The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft.

Chapter 315 Going to upgrade to level 7 will come

This kind of picture is invalid material that needs to be cut out in normal video programs, but because this is the test site for the sixth to seventh level, it has become an excellent content that reflects the strength of the supernatural being. Fortunately, it will be cut into ghost and animal pictures by sand sculpture netizens in the second creation.

After driving all morning, I came to the grassland outside the forest. There were no trees and vines to travel, so Cen Wen took out his small bicycle and continued to run.

Near noon, the first seventh-level beast was found.

The hairy behemoth napped in the shade of the trees, and the leftovers were scattered not far away, and the scavengers were busy cleaning up the scene.

From a long distance away, using the weeds around the strange beast as a guide, he transmitted his aura to it, and centered on the strange beast, he erupted instantly.

The strange beast jumped up in fright, and then was pressed back to the ground by a heavy pressure, unable to move, flicking its tail and struggling hard, but couldn't stand up, and its omnipotent ability also failed, as if it didn't exist.

Howling with anger.

When the oppressive force erupted along the weeds, scavengers keenly sensed the danger, dropped their food, screamed, and fled in all directions.

Leaving the only seventh-level alien beast in this world alone struggled in vain.

At this moment, Cen Wencai approached slowly on a small bicycle.

After parking the car, Cen Wen walked up to the head of the beast, and slapped it in the middle of the forehead.

The seemingly light movements are actually powerful.

The strange beast tilted its head, and then it didn't move or make a sound.

Death is not dead, and Cen Wen controlled his strength when he said he wanted to catch the living.

She then took out the seeds of the golden vine, which gave birth to several long vines, binding the head and limbs of the strange beast tightly.

Then she left it on the spot and continued on her way on the small bike.

In the barracks, the team and the garrison officers looked at each other.

"Uh, do you want to drag it back?"

"Will the soldiers be able to control it if they wake up after being dragged back?"

"Uh, let's leave it where it is."

"Okay okay."

"Why don't you send a patrol ship to guard it? After all, it's a test result. If it's left in the wild and let other beasts and plants take advantage of it, is the result still valid?"

"That's right. In order to protect the grades, it's better to protect it."

So, a small patrol ship full of people set off and landed beside the seventh-level beast to guard it.

The small ship does not turn off the fire, and if there is danger, there is time to run.

The soldiers watched this huge alien beast through the window, a seventh-level alien beast. How many people have only seen pictures or animal worlds in their lives, but never seen living things. This time it really opened their eyes.

No one doubted that Cen Wen failed the grade test. The focus of everyone's concern has shifted to how long it took her to complete the whole process.

Cen Wen speeded up on his bike, stopping to drink some water or a tube of nutritional supplements when he was tired and hungry, and then set off.

By four or five o'clock in the afternoon local time, we found a seven-level xenoplant that could run.

It is much easier for a full-level wood-type power user to catch a plant that is lower than her level than to capture a strange beast alive, and the effect of level suppression is better.

Cen Wen only needs to come to the vicinity and spread his supernatural pressure, and the alien plant will obediently appear, and he will shrink his roots into a ball like a battered little daughter-in-law, coil them into a big lump, and stay by the side I dare not go anywhere.

The soldiers were dumbfounded, but the team had no idea. After all, they were used to the miracle of Cen Wen's promotion to one level in one year. From their professional perspective, it was obvious that Cen Wen's actual strength was higher than level seven.

Otherwise, peer suppression would not be so easy.

This is an eighth-level boss.

My goodness!

The team members, who were expressionless as if they were well-informed and accustomed to it, felt dizzy and weak, staring at each other.

After the officers and soldiers were shocked, they also came to their senses belatedly.

"Isn't that right? Is it so easy to suppress the same level?"

"Don't ask, if you ask, we are all promising, and we have met a real boss in this life."


Right next to the alien plant, Cen Wen unfolded two tents, one for sleeping and one for bathroom. The live broadcaster was not turned to private mode. She was taking a grade test and had to live broadcast the whole process.

Using local materials, two weeds were born, the live broadcast machine was tied up and hung, and the camera was facing an open place, showing the horizon that divides the sky and the earth into two in the distance.

The seventh-level alien plant is in the lower right corner of the screen, and a little to the left are her two tents, which are not facing the door. Movements such as lifting the curtain when entering and leaving can enter the camera, but what she is doing inside cannot be photographed.

That's it for today.

After a good night's sleep and getting up early, the foreign plant was still the same as yesterday, coiled up and staying in place.

Cen Wen leisurely boiled water and made tea, and took out the food he brought from Dufeng City for breakfast.

While she was eating, a small patrol ship flew from the direction of the barracks, but did not land, just making sure that the ship appeared in the live broadcast.

Any contact would raise suspicions of cheating, and they wouldn't do it.

In addition, there was a level [-] heterophyte on the ground, and they didn't dare to land it. It would be risky to get close to it. If a root was pulled in the air, this small patrol ship couldn't stand it.

After eating and drinking, Cen Wen put away the tent and took out his small bicycle. Before leaving, he patted the seven-level alien plant to let it stretch its roots. It can hunt but stay in place, especially the patrol ships in the sky, waiting for Emperor Zhi new command.

After the seventh-level heterophyte planted its roots back into the ground, it shook the trunk lightly to show that it was obedient.

Cen Wen started today's journey by riding a small bicycle.

Yizhi's side is safe for the time being. After seeing Cen Wen communicating with it, the patrol ship in the sky took root and stopped moving, and they were slightly relieved.

Just be in control.

The seventh-level alien beast captured alive yesterday was a little nervous. The stunned alien beast woke up in the middle of the night, struggling and roaring.

The patrol ship monitoring it rose to a higher sky to guard against danger, even if it found that it was stuck, it did not dare to relax for a moment.

At the same time, he was full of admiration for Cen Wen.

Among the seventh-level supernatural beings in the country, only Cen Wen was so easy and bloodless during the grade examination process. No matter what other people have to be beaten to death first, no matter whether it is the prey who is half-dead or himself, one must be half-dead anyway.

This person's direct level suppression, after a night, can still make the bound beast unable to move, and the ability cannot be displayed.

Man of God, this is it.

Cen Wen followed the direction guided by the little rattan, and found the second seventh-level beast on the edge of the grassland.

It is a herbivore, it looks cute, and it looks like it will make people want to be domesticated, but it is terribly fierce. Cen Wen is still in the air while riding a small car, and a series of gold attacks are approaching.

After manipulating the truck's head to dodge the attack flexibly, the coercion broke out and directly crushed this guy to the ground.

The strange beast kept it pitifully, and Cen Wen didn't feel sorry for it at all. He sprinkled the golden vine seeds from the air, and directly bundled it into a package shape along the angle of the joints, so that it could be carried into the cage and pulled away.

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