If the Marquis strongly opposes, it will only arouse a strong backlash from a large group of people. Even her allies may be dissatisfied with her, which will directly affect their own interests.

Cen Wen was just a passerby, but his own interests were long-term. The Marquis thought about it for a while and asked his secretary to invite Cen Wen to the study for discussion.

The subordinate spent an hour searching around the huge manor, and finally found Cen Wen taking a walk in the woods attached to the manor.

Cen Wen walked leisurely into the Marquis' study.

"Sir, what do you want from me?"

"The big and small nobles on the capital star are jointly putting pressure on me to see you in person."

"Okay, the Marquis will arrange it and get it done as soon as possible. I'm anxious to return home. There's a lot of work waiting for me."

"I know, and I also want you to return home as soon as possible, but we need to reach an agreement right now."

"You said."

"His Majesty the King is an exception, but the life extensions given to other nobles cannot be too long."

"The same goes for the queen, princes and princesses? Shouldn't they be consistent with His Majesty the King?"

The Marquis paused for a moment. This is indeed a trouble. If he is consistent with His Majesty the King, he will give three more 78 trillion, either money or technical information. No matter which one, Wanhua will be exhausted.

Because Li Lan will definitely direct what information he wants from behind, and he won't even look at anyone.

"But if you draw too much life force from the people of this planet, the people will know that something is wrong, and rumors will spread immediately, which will be detrimental to the capital planet, and other resident planets will also receive the news."

"That's your business. You have agreed upon it. If you give me enough money, I will do as you say. How to appease the people has anything to do with me? Is it clear who is asking for whom? Your Majesty the Marquis?"

Cen Wen is not polite at all when it comes to criticizing others. In her eyes, everyone is equal before life. It would be funny to yell at her.

"Your Excellency, Marquis, instead of bargaining with me here, you should seize the time to contact your friends and negotiate a good price. Otherwise, I will return to your country after renewing the life of your Majesty the King. I don't count the data worth 78 trillion." Come here for nothing.”

The Marquis was about to get angry inside. Listen to what he said in human terms. Military scientific and technological data worth 78 trillion yuan, and he said that his trip was not in vain.

"I understand. I will contact the person and arrange a meeting as soon as possible."

"Okay, thank you, Your Excellency."

Cen Wen strolled away, and the Marquis called all his subordinates to get busy.

While he was busy, the two children called again to ask about life extension, hoping that their mother would help.

"You are my biological children, and I will definitely give you a hand, but whose children are responsible for them, you are responsible for your children."

This pair of children nodded again and again. The old mother was very happy to take care of their brothers and sisters, one generation at a time. There was nothing to say. As for where they would get the money to extend their children's lives, that would be discussed later.

The price of extending one's life is too high. Haven't you heard that His Majesty the King spent tens of trillions? It's too scary. Now the royal family of four is still making trouble.

The brother and sister devoutly hoped that Cen Wen would treat them a little easier for the sake of their old mother.

Cen Wen smiled at the chaos in Wanhua's upper echelons, while Li Lan's ambassador received a reply from home.

The country was greatly surprised by Cen Wen's feat.

Although the opposite of extending life is hastening death, if you think about it carefully, does an eighth-level wood superpower actually have the ability to extend someone's life?The two old national treasures in China have never had this ability.

But now is not the time to talk about this. The only surprise that attracts domestic attention is that Wanhua’s top executives are eager to extend their lives.

Extending life is actually to accelerate death, mobilize the remaining vitality to live healthily for one year, and then die quickly.

But Wanhua’s senior management didn’t know.

If all the rich people in Wanhua survive, in a year's time, won't we see a superpower in which the rulers collectively die, the country falls into chaos, and even the colonial stars are fighting for independence?
There is such a good thing!

With the idea of ​​collecting Wanhua's national heritage in advance, Li Lan drew up a list of more than 30 pages of military information. The names were written clearly, leaving no room for Wanhua to play word games and not provide all the information.

First select the 78 sets that he can give to His Majesty the King, and show the rest to other people who want to extend their lives. Whoever can get the reward will have their lives extended.

The domestic meaning is to refer to the remuneration of the old king and ask for it to be higher. Don't believe any words that say you are miserable. They are all lies. The top elites of the superpowers have a lot of good things in their hands.

Holding the list in hand, the ambassador naturally contacted the Marquis of Butchara and asked to see Cen Wen.

The Marquis knew that Li Lan must have given the instructions, and his heart sank. He didn't know how much confidential information he would have to give out in order to survive, but there was no way. She had no reason to stop the other party from meeting the general of her country, so she had to ask someone to Arrange it.

Early the next morning, the manor sent a car to take Cen Wen to the Embassy of the Republic of Leland.

After the two parties met, Cen Wen not only got a list, but also detailed domestic instructions.

In order to prevent surveillance, emails sent between the embassy and the country have secret codes that are changed regularly. Cen Wen needs the ambassador and others to help decipher the content conveyed to her.

All in all, it was to give her a reason to go out. Otherwise, if the general of a country stayed in the Marquis's manor without seeing anyone, wouldn't it really be under house arrest?

Aren't you afraid of causing a diplomatic incident?
Cen Wen stayed in the embassy for a whole day, refining the instructions sent from home and taking notes. After confirming that they were correct, he left the embassy and got in the pick-up car back to the Marquis's manor.

On this day, the Marquis tried his best to persuade the interested nobles to jointly lower the price. If the price was too high, they would suffer a loss. Besides, they also felt sorry for the valuable scientific and technological data in their hands.

It cannot be given to anyone but the Republic of Leland.

Cen Wen returned to the manor. As soon as she walked into the foyer and was welcomed by the butler, she saw the Marquis' secretary waiting for her here.

"Master Cen, His Excellency the Marquis asked me to tell you that the meeting with the nobles has been scheduled at two o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow in the greenhouse of our manor."

"Okay, thank you, Your Majesty the Marquis, for me."

Cen Wen went back to the guest room and changed his clothes. The robot brought dinner to him, and then he rested as usual.

At midnight, after the whole manor had gone to bed, she got up.

Small vines appeared, and then a big one came, hypnotizing the entire manor. Even the bodyguards on duty snored and would not wake up unless they were called.

After that, Cen Wen went to the houses of various big nobles and tortured them under hypnosis. As soon as he asked, he found out that the Marquis of Butchara had negotiated a unified price with them.

Cen Wen made a small hook and agreed on a unified quotation. This was no problem, but didn’t she still know the virtues of the rich and powerful?

One thing on the surface and another in private.

The little hook is that during the meeting, they will not object to breaking the price alliance, and will compete to ask for high prices and exchange for good things at the bottom of the box.

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