Without exception, Jiang Shan fell to the floor due to severe dizziness caused by long-distance space teleportation. Before she could take a breath, a familiar healing technique entered her body and she was resurrected with full blood.

"Looking around?"

Cen Wen pulled Jiang Shan up and the two of them looked upstairs, downstairs and in the basement.

In a three-story, attic, and basement layout, the bottom three floors are all over five meters high, while the basement and attic are over three meters high.

With the height of the attic, it can be called the fourth floor, and the commercial building is also the same height.

The first floor is laid out completely according to the design drawings. The furniture and appliances used are all brands designated by Cen Wen. There is no corner-cutting anywhere in the whole house.

The rooms on the second and third floors are arranged symmetrically, with the elevator and stairs in the middle. If they want to go to their own small area, they can just walk along one side and get to where they want to go by the shortest route without having to rush around in the house.

Go back to the second floor, take out the furniture, and start decorating the room.

The symmetrical layout made it easy to divide the rooms into rooms. Cen Wen wanted the right side and Jiang Shan wanted the left.

With the help of the many roots of small rattans, heavy and large pieces of furniture are perfectly placed in designated positions.

Because the area of ​​each room is large enough, even the study room is more than 20 square meters, surrounded by cabinets all over the wall. The desk is placed in the middle of the room by the window, and the free space around it can be used for somersaults.

There is a small door in the study room connected to the living room next door, which is also full of cabinets. In addition, library bookshelves are also customized. The living room is arranged like a corner of a library, with only a comfortable place near the window. soft sofa and small table.

Sitting here, looking around, there are bookcases, full of happiness.

On the wall next to the window, a multi-layered trolley was placed in a small space to store Jiang Shan's tea sets, drinks and snacks.

While sitting here reading, wouldn't it be more enjoyable to have a cup of hot tea?

Finally, they went to the bedroom on the third floor. After arranging the bed and outdoor furniture on the terrace, the two of them split up and tidied up in their own small areas.

The walk-in closet was filled, toiletries were put down in the bathroom, and all the cabinets in the study and living room downstairs were filled to the brim with all kinds of paper materials.

Cen Wen's study room is relatively empty, and she doesn't have many paper materials at the moment, but she can imagine that after a few years of studying for her doctorate, there will only be more and more various materials.

Jiang Shan has a lot of things, but she has bought several commercial space buckles in the past few years to use as mobile warehouses. The bookshelf at this time is filled with information related to her mecha.

Before the design studio is put into use, she will review these materials again.

Cen Wen put down a planting box with rapeseed buried in the garden outside the back door of the kitchen. This was a specially reserved small vegetable garden.

Small vines slipped from her wrists, stretching out long roots to jump back and forth on the planting boxes.

This is its territory, and as long as it is planted, it is under its control.

Cen Wen must grow her own daily vegetables and fruits. There are not as many varieties sold outside as she can grow. Only non-staple foods such as oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, eggs, meat, etc. are purchased from outside. For this reason, a very spacious food storage room is set up next to the kitchen, which is along the wall. Floor-to-ceiling shelves and small kitchen appliances that are not used every day are also stored here.

Because I cook at home, I equipped the kitchen with a special kitchen cleaning robot. The main selling point of the business is that it can clean oil stains and ensure that the kitchen is clean every day.

In order not to clean the bathroom, she also bought a special robot for the bathroom and placed one in each bathroom upstairs and downstairs.

In short, if any housework can be left to a robot, I will definitely not do it myself.

After leaving the small vegetable garden to be taken care of by Xiao Teng, Cen Wen returned to the kitchen to consider what to eat for his first meal in his new home.

Jiang Shan finished tidying up her own rooms, and when she came down from the third floor to get a glass of water, she saw Cen Wen standing in the kitchen in a daze.

"What are you doing?" "I'm thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"What are we having for dinner?"

"Well, this is indeed a problem..." Jiang Shan looked at the clean and tidy kitchen countertop waiting to be used, lit up her bracelet and searched for the top online lifestyle stores in the three bordering cities, "The meat here looks good, come here one?"

Cen Wen stretched out his head and took a look, "Okay, let's make braised pork with this one, and add this one to mince the meat stuffing to make steamed buns."

"Buy two portions and make some dumplings."

Cen Wen immediately walked to the food pantry and called over his shoulder, "Add a bag of flour."

"Want yeast?"


Cen Wen held the small bag of yeast with only one left and waved it at the door of the storage room.

Jiang Shan simply followed up to see what ingredients and seasonings were missing and made up for them together.

The two of them discussed and bought at the same time, and they finally bought the food they would eat in the past few days.

The online shopping departments of major stores in the surrounding Wuhe, Jinsu and Changshan cities most of the time receive and issue orders fully automatically, with real employees focusing on handling after-sales issues. Nowadays, drones are used for delivery. , people have been accustomed to writing the coordinates of the delivery address directly since they were young, which is easier for machine recognition, so no one notices that a big customer has come to their store.

Within an hour, the ingredients that Cen and Wen bought at different hypermarkets were successively delivered by delivery drones.

After making a sumptuous dinner for two people, Cen Wen turned on the shooting function of his bracelet, turned on all the lights on the first floor, walked around the living room, kitchen, inside and outside the house, and then posted it to different groups.

Also included is a sentence.

【Come to play? 】

The replies I received were filled with excitement.

【Come! 】

Of course, Cen Wen contacted her three hundred guards, but still asked them to stay still.

200 people stayed at the construction site of the design office and [-] people stayed at Longshan Town until the new hospital was completed and opened.

She and Jiang Shan were the only two people living in the new home, and it was protected by alien plants. In fact, it was not very dangerous.

Even if she had to go back to town during the day, it would be okay to leave Jiang Shan here alone. The small rattan branched out a root as a clone, circled it into an identical bracelet and put it on Jiang Shan's wrist. If she encountered danger, she could run away directly.

Cen Wen contacted people one by one. The young masters and daughters from the wealthy group were placed in the last group. He first invited Principal Nie, Commander Rao and other high-ranking military and political officials to have tea, and then the engineering team and guards at the design office construction site came to see them. Then the hospital director and other colleagues came to take a look.

In order to entertain the guests well, Cen Wen also found a young man whose family owned a large catering company among the wealthy children. He recommended a high-quality hotel in the three neighboring cities to her and invited a hotel. A catering team with door-to-door service, from arranging menus to preparing ingredients to on-site cooking, is all outsourced to the hotel.

The way she invites guests to her door is also quite simple and crude.

Weekday treat.

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