The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft.

Chapter 401 Invited to go abroad to participate in an exchange meeting

The next morning, after easily treating the remaining two patients, Cen Wen's mission came to an end.

The patients only had time to say thank you before they were hurriedly transferred away by the medical staff. Their physiological indicators were too low and they needed to increase nutrition quickly.

After Cen Wen treated these six people, he stopped taking action. He first went to see what kind of special treatment techniques other doctors had in his own group. After lunch, he went to other groups.

Looking east and west, he looks like a street kid.

She really has nothing else to do. Cutting-edge medicine will be discussed at the exchange meeting. Those top doctors discuss articles from top medical journals. She is not from a professional background, so she can’t understand even if she sits there and listens. Only in her own special situation There are some common topics within the group.

However, the colleagues in the special group were still trapped among the patients and cases. Cen Wen completely cured six patients and raised the expectations of the patients. He had no choice but to die for the sake of his own face.

Cen Wen, a therapist who completed the task after only one and a half days of hard work, was like a tourist after the exchange meeting, eating and drinking all day long.

The organizer's logistics staff approached Cen Wen and asked if she was interested in going sightseeing elsewhere since she had nothing to do now.

Cen Wen agreed wholeheartedly and told his team that he didn’t take anyone with him and followed the organizer’s tour guide alone.

In the limited time, the tour guide took Cen Wen to visit the most scenic spots on the planet. All kinds of food, drinks and receptions were secretly based on the specifications of the head of state.

Cen Wen accepted these invitations calmly. After playing all the way, he also received a lot of gifts, including cash and resources that could be used by people with wood-type abilities.

Cen Wen is open to gifts, but he is not very interested in cash, only in resources.

The tour guide didn't find it strange at all. Instead, he felt much relieved when he saw that Cen Wen's behavior was as they expected.

The top elites of a country cannot be short of money in life, but they are short of useful resources, and their Wanhua United Nations, with many resource planets, can provide them with resources.

Wanhua United Nations has been accustomed to wooing specific targets of corruption for many years. There are corresponding templates and routines for the different temperaments and personalities of the targets.

In the opinion of this tour guide, Master Cen should settle down in Wanhua. With her healing skills, she could become the richest man in the medical field.

As for Lilan, a small and barren country, it deserves to be unable to retain talented people.

After walking around the planet and returning to the venue where the exchange meeting was held, Cen Wen was still a little unfinished when he separated from the tour guide.

The tour guide said goodbye to her, got into the car, and watched Cen Wen meaningfully walk into the small villa where she lived before letting the driver drive away.

In the room, guard captain Xiang Zhen and several team members were already waiting, and there were some food and drinks on the table.

As the captain of the security team, the most important person in the exchange group finally came back. Isn't it normal to buy some food to catch the wind?

Even if Wanhua's intelligence officers keep watching, they won't think there is anything wrong with this. It's all human nature and the wisdom of the world.

Cen Wen walked to the dining table to check what was available. He deliberately turned his back to the window of the restaurant and mouthed words to Xiang Zhen and the others.

[The fish is hooked. 】

The faces of Xiang Zhen and others around the dining table didn't change at all, and the words and mouth shapes that came out of their mouths were all about introducing these foods.

In fact, there was no need for them to react. Cen Wen's silent notice was enough.

Later, at the end of the exchange meeting, Cen Wen received a new invitation from the organizer. There was a big shot in Wanhua's capital star who urgently needed her help.

The remuneration was frighteningly generous, with all food, accommodation, and travel included. Just for her simple act of nodding her head and agreeing to go, she could receive 5000 million Chinese dollars, after tax.

Converted into Lilan currency based on the exchange rate, it's several hundred million.After arriving at the place, regardless of the effect of the treatment, I will give you 5000 million for every day you stay, and I will give you 20 million for the treatment fee first, and then you will see the effect of the treatment. If you can recover, I will give you [-] billion, if you can only recover half of the disease, I will give you one billion.

In short, the longer you stay, the more you earn.

And it’s all after-tax income.

Cen Wen reservedly expressed that he could accept the reward and felt happy in his heart.

In order to extend his life, the rich man took her to the capital star, which saved her from having to think of reasons.

A contract must be signed and sent back to China for review.

This delayed another two days.

Fortunately, there was no problem with the review. The contract clearly stated who the patient to be treated was. It was a powerful royal Marquise Butchara.

It was easier to check the person if he had a name. Li Languo sent Cen Wen basic information about the patient in minutes.

The Wanhua royal family is indeed different from the common people. The royal family members all have long lifespans, usually around 200 years old. The fact that ordinary people can live to more than [-] years old is a genetic lottery.

Because of this special gene, the royal family is a race of its own and only intermarry within the clan to avoid diluting the gene and affecting the lifespan of future generations.

The Marquise is 290 years old and relies on a ventilator to maintain her life day and night. Her death is involved in a series of disputes over royal power and property. The ideal outcome is of course to deal with the posthumous affairs while she is conscious, otherwise the Wanhua royal family will also have a headache.

When Cen Wen went to extend the life of such a person, he had already stepped into the vortex of power struggle in the Wanhua royal family.

Regardless of whether this life extension is successful or unsuccessful, it will offend a large number of people.

But for senior executives Cen Wen and Li Lan, they only saw four words: God-given opportunity.

Witnessed by the organizer of the exchange meeting and the leader of the Li-Lan exchange group, Cen Wen signed the contract.

More than an hour later, she received the money in her foreign exchange account in Lilan. The payment was made from Wanhua, a multinational company located in the capital of Lilan. The famous name was the property owned by the Marquis. .

The leader of the Lilan exchange group and others raised their eyebrows at such a fast payment speed.

It seems that this Marquise is really not going to die soon?

The contract was signed, the money was collected, and Cen Wen was leaving alone.

The Li-Lan exchange group also left for home immediately.

The Marquis of Butchara was waiting for her to save her life, but he really couldn't wait for her to take a public spaceship, so he arranged a private spaceship with great wealth. Apart from the team that drove the spaceship, there was only one passenger, Cen Wen.

It was a special trip to send her off.

Cen Wen doesn't even have a private spaceship himself. Looking at such a beautiful big thing in the private berth of the space port, he really gets excited.

Heading to the capital star of Wanhua, we flew continuously through wormholes for five days. After arriving at the space port, we transferred to a private aircraft and directly arrived at the Marquise's manor.

This estate is so large that it has two integrated sea, land and air ports.

The aircraft landed at the port, changed to a car, and then actually arrived at the entrance of the main building of the manor. Then the butler waiting at the door took him directly to the study upstairs and met the real owner.

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