Chapter 369 Build a new mecha design room (1)

After testing the prisoners one by one, each one received a different dose of medicine.

Cen Wen asked for an empty room, had six boxes of bottled water delivered, and prepared a customized truth potion for the prisoners. He also thoughtfully tied them up with ropes and put labels on them to remind the interrogators. Don't use it wrong.

According to the number of prisoners in the military region, each prisoner is assigned three interrogators, who take turns interrogating them.

The original intention was not to worry about their life or death, and I could ask as many questions as I wanted.

This kind of international killer is a hot potato for any department. It is impossible to go through legal procedures because they were caught as soon as they arrived in the town. If they had not committed other crimes within the country, this would be a persistent killer. The charge of entering the country with false identification is not a felony.

The fake certificate cannot correspond to the real identity, and there is no such person.

So the best way is to deal with it after asking.

Did you say you arrested someone?Who was caught?Where are the parties involved?

There is nothing~
Cen Wen was happy to help them deal with hot potatoes, and high-level alien plants were paid for their work.

Commander Rao tacitly agreed to this, and promised to give it to her after asking.

Of course, these are all verbal promises, and no words or other verifiable information will be left behind.

After returning to the town, the town was still quiet and peaceful, and the townspeople, patients, and family members were not disturbed in any way.

[Well done, sweetie, keep it up. 】


A week later, Cen Wen received a notice from the military region asking her to go there.

The message was very concise, it just asked her to go to the same place as last time, and said nothing else.

After Cen Wen passed by, as expected, the killers whose mouths were pried open were only left with the last value as nourishment for high-level alien plants.

There were people around, so I couldn't use the old trick, so I had to use the roots of the small rattan to directly strangle him, and then Cen Wen pretended to hide it in the space.

The military region found a good way to deal with such uninvited guests, and rearranged the security of various spaceports. If extraterrestrial passengers cause harassment at the spaceport, they will be dealt with in the same way after being caught, and they will be fed to Cen Wen's pets after trial.

Environmentally friendly and efficient, it’s worth owning.

The killers come in waves, and after they arrive there is no news, as if there is a black hole in Li Nanxing that only swallows killers.

There are also bold people who do not enter the country normally and sneak in through smugglers' channels, but their final destination is Longshan Town, Dufeng City, so no matter how they enter the country, they will never come back.

Thanks to the letters of thanks posted online by patients and their families, Cen Wen lives under the eyes of netizens every day.

Wanhua, who posted the reward, was also paying attention every day. Seeing that she was living better than anyone else every day, countless people behind the scenes were so angry that they threw cups and bowls.

The anti-corruption storm on Capital Star has now entered a tense moment. After interrogating so many people, several new clues have been found that can be linked to Shanipala.

After all, Wanhua United Nations was behind the scenes. It was impossible for them to collude with only Ke Bo and others for so many years.

Taking the cases involving these people as an excuse, after diplomatic negotiations between the two countries, Wanhua United Nations accepted the loss and agreed to Shanipala's resignation early due to physical discomfort.

Then, the news of this resignation took the place of a one-sentence news in the media.

Wanhua UN Ambassador to my country Shannipala has been engaged in diplomatic work for a long time. She became ill due to overwork and became unwell. She resigned early and returned to China.

The real reason did not make the news, but it was reported to Cen Wen through the military channel and explained to her why Shanipala left but Kebo was fine.To bring out Ke Bo, we must bring out the Jiang Yan case. This case is still unsolved to this day. No one has been seen alive or dead. When the public learns that Jiang Yan was framed, there will be an uproar and foreign forces will Take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters on the Internet and sow discord.

In order to maintain stability, this case cannot be brought up for the time being. We have just sent away an ambassador, so we cannot give Wanhua United Nations the opportunity to cause trouble online.

Cen Wen felt that sending them away was a matter of course. After all, Shanipala had taken medicine. If she felt unwell after returning to her hometown, she wouldn't have to rely on anyone.

But regarding Ke Bo, she went to mention it to Jiang Shan.

"Maintaining stability is something we should do. We cannot withstand any turmoil." Jiang Shan didn't really care that she might have to postpone the time when she could stand in front of people again because of the need to maintain stability. "But there is a way to resolve this matter peacefully. People's attention has shifted away from anger."

"Build the design studio first and let you complete the work?" Cen Wen understood.

"That's right, mechs are the best reason to maintain stability in this world. When the whole country cheers, the anger about that case back then will be minimized."

"Then build a house, build a design office as soon as possible, and we will move as soon as possible."

Cen Wen's own new home was built very quickly, mainly for Jiang Shan's design studio. There were too many security requirements, and it was inevitable that it would be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

"This design office cannot find outside construction units. They don't have the qualifications. Tell Principal Nie and ask the military construction units to take action."

Both Jiang Shan and Cen Wen have analyzed that Principal Nie must have guessed that Jiang Shan is Jiang Yan, so it would be easiest to find him. If he were to find Commander Rao, he would have to explain why Cen Wen, a wood-type superpower, wants to build a machine. A design studio, where can I recruit mecha designers?
Cen Wen directly turned on his bracelet and sent a message to Principal Nie.

[Principal Nie, are you free?I have a question, what resources do I need to build a comprehensive mecha design studio?How much is the total price? 】

When Principal Nie saw the news, his heart beat wildly. He had mixed feelings in his heart and didn't know what to say.

Although he had guessed that Jiang Shan might be Jiang Yan early on, that was only "possible". Now that Cen Wen asked, "possible" became "certain".

Jiang Shan is indeed Jiang Yan.

Otherwise, why would a seventh-level wood-type superpower with no background in mechas build a comprehensive mecha design studio?

[Why build this? 】

[There is a lot of money and no place to spend it. 】

Principal Nie's eyes bulged out of his head.

I believe you a ghost!
【comprehensive?The one with a testing ground? 】

[Well, yes, of course, test it nearby. 】

[This cost is not low, and private construction companies do not have such qualifications. 】

[Please tell me how much you want, put nearly two trillion in your account, don’t worry about it. 】

Principal Nie was shocked. He did not expect that the trophies brought back by Cen Wen from his last mission were worth so much, because the two Star Thieves' halfway stations and a large number of battleships were not worth so much together. It seemed that those There are many high-value items among the miscellaneous items.

[It's not easy to spend money. You report a budget, and I'll spend it all for you. 】

Cen Wen raised his head and called Jiang Shan.

"Last time you said you wanted 5000 billion, was it the cost of the entire construction or did it include other things?"

"All-inclusive money, including the tools, machinery and materials needed to carry out the work. The total price of the entire site construction seemed to be around 2000 billion. Pure civil construction costs accounted for a small proportion, and security and defense accounted for the proportion. It was relatively large and used the most advanced technology at the time. For example, when doing experiments at the test site, no one wanted to be photographed by satellites in the sky, right? A dedicated line was laid inside the building, and anyone wearing a non-verification bracelet light Computers and other electronic communication equipment come in and all signals are blocked, and there are anti-eavesdropping and filming devices under every wall and every floor tile.”

(End of this chapter)

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