Chapter 387 Sudden Terrorist Attack (6)

【Traitors must die! 】

Countless netizens from all planets across the country shouted this sentence online.

Followed by.

#TRADIER MUST DIE# This entry destroyed the comprehensive popularity list on the entire Internet, rushing to the first place and firmly hanging on it.

Then, Li Nanxing became lively everywhere.

Countless passers-by and netizens uploaded various short videos of the arrest scene.

The shooting locations include residences, office buildings, parks, shopping malls, streets, restaurants and other places.

Because it is a global unified action, it can be done at any time, sometimes during the day, sometimes at night, sometimes at morning sun, sometimes at sunset.

The video shows all soldiers, fully armed with long rifles loaded. The suspects in their hands are men, women, old and young, tall, short, fat and thin. Some were taken out, some were carried out. Almost everyone cried in panic, "I was wrong." "Spare me this time" or something like that.

There were also some who ran away, running as fast as they could in their lives. They may have never run at such a speed in the school running test.

But the army must have a complete arrangement to arrest people. Soldiers are working on the ground, countless drones are watching in the sky, and there is no way to escape. Being caught is the only way out.

This anti-terrorism operation can progress so quickly because of the pressure from the military. Otherwise, how could various social platforms whose computer rooms are located in different planets hand over the real registration information behind the checked nicknames so efficiently, so that Li Nanxing’s information can be The intelligence soldiers located the real people one by one in the shortest possible time.

No serious businessman would be willing to be involved with terrorism. Wouldn’t that mean that his competitors would take advantage?

When the attention of netizens across the country shifted to the arrest operation on Li Nanxing, the scene of the accident had been cleaned up. Cen Wen only left the sight of reporters for a few minutes. Even the Longshan Town support team, including herself, All the hundreds of people were gone.

When reporters asked the military firefighting and government departments involved in the aftermath of the incident, the answers they received were that they had already gone back and would have to go to work and attend school as normal tomorrow, so they could not lose too much time.

Cen Wen led everyone back the way they came, and appeared in the remote corner where they left. After using healing techniques to restore their mental and physical strength, a group of people sat down, chatted for a while, relaxed, and simply made love to each other. a psychological intervention.

The military also needs to take psychological classes, especially front-line combatants. Whenever a battle is over and a short break is completed, if you do not relieve yourself in time, you will either self-destruct or harm your comrades. Even if you are lucky enough to evacuate the battlefield, you must undergo specialized psychological and even psychological training. Psychotherapy.

Like today's terrorist attack, so many badly burned wounded people were brought in, which has a huge psychological impact on everyone. They must take it easy, at least to sleep well at night.

The hospital soon learned that they were back, and the psychiatrist who had already arranged for them rushed over.

Cen Wen didn't need psychological intervention, she just planted flowers nearby.

The shop was closed, but the planting pots and boxes were still there. She took them out and placed them all over the floor, creating different varieties of beautiful flowers on the spot.

"The fragrance of these flowers has a soothing effect. Come and smell them one by one. Don't worry about your daily preferences. Follow the guidance of the sense of smell and follow the preferences that the sense of smell tells you. I will cut them and you can take them home and put them in a vase. Use some plant nutrients. The fluid can last at least half a month."

There are strong and light floral fragrances, but the amazing thing is that after smelling them one by one, everyone clearly picked the one their nose liked the most, and no one hesitated.

Cen Wen cut them off one by one and gave them to them. The quantity was determined by the richness of the flower fragrance. There were only one to three for those with strong floral fragrance, and four, five, six or seven for those with light fragrance. Many people picked the one with the weakest fragrance and held a big stick in their arms. , prepare a few more vases to fill the whole house.

The psychiatrists arranged by the hospital also walked back and forth among the flowers for several times, but they could not choose any flower. The shape and color of the flowers were very beautiful. Their eyes liked it very much, but their noses refused.

"It's okay if you didn't pick it. If you really like it, it's bad. You have to ask what happened before."

Everyone thanked the psychiatrist for his support and walked through the town holding flowers. The demand for vases cleared out the small inventory of small shops selling such products.Fortunately, the required plant nutrient solution is available at the school and is a necessity for the agriculture department.

While others went back to rest, Cen Wen had to continue working.

She packed her things and went back to the hospital to chat with the director for a while, then went to the school to chat with Principal Nie and Vice Principal Mei, and finally returned to her home. She was so tired that she had no appetite, so she ate whatever she wanted. After a bowl of clear noodle soup, I washed myself down and went to bed.

She is resting here, and new information about her is also placed on the desks of intelligence officials from various countries.

After all, he is a top master in the country. No matter how he belittles him with his mouth, he always values ​​him in his heart.

One of these pieces of information was about her speed of action.

The analysis was very detailed, including how long it took from the incident to when she arrived at the scene, and how long it would take the aircraft to fly at the same distance.

From this, it can be concluded that Cen Wen is suspected of having the ability to carry multiple people for long-distance space teleportation.

She is not only a seventh-level wood superpower, she may also be a space superpower of the same level.

And her healing ability has been analyzed for such a long time that there is nothing left to analyze.

Recently, there have been some different rumors in various countries. The rich and powerful people have taken a fancy to Cen Wen's healing power.

This is normal. No one is afraid of death. As long as they are living beings, they are afraid of death. Especially those who have been in high positions for a long time think that their life is much more valuable than that of ordinary citizens.

Now senior officials from various countries are curious to what extent those seriously injured in the incident can be treated by Cen Wen.

Wanhua United Nations, which had put a bounty on their heads, knew better that there was no news about the interstellar killers who had accepted the bounty. It was obvious that they had all failed, even the gold medal killer sent out by Black Gloves recently.

It was obvious that Cen Wen was stronger than she showed.

Perhaps it was the constant failures that made some in Wanhua's senior management question whether it was necessary to offend such a top expert.

Now that master is extremely angry because of the terrorist attack that happened in Li Nanxing. If one day she learns that their Wanhua shadow is behind this incident, no one dares to think about what she will do.

Wanhua's expeditionary force is currently exploring new territories and is short on funds. It is best not to provoke powerful enemies at this juncture.

No matter what the discussion about Cen Wen was, first of all, the relevant evidence of this incident was erased without leaving a trace.

On Linan Planet, the global arrest operation continues.

Anyone who stirred up dissension and caused trouble online during the time of the incident was arrested.

There are gangsters, trolls, and the top line behind the fifteen young men.

Although the gangsters were not paid to do things and were simply venting their emotions, their carnivalesque remarks online gave the military ample reason to doubt their motives.

As for those who use money to do things, follow the source of the money and check all the way up. Most of them are domestic accounts, and the corresponding identities are various. The possibility of capitation accounts cannot be ruled out, and more intensive investigation is needed.

(End of this chapter)

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