Chapter 140 Getting what you want
As soon as I woke up and had enough food and drink, I received an order to prepare to return, and I didn't have time to turn on the phone to check the news.

After a lot of work, he finally boarded the large aircraft flying to Dufeng City, sat in a comfortable seat, and saw everyone chatting online, laughing endlessly, and Cen Wen remembered that his bracelet was not turned on.

After 20 seconds of booting up, the notification vibration caused by the sudden increase of 999+ messages on the communication software made the wristband seem to be equipped with an electric motor, buzzing and almost crashing.

Some kept sending her messages, some frantically called her, and she had 200+ missed calls during the shutdown period, which was frightening to death.

Cen Wen waited patiently for 2 minutes, and the bracelet stopped vibrating. She didn't bother to check who called her one by one, and poked her finger on the phone icon to read it directly.

999+ messages need to be taken seriously. Those who will send her messages are all friends. She does not receive messages from strangers, and adding her friends must be verified.

The group messages are poked out first, the content is not read, and all have been read.

After this sifting, the remaining solo messages immediately dropped to 100-. No one from the friends who sent the message was long-winded, so they just left a few words. The antidote prescription hopes to give priority to Qiu's pharmaceutical company.

Read one by one, and it will be over soon.

The most important news to her was an electronic business card sent by Jiang Shan.

Yan Yibo, Director of Admissions at Longshan Military Academy.

Cen Wen immediately added friends.

The other side also passed quickly, as if they had been waiting for her news.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, we got to the point. As expected, we came here to recruit her.

Since it was the electronic business card sent by Jiang Shan, obviously they had chatted with each other and knew that Cen Wen only had a high school degree and was having a headache on how to obtain a college degree so that he could be admitted as a second-level therapist.

Yan Yibo gave two choices.

[Boss Cen has lived in the town for a year, so he must have known some of the requirements of our military academy. There are age requirements for full-time admission, and entering the school is equivalent to enlisting in the army.The other is the online school, which has looser conditions. There is no age requirement, and it is not linked to military enlistment. It can be regarded as an ordinary university, but the requirements for students are the same, homework, exams, papers, internships, and credits. 】

[The majors in the online school are all non-combat majors, which is also the reason why they can be separated from enlistment, but the resources are shared, and there is nothing missing just because you study in the online school. The school facilities are also open to online school students. 】

[The tasks issued by the school, the students of the online school can take whatever they think they can do, and they will be given the same credits. In this respect, they are treated equally, there is no difference in treatment, and discrimination between students is not allowed. 】

When Director Yan typed this sentence, he was complaining in his heart. Even if there was secretly discrimination, discrimination against anyone would not discriminate against Cen Wen.

Looking at these conditions, Cen Wen felt that even if he was studying in an online school, it would be most convenient to live in a town. He could come in and out of the school to use various facilities at will, and there were many opportunities to earn credits.

Both sides are smart people, Director Yan has been promoting the online school, and Cen Wen understands what the other party means.

Even if she meets the full-time admission requirements, she will not go to school. Enrolling in school is equivalent to enlisting in the army. How can this work? Jiang Shan always said that she has a murderous spirit. The number one assassin in the army.

Besides, if you leave with the army, you won't be able to take care of Jiang Shan, and she will be in danger.

Jiang Shan is the key point, how can she be left behind.

【Thank you Director Yan for your explanation. I don’t want to enlist in the army, and I’m satisfied with being able to attend an online school, but I heard that online schools also have to be admitted? 】

[Yes, our online school does have a score line to participate in the unified entrance examination, but Boss Cen's conditions are too good, we are special admissions this time without the entrance examination. 】

Cen Wen suddenly smiled and narrowed his eyes.

What she wanted was the word "exemption from the test".

She knew exactly how her high school education came about, her foundation was so bad, she was asked to go to a university where she could get in, she always asked for an exemption, otherwise she would not pay attention to the pheasant university that can be entered with money.

Longshan Military Academy handed over an olive branch for admission without examination, so why hesitate.

[Thank you Director Yan, see you in the new semester. 】

Yan Yibo immediately sent an electronic version of the admission notice, and the date of issuance is today.

[The paper notice will be delivered tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Don’t forget to register for a student ID card to enjoy student benefits. You can use it in the playground, library, and cafeteria.Also, if you don't mind, I want to spread the word about your admission, you know, it's the new school year admission season. 】

[I don't mind, Director Yan, please feel free. 】Cen Wenchang has seen that the top military academies are also trying their best to grab students during the enrollment season.

【thanks. 】

Cen Wen put away the light screen on his wristband, and sat in his seat concentratingly.

Don't look at her calm when chatting with Director Yan Yibo, in fact, she is uncontrollably excited at the moment, you don't need to look in the mirror to know that she must be beaming with joy and smiling.

Longshan Military Academy, one of the five top military academies in the country, she spent a year laying the groundwork, not only gained a little friendship, but also got the opportunity to enter without examination.

It's her self-control that she didn't jump up and scream.

The students who had finished laughing back and forth saw her sitting quietly, twisted their buttocks, and immediately came over.

"What good thing happened to Boss Cen? Are you smiling so happily?"

"Don't talk to me yet, I need to calm down again, or I can collapse this cabin."

In order to force him to calm down, Cen Wen also added a mutated mint leaf, which gave him a strong cooling sensation, no less than pouring a large bucket of ice-water mixture.

Finally calmed down.

The students looked at Cen Wen with twinkling eyes, waiting for her to speak.

"Okay, let me tell you, Director Yan of the Admissions Office specially recruited me to enter the online school without taking the exam."


There was silence around me for a while.

This is really big news, and the students are a little bit overwhelmed.

After a few seconds of silence, cheers erupted in the cabin.

"Boss Cen, we are classmates now!"

"Hurry up, send a message! I want to announce the whole network!"

"Wait a minute! Director Yan wants to take this opportunity to promote the enrollment, so go and support him."



"Studying in the online school is also my own person. I can take on the school's tasks. Boss Cen is with the team, and the completion rate is guaranteed."

"Yes, yes, I study online school locally, hahahaha, I am so envious of those online school students who are in other places."

"Oh no, once Director Yan makes an announcement, I'm afraid there will be another wave of online school freshmen asking about renting houses in the town."

"Oh, it depends on whether the town will build new houses."

"If there is still land, you can consider building a high-rise apartment building and rent it to patients and online school students, and set a threshold for online school students, requiring more than a certain number of credits to rent. Because after coming here, you can use school facilities and can Knowing the principal and teacher, being able to earn credits by doing tasks with the team, and being able to develop interpersonal relationships, all kinds of conveniences are of course conditional."

"Yes, when we return to school, we will call everyone together to give suggestions to the school."

(End of this chapter)

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