After the second treatment for these three people, they also started the rhythm of the 30-person cycle treatment, and the sequence was a bit disrupted at this time.

Because some people had symptoms on the sixth day and had to come, and some people felt that they had to come on the seventh day. One of the strongest guys was dragged to the afternoon of the eighth day before being tied to a wheelchair by the nanny robot.

The man who came here was like a dead fish, but after the treatment, he bounced back into a live fish, yelling that he will make a referral later, Boss Cen saved his life, he is much better than the therapist he saw before .

After two weeks of circulation, 30 people gradually differentiated, some quit the trial group and went back to their hometown, some made a firm referral and transferred to the group of Awen Treatment Room, and those who remained in the trial group They are still observing and hesitating.

Cen Wen didn't say a word of urging, this is a two-way choice, there is no need to urge her, and she is more relaxed when there are more people leaving, otherwise she will be tied to the store every day, and she won't have the time to leave for two days.

In order to protect themselves, everyone who makes a referral has to face the camera. Cen Wen told the other party the ugly words first. She is a student now, and she must follow the school's arrangements for the main time. When she is not there, the patient will go to the hospital. Hospital for maintenance treatment.

Only when she can accept this condition will Cen Wen accept the referral of the patient to her staff as the receiver.

As soon as this condition was opened, two more returned to their hometowns, and the rest who insisted on referrals were transferred.

Qiu Mingluo asked Cen Wen to meet up in the city several times, but they haven't met since the end of the exhibition game.

But she couldn't call out, and there were patients every day, so she couldn't get away, so she simply invited a group of friends to come to her in an aircraft to spend the weekend and buy some tea by the way.

A group of people rented a place at the campsite at the foot of the mountain outside the town, and held a barbecue bonfire. Summer and autumn are the seasons for mushrooms in the mountains, and they each picked a basket.

Relying on the status of a supernatural person, you don’t need to distinguish between poisonous and non-toxic mushrooms when you see any mushrooms. Pick them all up and hand them over to friends in the wood department to pick out the poisonous ones. Wash the rest and pickle them, and roast them on a grill one plate at a time. , Fresh eyebrows.

After eating high, a group of people chatted about the formation of the bureau again, and Cen Wenhao scorned it.

"The first two rounds were in danger, so you know that the third round will be successful?"

"It has to be done. This time the territory is not so big. How about chasing and escaping repeatedly in a small area?"

Qiu Mingluo held a barbecue skewer in one hand and a ponytail in the other, leaning close to Cen Wen, smiling like a puppy.

"Who came up with the idea?"


"They want to watch a play, and you also cooperate?"

"A buddy took over the media company at home. The company holds a stake in a live broadcast platform. He wants to see if he can build this platform, or he will sell it."

"Which platform are you planning to live broadcast this time?"

"Well, this time, the platform will only share 100% of the rewards as operating costs, and we will share the rest equally after deducting taxes? In addition, we are invited, so each person has [-] million appearance fees."

Two people who obviously have serious identities and occupations have become small Internet celebrities with a bit of traffic, and there is a platform willing to pay a million for appearance fees to invite them.

"It sounds really tempting, but I'm so busy every day, how can I have time to form a game with you? The platform's request must be to complete it in the near future. No, no, no time. I just received dozens The patient cycled once a week and couldn't walk away at all."

"No, no, not recently, in two months."

"After two months? In August? Are there any activities on the platform?"

"For the five-year celebration, we will hold a series of live broadcast activities. Ours is called the field survival category."

"Survival in the wild is indeed tracking and escaping, not wilderness rescue?"

"If I'm so unlucky again, you can just grab me and announce the end of the live broadcast."

"Why are you so energetic?"

Cen Wen suddenly had doubts.

The friends who were eating, drinking and watching the fun couldn't hold back and laughed.

"I was laughed at miserably. I had accidents twice, so I got the nickname Mr. Halfway."

"Does this nickname have an extended meaning now?" Cen Wen understood in seconds.


A group of people laughed even harder, and several people couldn't hold the sticks in their hands, and they fell to the ground, wasting the delicious barbecue.

Cen Wen patted Qiu Mingluo's shoulder sympathetically, expressing his understanding.

Millions of appearance fees plus bonus rewards, the temptation to realize traffic is really great.

It would be rude to say no to money.

It's not to save Young Master Qiu's reputation.

"The so-called thing is only three times. This third time is your last chance to clean up the black history. If there is another accident, your nickname will never be taken off for the rest of your life, you understand?"

Qiu Mingluo nodded with a bitter face.

"Okay, find an expert to design it this time, don't think that it's just a one-off, just me and you, we talked about it face to face, but when we start to find out that it's a group battle royale, then don't blame me for not giving face face away."

"This time, I must be watching to death. The fifth anniversary, the media company and the live broadcast website will not make trouble. If it succeeds this time, it will make money in the future."

"I'll trust you again this time."

Cen Wen also felt that Qiu Mingluo was somewhat moldy.

After the barbecue was full, everyone quickly cleaned up the aftermath, wiped the table, Cen Wen took out the tea set and tea leaves, colorful small tea cups and ordinary glasses, each person picked one, and tasted the small canned samples at will.

These are top quality teas for non-supernatural beings. The tea has a strong aroma, and the taste is sweet and neither sour nor astringent. The grade of the foreign-planted tea leaves is too high. If you take them out and smell them, they will be shocked and dizzy.

As a full-level power user back then, she no longer had low-level heterogeneous tea leaves in her hands.

No way, Qiu Mingluo and the others are too weak to enjoy good things.

The three of them, Qiu Mingluo, Yan Jiaxin, and Yan Yiwei, mainly bought tea for the elders in the family. They ordered the same type of tea as last time, increased the quantity, and picked two types for themselves.

They also brought Cen Wen the exotic tea leaves bought in the tea shop. A catty of third-level tea leaves is several times more expensive than a box of third-level power supplements, and people with the same level of power want to use this tea as their daily ration tea , unless there are mines at home.

This evening, Cen Wen earned several million just from selling tea.

The weekend barbecue bonfire will meet the end of the meeting, and everyone will go back to their homes.

Early the next morning, Cen Wen cooked a pot of mushroom cream soup with bread for breakfast with the mushrooms he picked yesterday, and packed a lunch box to take to Jiang Shan's house across the road, and gave her a routine treatment by the way.

The two chatted about some gossip. When Cen Wen talked about Qiu Mingluo's third set up in August, Jiang Shan also doubted whether he could complete it once.

Thinking about the extended meaning of his nickname being born in such a short time, and betting on the dignity of a man, it should be able to be completed smoothly... right?

Jiang Shan is also a little curious about this kind of question full of uncertainty.

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