Chapter 376 Promoted to Level 4 Therapist ([-])

"Invigilator, how are you doing? Do you have satisfactory results?"

What Cen Wen cares most about is her grades. It would be embarrassing if she failed the exam today.

"Of course, it's more than just qualified, it's completely outstanding!"

The gray-haired invigilator saw such a scene for the first time in his life, and the muscles on his face were trembling with excitement.

"The results have been verified and uploaded. Master Cen can view the new certificate."

Cen Wen immediately logged on to the official website and was satisfied to see that he had one more certificate as a therapist.

Then, she received another email reminder. When she opened it, she saw that it was a system reminder from the Therapists Association, congratulating her on becoming a level six therapist and telling her what benefits and allowances she could enjoy.

After the local branch's overhaul, the service quality has indeed improved a lot.

Before she upgraded, she had never received such an email. No one was looking for her whether to join the association or not. She was still a member at the headquarters of the Capital Star Therapist Association.

After chatting for a while, Cen Wen declined the meal, saying that he had been busy for more than six hours and now just wanted to go home and sleep.

Unexpectedly, just as the dean and others were sending her out, they received news from the guard that a large number of media trucks appeared in the sky.

Obviously, the location of Cen Wen's exam today has been leaked.

"Okay, let's just send it here. Please tell friends in the media that I'm tired. Let's go first."

"Okay okay."

The dean responded repeatedly, and just as he was about to point Cen Wen in the direction of the side door, he saw her, a large living person, suddenly disappearing on the spot.


The dean and the proctors all felt the unusual power fluctuations and stood on the spot, dumbfounded.

"Master Cen, does she have the power of space teleportation? Dual powers?!"

"I don't know! Maybe...!"

"My God, I'm so good at hiding from the media. No wonder I just leave as soon as I say it."

"Please pay attention. She has not admitted this matter to the outside world, and we should not talk nonsense to the outside world." The dean warned seriously, especially the invigilator beside him, who represents the Therapists Association, "Don't say anything when you go back, just treat it as I saw something strange."


"President, don't worry."

The colleagues around him and the invigilator nodded hurriedly, especially the invigilator. He didn’t know how to do it and didn’t dare to. Cen Wen was a seventh-level wood element user and a sixth-level healer. He was far more powerful than their branch president. He was so full that he went back to chaos. say.

Everyone straightened their collars, took care of their appearance, and went to greet the media outside the gate with smiles on their faces.

The first thing Cen Wen did when he got home was to update the therapist’s electronic certificate on the door lintel.

Because she was teleported back directly from space and did not show up in the town, the townspeople coming and going on the street did not immediately notice that Master Cen's sign had changed.

At the nursing home, the patients' family members shared the videos of today's treatment process with their relatives, and then posted these short videos to their social accounts one after another.

He praised Master Cen again and again.

Patients still need to do detailed examinations to determine how their bodies have improved, but netizens have already known some details.The family will send it.

Physical changes that are visible to the naked eye are the most obvious, and some are mental. For example, this level of disability is inevitably accompanied by lingering pain, and one needs to rely on painkillers to enjoy a moment of peace.

Taking too many painkillers will lead to drug resistance and addiction. In order to relieve pain, you have to switch to more powerful painkillers, which further aggravates the drug resistance and addiction.

The whole vicious circle.

Therefore, instructors like Instructor Gong from Longshan Military Academy were forced not to take medicine and lived with the never-ending pain. They only asked a therapist to take action when they couldn't take it any longer.

Under the treatment of Cen Wen in the past few years, they have all stood up from their wheelchairs. They no longer need robots to take care of them day and night, and only their ugly burns are slowly recovering.

The unlucky student who could only move his neck returned to school and repeated a year. As his body gradually recovered, physical training and other subjects were no longer difficult, and he is now a graduate.

Cen Wen fulfilled his original promise and allowed him to graduate as usual.

The joyful family members soon discovered that the patient, who had been unable to live without painkillers for a moment, showed no signs of being able to endure the pain. Instead, the drug addiction that had been suppressed manifested itself.

The care robot at the bedside immediately controls the person on the bed.

All wards were busy, and robots delivering injections were coming and going in the corridors.

The problem of drug addiction can be cured now, but it is time-consuming. After all, addiction is accumulated one by one, and of course it takes such a long time to get rid of the addiction.

It's just like losing weight. You've gained weight from eating over the years, but how many more months do you want to lose weight?
Some family members also posted this question on the Internet, and received sympathy and comfort from many netizens, as well as optimistic enlightenment.

[Before today, we would have really worried about the risk of addiction to painkillers, but now with Master Cen, as long as you all treat him at the same time, sooner or later, the patient will recover and his drug addiction will be gone. 】

[Yes, yes, with Master Cen here, the physical injury will gradually heal, and the mental one will also heal. 】

[There is hope now, isn’t there?As long as you no longer suffer from constant pain and stop taking painkillers, your addiction to painkillers will be eliminated sooner or later. 】

[You are meritorious soldiers who retired due to injuries. Don’t worry about medical expenses. Take good treatment and welcome a new life. 】

Netizens have a way of comforting people, but then they worry about what to do with the medical expenses of ordinary disabled people. Medical insurance covers nine-tenths, and the remaining one-tenth is not a small burden for most families. .

This is indeed a fact, and this one-tenth is not the cost of the entire course of treatment, but the cost of one treatment. For a person who has been disabled for many years to be completely cured, it will take several to more than a dozen treatments depending on the severity. .

It's all money.

Even if Cen Wen is not charged according to the level of a sixth-level therapist, but according to hospital standards, the total cost will still be a heavy burden for the working class.

But no matter how expensive it is, there are always family loans to treat it. The reason is of course that Cen Wen has hope and can be cured 100%.

As long as the person can fully recover, no matter how much money is spent, it is worth it.

At this moment, the official account of Longshan Military Hospital released a message in time.

Master Cen has closed her small consulting room and waived her therapist's fee standard. Currently, she shares with the hospital as an independent therapist. Don’t worry about not being able to afford the consultation fees of a Level [-] therapist, just feel free to come for medical treatment.

The Internet was filled with cheers, thanking Master Cen for his righteousness.

Of course, some people who were disappointed came out and said something negative and yang: According to Cen Wen's social status, the government could not afford to spend less on her, so they pretended to be generous and gain a good reputation.

Such people will inevitably be chased and scolded by netizens online.

(End of this chapter)

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