. Except for the vitality poured into their bodies, everything else is considered natural loss.

As for whether Cen Wen will use some of it, the general opinion is that it doesn't matter.

A top master has a huge demand for energy. If she gets tired midway through, and she can't stop to drink some nutritional supplements, and she's not allowed to use her extra vitality to replenish herself, isn't it all going to be over?
Anyway, 10 people at a time can be afforded by nobles and plutocrats.

Days passed day by day, and since the breeders of the fertility factory were replaced to fill the gap in vitality, the rumors of the epidemic in the capital star were finally dispelled, and society returned to stability.At this moment, the senior civil servants serving the royal family and the Presbyterian House finally discovered clues that could not be concealed from the service recipients, and then caught the little braids on their close confidants, figuring out the mystery of their lives. What are you doing secretly?

I was so surprised that my jaw dropped to the ground.

The top healer of the Lelan Republic works at the United Nations of Wanhua to extend the lives of the royal family, nobles and plutocrats who control the country's lifeline.

Why does it sound so full of conspiracy?

Senior civil servants are still sensible. After all, this good thing is not their turn, so they are looking for trouble in their spare time.

But watching others regain their youth one after another, those who are still waiting are waiting in line with all their patience, and no one pays attention to the reminders of civil servants.

Those who can become senior civil servants in the country also have high IQ and high EQ per capita. No one is stupid. They are all the best among the best. No one will listen to what they say, so let’s just wait and see what happens.

As the days passed by, seeing the capital star entering the end of the year, almost half of the nobles had returned to their youth. At this time, the family wars in these noble families finally started unbearably.

The fundamental contradiction is that when a family member becomes a child again, what should the younger members of the family do?
It is understandable that family members only care about the children they have given birth to, but do their brothers and sisters also help out?After all, the family business is inherited by the head of the family. You can't eat a lot of meat. Your brothers and sisters can't even drink soup, right?

Then, in addition to the brothers and sisters of the compatriots, there were also illegitimate children recognized by the older generation.

They don't have any preferential treatment in terms of status and title. They are just civilians. In addition, they have a share of the family trust fund's living expenses, so they will live a prosperous life without any problems.

If we say that legitimate children in aristocratic families would negotiate with their parents behind closed doors, the behavior of illegitimate children is even more bold.

If you don't give them the same benefits, just publicize the matter and let the people all over the country see that the noble nobles in this country are so afraid of death that they take the lives of civilians to extend their own lives.

Within a few days, the illegitimate children who threatened their heads of family died unexpectedly one after another.

There are people who drank too much and vomited and choked to death on vomit.

Someone slipped into the water and drowned while taking a bath in the bathtub.

Once when I was going down the stairs, my shoe slipped and I fell on my back, hitting the back of my head on the steps and dying.

Some people take a nap under the warm winter sun and end up unable to sleep.

Having fun with someone can result in myocardial infarction being too stimulating.

Originally, there were many gatherings at the end of the year, which is a period of high incidence of various accidents. When it comes to personal death, real police officers need to be present at the scene, and the process will be followed directly. If no doubts are found, it will be treated as an accident. A death certificate will be issued, and the family will take away the body for funeral arrangements.

These illegitimate children were the favorite targets of tabloid reporters. They even knew what color underwear they were wearing that day, but their deaths were not even reported by the tabloid that was the most nonsensical in style.

Once a person dies, the living expenses of the trust fund that can only be enjoyed by the person are of course also cancelled. If the partner and children have savings, it will be fine, but those without savings will be miserable, but this has nothing to do with the aristocratic family. The older generation recognizes and raises illegitimate children. Just raise it. The successor head of the family has no obligation to raise the illegitimate child's partner and offspring.

(End of this chapter)

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