The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft.

Chapter 200 This time I will have trouble with the Star Thief

Chapter 200 This time I will have trouble with the Star Thief (11)

It is common sense that many plants are not large in size, but have well-developed and extremely long roots, which are excellent plants for water retention and soil conservation.

In the case of xenoplantation, it will be more prominent, the longer the roots, the larger the body.

Now it's fine to wrap a few roots around people, but it can still swing two mechas leisurely in mid-air.

The seventh-level heteroplants are probably underestimated.

Be bold, eighth and ninth grades are not surprising.

It's hard to say about other planets. Li Nan star was a battlefield 300 years ago. Back then, there were many exotic plants and animals. Now it's normal to have alien plants that have lived for hundreds of years.

The mechs in the sky worked as porters without complaint, and the nutrient solution was enough, so the ancestors could eat it.

No one is worried that so many advanced heterophyte nutrient solutions will promote the surrounding plants to grow randomly.

With this ancestor, no drop of nutrient solution will be taken away by other plants.

Who doesn't have the nature to protect food?

Seeing that the nutrient solution was about to be sprinkled, the roots were swaying, and the end that wrapped around the man and the mech lowered towards the ground, and then suddenly rose again.

It gives people the feeling that it is very similar to the little movements of the head of a drunk and sleepy person.

Seeing this situation, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and pour out all the nutrient solution, and at the same time call the rear to send another batch of nutrient solution.

This scene will not end for a while, and the students from all schools will unknowingly gather together for a big camp, share their own dry food and drinks, and those with stoves and ingredients will also cook along with them.

After tossing so far, who is not hungry and thirsty.

Military academies are distributed all over the world, and the food has local characteristics. Students from places with delicious food even eat delicious dry food, and students from places with poor food can’t even find a word of praise for potato chips.

Dufeng City, where the Longshan Military Academy is located, has a mediocre reputation for local food, but Cen Wen brought a stove and ingredients, and asked the team members to light the fire to cook noodles together. seafood.

In the dark early morning, a bowl of hot noodle soup, delicious and delicious, attracted many people around to smell the fragrance and come over for a bite.

It was almost dawn when the second batch of nutrient solution for different plants arrived.

The quantity of this batch is larger, and the large jars pulled directly from the manufacturer poured down like rain.

The little rattan was even more joyful, swaying like a grass that had been full of rain and dew.

After pouring almost halfway, I finally saw a root, like alms, put down the vice principal of Longshan Military Academy, two mechs and a prisoner were still dangling in midair.

The nutrient solution continued to be given, no matter how poor Li Nanxing was, he couldn't afford another plant.

The manufacturer sent the cargo spaceship directly. From early morning feeding until it was dark, for a whole day, Xiaoteng put down the star thief prisoners and a mecha one after another, and obediently listened to Cen Wen's words, and he had to tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal. , after draining the last drop of nutrient solution on the cargo spaceship, he put down another mech.

There was also a star thief in that mecha who was still in a coma. Cen Wen had drained his life force and put him in a coma for dozens of hours. Now it seems that he was really prescient.

The little vine, which was full of food and drink, quickly retracted its roots, shrank its body, teleported back to Cen Wen's wrist, and recovered the clone.

Throughout the day, in addition to a large group of people from the government military academy and the factory working non-stop, there were also media vehicles circling in the air at the outermost edge.

I want to make some news at every turn.

Such a big movement cannot be hidden from people after dawn.

The matter of catching star thieves is a secret operation and cannot be seen in the media at all. It just so happens that this high-level alien plant is a good topic to divert the public's attention.

The manufacturer sent so many high-grade xenoplant nutrient solutions, and it is not fake.

So, in the afternoon, the Li Nanxing garrison held a press conference, explaining the reasons for this major operation in a concise manner.

What's wrong is that there are no live photos and video recordings, and the speaker dictates everything from the beginning to the end, and the audience depends entirely on their imagination.

But no matter what, the local government is the happiest. A huge and high-grade wild alien plant appeared in its own territory. Even if the alien plant ran away in the future, the flow of people it attracted would be enough to boost the local economy.

After finishing their work, each airship picked up their own students and headed back home in the dark.

Cen Wen carelessly went to the hapless vice-principal, and continued to question whether he would give him extra points, completely ignoring the fact that the weak vice-principal desperately needed a rest.

"This vice-principal is too weak. He was the first to be put down. He has been lying in the treatment cabin for a day and has not recovered yet? Old man Gui Geng? Retire when you are old, and be careful of sudden death at work someday." .”

Cen Wen's mouth is so poisonous that he can't say anything good when he opens his mouth.

The military doctor looked at her in surprise.

How could the Longshan Military Academy be so thorny? !
"Are you a therapist? If you think he is too weak, how about helping him?" the military doctor suggested.

"No, he doesn't need it, just lie down like this, it's good, it won't save him the energy to curse people."

Cen Wencai would not sympathize with him, waved to the military doctor, turned and left.

The military doctor glanced at the vice-principal. It is rare to see a school leader who is so unpopular with the students. He even read some gossip while on a business trip.

Cen Wen strolled back to the cabin, seeking advice from his teammates.

"The vice-principal is still lying in the treatment cabin. It's probably useless. Who is the teacher in charge of the credits in the school? Is it useful to go directly to me?"

"Still thinking about extra points?"

"Of course, it can't be a waste of hard work. You have all seen how strong that high-level heterophyte is. After feeding it with high-level nutrient solution for a day and a night, it was finally fed. It can be seen how dangerous we were last night. We are weak, and this alien plant ancestor doesn't like the energy of our little rookie."


"Are you going to back down?" Cen Wen glanced at the students present with a gloomy gaze, and said in a threatening tone, "Think clearly before speaking."

"No, no, no want to back down."

The teammates trembled. Boss Cen was more terrifying than facing the school leaders.

"The average score is [-] points. If you don't want it, I still want it."

"I want it too, I want it too."

The students nodded their heads, and what Boss Cen said was right.

"What is [-] points per capita?"

Suddenly, a strange lady's voice came from the side, and she also sounded a little old.

When Cen Wen and his classmates looked up, it was indeed a lady with the temperament of a school leader, with a low bun behind her head, looking very kind.

"Ah, Vice Principal Mei!"

The students stood up and said hello one after another. It was obvious that everyone's attitude towards her was much better than that of the previous vice principal.

Cen Wen was slow for half a second, and stood up to say hello.

Then the students readjusted their positions and invited Vice Principal Mei to sit with them, but when they were ranked, Cen Wen was intentionally or unintentionally seated next to the Vice Principal.

"Vice Principal Mei, you actually came here in person?!"

"I came here in the morning. The two major events came together. The principal asked me to sit down on the spot to prevent our lovely children from being bullied by others."

"That's right, I was almost bullied, why did I send that vice principal here?"

(End of this chapter)

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