The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft.

Chapter 150 Recruit a part-time job and prepare to go

Chapter 150 Recruit a part-time job and prepare to go (2)

"How about the platform?" Cen Wen was a little curious, and everyone beside him was already searching on the bracelet.

"It's not very good. When we first opened the station, we used high benefits to attract many people to the station. Afterwards, there were labor disputes, and the income dropped. The anchors almost ran away. I didn't expect that they were still alive, and it was about to celebrate their fifth anniversary. "

"Well, it sounds like a pit."

"Yeah, yeah, just go and play once in a while, don't stay here for a long time, the traffic is not enough, you will lose money if you go there."

"This time, the media company has a new boss and wants to push the platform again. If it can't pull it off, it plans to sell it."

"Oh, that's okay. If you have money, you can go there. When will it start, let's go and join us."

"I'm also waiting for the news. The whole network promotion has not been released yet, and there will be rewards for this live broadcast. You should take care of your hands and don't waste money indiscriminately."

"Opening rewards is the normal operation of the live broadcast. Our field training live broadcast does not even open the barrage."

"That's it."

"I'm still teaming up with Young Master Qiu this time. Both of us have an appearance fee. It doesn't matter whether you give a reward or not. In short, you just need to be good at it."

"Or that Qiu Shao? Is he so persistent?"

"I can't help it. I have a nickname that doesn't sound good, and I am eager to clean up the black history and clear my name."


Everyone laughed loudly, obviously wanting to go together.

"Poor Young Master Qiu."

"At any rate, he is also the child of the richest man in the local area. How pitiful."

"Young Master Qiu really has no dignity."

"You still have time to chat and gossip, don't you need to go back and discuss with the team how to grab my top prize?" Cen Wen smiled narrowly.

"Hey hey!"

The people blocking the reception desk reacted, turned around and ran out, stood on the street and kept making calls.

The silence finally returned to his ears, and Cen Wen quickly took advantage of today's patient's absence to take Huo Jun around to get acquainted with the environment in the store.

This is the first time he has employees, Cen Wen has to think about employee benefits.

The two came back after a round, sat behind the reception desk, drank juice, and discussed the charges.

Huo Jun is a second-level therapist, but his strength is not as good as Cen Wen's. The only way to get patients to accept her is to start with the fees.

There are generally two ways to charge the therapist. One is based on the therapist's own level, and according to the official guide price, there is a range of fluctuations.

Another way is to charge according to unique skills, only treat specific diseases or injuries, and ignore other cases.

Cen Wen, a first-class therapist, has outstanding therapeutic effects and far exceeds the level of her peers. She could have charged based on unique skills, but she still charges based on the certificate level, which is a model of high quality and low price.

Huo Jun has shortcomings and is a part-time job, so he can't completely copy the charging standard of the second-level therapist. After discussing it, the two of them finally decided that other fees will remain unchanged, and the maintenance treatment fee for old patients will be discounted by [-]%.

For the patients, if they spend one time, they can manage for six or seven days, but now they still spend the same money for another therapist, and the maintenance time is halved. This is not equivalent to raising the price in disguise.

Even if this kind of treatment is reimbursed by the state subsidy, the subsidy for civilians is not fully reimbursed, and they have to pay for it themselves. In order to balance the two sides, it can only be slightly discounted.

After the two agreed, Cen Wen pulled Huo Jun into the treatment group and introduced her identity.

The change of the therapist made the already lively group even more noisy, and various questions were thrown out, and generally speaking, the most related to money.

Even if there is a [-]% discount, but considering how many times a month you have to do more treatments, it still costs a lot more.

Cen Wen can't help it, this is just the beginning, and this kind of thing will be the norm in the future, she will always focus on her studies.

Sitting in front of the workbench, Jiang Shan was about to start today's work, but accidentally glanced at the bracelet, and appeared in time to make a sound.

【Boss Cen is currently a student of Longshan Online School. She has to go according to the school's arrangement. She also has to take the exam for a second-level therapist. It is a necessary process to go out to practice and accumulate experience. What is the intention of those who prevent her from improving?If you are really dissatisfied, you can go back to your hometown. 】

Jiang Shan wasn't tactful at all, she bluntly said that if she had an opinion, she would get out.

[That is, there are two kinds of charging standards for therapists, one is based on the certificate level, and there is a limit to the fluctuation; the other is based on actual skills, which is more suitable for therapists with unique skills, and the fees are high. 】

[Boss Cen obviously complies with the second type of charging standard, but pays according to the first type. The well-known model of high quality and low price in the town has already taken advantage of the low fee, and he has to think more, what a big face. 】

【It’s not so easy to take advantage of cheap, just thinking about the therapist not going to sit in the consulting room every day, is there enough money? 】

[Before the referral, I said it first, and I confessed it in front of the camera, and you agreed, but now I have another opinion, why didn't you refuse it at that time? 】

Jiang Shan opened her mouth, and the first five old patients followed closely to speak out.

They are also dissatisfied. These new patients from outside don't understand the atmosphere of Longshan Town at all. They think that they are as easy to bully as the low-level therapists who run clinics in the local area. The patients will lose their hair due to anxiety when they complain.

[Boss Cen has to go out to practice if she wants to improve. It is impossible to be a first-level therapist all the time. It is her sincerity that she found a second-level therapist to work part-time. Go where you came from. 】

They also have their reasons for saying this. Everyone has chatted happily in the group these days, but in fact, each of them has more or less leaked a little bit of their family background.

It cost a lot to move all the way here, which shows that the family has a good family background. It can't be that it's all because of the extra expenses that I feel sorry for, and I just want to make trouble in my heart.

Of course, this is a common thing, and the mental health will be affected after being disabled for a long time, but this is not a reason to play wild on Boss Cen's head.

[One thing to remember when living here is that Longshan Town is an area for the family members of the employees of the Longshan Military Academy, and it is a military management area. 】

[Medical troubles are prohibited in Longshan Town. 】

Seeing the six old group friends chatting, the other people hurried to smooth things over as the topic became more and more serious and dangerous.

[Don't don't don't, it won't happen. 】

[Eliminate the fire, eliminate the fire. Before joining the group, you really have to say something first, and you only go through the formalities after you agree. Don't say those words now. 】

[I finally got a good therapist in line, I won't leave. 】

[Yes, yes, me too, finding a good therapist is not easy. 】

[We have been injured for a long time, and we know in our hearts how many therapists are good at treating nerve injuries. I was lucky to grab a spot this time, so I will not quit. 】

[Yes, yes, a first-level therapist has this technical strength, which is a personal unique skill, and the fee for the unique skill is much more expensive than it is now. 】

Cen Wen and Huo Jun didn't say a word after releasing the news, and let the group talk fiercely, arguing in full swing, and now that it's almost done, they dropped another sentence and withdrew.

[Okay, then we have reached a consensus, and the whole summer vacation will be treated by Huo Jun's therapist for seven or eight months. 】

(End of this chapter)

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