The Anti-Corruption Bureau cooperates with the military, so the place where the suspects are detained is the basement of a military camp. No wonder there are only corridors and lights and no sky.

The suspects were brought up for interrogation one by one. When they learned that they were arrested by the Anti-Corruption Bureau, half of their forced composure dissipated immediately. They trembled uncontrollably, their lips turned white, and their head was sweating coldly.

The roots of the little rattan pierced into the brain again, and the half of his breath was gone, and he answered all the questions.

There is no such thing as not being remembered for a long time, as long as it is something that I personally did, I can describe all the details, even if I drank a glass of wine after delivering the information that day, I can clearly explain the taste of the wine when I tasted it.

When they do this kind of thing, of course they are afraid of being discovered in the future, and all physical evidence and traces have to be erased. However, the investigators occasionally have some luck. A few of them hid themselves in the hope that if something happened to them, they would not be able to recover if they went online. Physical evidence that can prove your relationship with the person online.

By sorting out their confessions, they just found some connections between people.

Now the case in the hands of the Anti-Corruption Bureau is divided into two parts. One part of the big tigers participated in the murder of Jiang Yan. The people they implicated are the corrupt and depraved little flies who have not been able to withstand the temptation for more than 20 years.

As for the people who worked for Big Tiger in the Jiang Yan case, after checking their names, most of them died in various accidents. A few of them changed their nationality many years ago. Where do they live now, whether they are alive or dead? Difficult to verify.

The experienced investigators of the Anti-Corruption Bureau did not believe that it was such a coincidence. All of them died in common accidents in life, such as car accidents, drowning, allergies and excessive drinking.

But the fact is that they either died or ran away. There is no personal or physical evidence that can identify the big tiger. Only the big tiger himself participated in the Jiang Yan case.

In this way, the importance of Shanipala and Kebo is highlighted. They are the direct beneficiaries. They took the benefits after Jiang Yan's accident.

After the case was clarified, legal procedures followed, and the media was also arranged to do a program to tell the public that the first major case of the year began with the anti-corruption storm.

The family members of those big tigers are also under investigation. Only then did they know that the family members who thought they were on a business trip for business studies were arrested for corruption.

These family members, especially the spouses, have lived with their husbands or wives day and night for many years, enjoying the benefits of status, and of course know a lot of secrets.

The Jiang Yan case involves a lot, and they may not know the details, but it is absolutely impossible that they don't know that their family has an extra amount of money, or they have enjoyed some hidden benefits that they should not have enjoyed.

This is in exchange for a life of the country's top elite and major national property.

After the incident happened that year, the entire research institute was in ruins, and the previous investment was in vain, causing hundreds of billions of trillions of losses. However, those who participated in the evil have made great progress in these years and continued to betray the interests of the country, which is extremely ironic.

Cen Wen was invited by the Anti-Corruption Bureau to continue prying the mouths of those spouses. Corruption and bribery of spouses is also the focus of anti-corruption.

Of course, Master Cen never fails to take action. One after another, the spouses revealed all kinds of things they had done in the name of their husbands or wives, some in collaboration with relatives and friends, and some as husband and wife.

Most of the relatives and friends join forces to open various affiliated companies in the name of relatives, use their spouse's position to do business, and earn dividends in the name of investment and wealth management income.

It is even easier for husband and wife to join hands. On the surface, an image of an official is created, but in fact the spouse collects money behind the scenes.

One person confessed to many people, and these people who were captured continued to confess more people, so it really became an anti-corruption storm that swept across the capital.

Other living planets have followed in the footsteps of the capital star and launched strike operations in the planet.

Li Nanxing didn't move at all, but silently locked the identity information of the key people who had already been investigated secretly, and prohibited them from escaping from Li Nanxing by public transportation.

Wait for Master Cen to come back before arresting people.

It is not cost-effective to arrest people now and provide a few more prison meals.

Cen Wen stayed in Capital Star until the end of January. Not only did he help the Anti-Corruption Bureau pry open the mouths of all the suspects, but he was also invited by the police to arrest and interrogate the suspects.

Capital Star has never been short of terrorists involved in smuggling prohibited drugs, arms smuggling, murder and robbery, etc. Knowing that Cen Wen has assisted in several similar cases in Li Nanxing, the police stations in various districts have asked for assistance.

They were in charge of finding out the hiding place of the suspect, Master Cen was in charge of arresting the suspect, and could assist in the interrogation when he came back.

The case handling efficiency is top notch.

Everyone was reluctant to leave Master Cen, but Li Nanxing urged Capital Xing three times a day to release her as soon as possible, waiting for her to go back with great anticipation.

On the Internet, many patients also posted on their social accounts asking Master Cen when he would return to Li Nanxing.

There is even a fixed format.

[Has Master Cen set off for Li Nanxing today?If not, I will ask again tomorrow. 】

In fact, Cen Wen is indeed preparing to return.

All the people to be arrested have been arrested, all the goods bought by all parties in Li Nanxing have been collected, and the relationship transfer procedures of the Hundred Guards have been completed and sent to the Li Nanxing Military Region to receive them. Now she only needs to find a space port to release her medium-sized cargo. The spaceship is ready to go after cleaning it.

This is a trivial matter. She went directly to the military spaceport and specially arranged a spare berth for her without other spaceships.

Cen Wen simply released the five spaceships in the pet space together, cleaned them up, gathered all the living materials, food and water on each spacecraft and put them into one of the spaceships.

The guards who had seen Cen Wen go to the warehouse to receive the goods over and over again were not at all surprised or surprised that there were five such large spaceships in her space.

At that time, for the task of suppressing bandits, five medium-sized cargo spaceships were arranged to back up each other. At that time, Cen Wen had nearly 200 people to drive only one spaceship, and the other four spaceships full of daily necessities were in the pet planting space from beginning to end.

The space keeps fresh, and there is no expired food. Except for frozen food, the vegetables, fruits and bottled water in the fresh storage are still edible, just like they have just been sent to the spacecraft.

Of the five spaceships, four are in excellent condition, they have just been maintained and are ready to be activated at any time, and one was put away just after the mission at that time and has not been moved again.

So the collected materials were divided into the amount they would need on the way, and put on the one spaceship. Cen Wen kept the rest, and then carried out the inspection and maintenance of the spaceship, and continued the maintenance of the other four ships. leave it alone.

Taking advantage of the time when the guards were busy maintaining the spaceship, Cen Wen began to say goodbye to all parties, and sent special products from Li Nanxing as parting gifts.

At this time, the news of Master Cen's return journey began to appear in the media and the Internet.

[Great, Master Cen is finally coming back! 】

【Alas!When will Master Cen leave? 】

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