The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft.

Chapter 123 Invited to play an exhibition match

Chapter 123 Invited to play an exhibition match (1)

After this episode, Jiang Shan started to get busy.

The questions she sent a few days ago have been answered one after another. Cen Wen has been arrested several times by her, and she works as a clerk at night to help her enter the data.

Not to mention, those completely unfamiliar professional terms, after typing a few more times, it's really easy.

After repairing the parts of a family, they will be packaged and sent back in the original packaging at the time of delivery. The owner will give a good review after two or three days and say that he will introduce other people to come.

Coupled with the cover of Qiu Mingluo, Xiao Jiaxin and Yan Yiwei, a news gradually spread among mecha players in the circle of rich kids.

There is a high-end mechanic in Longshan Town. It seems that old mecha parts can be repaired, but they have to be disassembled and delivered to the express delivery. Don’t let people know that they are repairing mechas. Otherwise, if they are reported, they will return it next time. Can't find another person with the same level.

Because it was Qiu Mingluo and the others who spread the word, out of consideration for their own interests, people in the same circle tacitly kept it secret.

This is also the norm.

The reason is that skilled mechanics are rare.

During this period, Qiu Mingluo asked Cen Wen to go to the city for the weekend a few times, but she flatly refused, and she wanted to work as a clerk for Master Jiang to enter their parts information.

Anyway, Qiu Mingluo and the others couldn't help laughing.

Because Jiang Shan dragged her to work, she hadn't even opened the official website of the Supernatural Center for a long time, and the small script was still pushing suitable tasks to her conscientiously, so she didn't even bother to read it.

I was so busy every day, I didn't notice that this year's military academy exercise was over, and I didn't watch the final decisive battle for a day. When I realized it, there were already various official and fan edited versions on the Internet, but I could watch it all at once. .

This year's Longshan Military Academy, the headquarters took the second place, and the branch school only took the fifth place, which was the same as last year's results.

It stands to reason that this is good news, but from the mouth of the military students, Cen Wen learned that after returning from the big exercise, there will be a performance-style global military training on Li Nanxing, where civilian therapists can be brought.

Before he understood the rules of the exhibition competition, Cen Wen learned from the students that he had been selected.

Yes, Cen Wen, a certified first-level therapist, finally had a mission to appear in his own capacity.

Just when she was struggling with whether to participate and how to sign up, she learned that it was not a registration system, but an invitation system.

Every military academy also needs face. It is difficult to find a suitable therapist in a short period of time when open registration is open, but they all have a small book, which records the folk supernatural beings who have cooperated and left a good impression.

Cen Wen's performance has always been in the eyes of Longshan Military Academy.

In particular, the secret mission she took last time was completed perfectly, which made her ranking in the small book soar.

The strength of folk supernatural beings varies, and being able to remember their names really shows that they have done a satisfactory performance.

The students who came to send her news were well-informed, so she didn't need to ask any more, they would tell her everything they wanted to know.

After confirming again and again that the students did not lie about the military situation, Cen Wen waited at home with a little apprehension and a little expectation.

It really made her wait.

In order to have a sense of ceremony, for a performance training competition, someone sent someone to deliver a well-made invitation letter in person, and the text inside was handwritten by the principal.

Cen Wen's first thought when he got the invitation was to frame it for collection.

The handwriting of the principal of the local branch of Longshan Military Academy is very commemorative.

Since receiving the invitation letter, Cen Wen has one more thing to do every day. He needs to have a pre-match run-in with the teams participating in the exhibition game and understand the rules of the game.

As a therapist, you must be clear about what you can and cannot do in an exhibition match. It would be too unfair for the team to deduct points because of a therapist's violation.

Therefore, she only does business for half a day every day, closes at noon, and goes to the military academy in the afternoon.

These new schedules, she hung up notices on the signboard early, and pedestrians passing by could see them.

The old patients, including Jiang Shan, also greeted her. After so many days in the exhibition, she couldn't be treated. They could only temporarily transfer back to the hospital or find other therapists in the town.

The old patients said that there was no problem, and encouraged Cen Wen to participate in the competition. After the competition, the therapists who performed well were also given rankings and prizes. It was considered a competition for therapists with specific abilities.

A therapist who can play exhibition games with military students, this is a specific ability, as long as you don't get too tired, you will be famous and profitable when you come back, and you will also be favored by the above.

But Cen Wen, who only came to settle last year and has only worked hard for a year without the foreshadowing of so many previous demonstrations, would not have gotten such an opportunity.

Cen Wen also told Qiu Mingluo and the others about this, and after asking when she would leave, these rich kids crowdfunded a big gift package and delivered it to her by express.

Each person pays 200 to [-] yuan, which is a daily bag or an accessory for their rich son and daughter, but there are so many people, and finally a gift worth more than [-] million yuan was put together.

They are all things that Cen Wen can use, including supernatural supplements, outdoor supplies, boxes of seeds, special medical kits for therapists, supplementary tools, etc.

Not only that, they also announced the matter on their personal social platforms.

Counting how many people posted this news, you can basically know how many people contributed to that big gift package.

Among these people were relatives and friends who went to Equatorial Forest Park that day, as well as friends from the mech circle of Qiu, Xiao, and Yan. Excluding overlapping ones, there were more than fifty people in total.

Netizens and fans who followed these rich kids quickly retweeted and shared that Boss Cen was going to participate in a training exhibition game, who wouldn't want to see her performance as a therapist.

Of course, there are also people who question how good a first-level therapist can be, and it's not bad if it doesn't hold back.

After all, there have indeed been tragedies in history where healers who were overconfident made their teams miserable.

Netizens are very lossy, and at the same time they can solve problems accurately.

They threw out a clip, which was exactly the scene when Qiu Mingluo was in danger in the forest of Longshan Town that day, Boss Cen carried him away and ran after him.

Please believe in Boss Cen's strength.

This clip quickly went out of the circle, and countless people were curious about what Boss Cen looked like under his mask.

However, the photos and videos of her previous exposure on the Internet were all sunken and covered with thick mosaics. Those who knew her were either dead or would not betray her, and no one in the town wanted to take pictures of her secretly.

Not only will this lead to lawsuits, but it is also not wise to offend a high-level therapist.

Without new photos, it is naturally impossible to compare and dig deeper into the past.

Not even her photo can be found in the public information on the official website of the Supernatural Person Center and the official website of the therapist, only her person and the numbers of the two grade certificates can be found. The photos belong to personal privacy and will not be displayed.

Those who have the authority to see the photos from the backstage will not leak them. Once the defendant is accused, he will not only face a lawsuit, but also be punished, and even fired.

In short, no matter how netizens pick it up, Boss Cen's appearance is always mysterious.

Of course, this also provoked many people to complain about whether Boss Cen is too ugly to be seen.

No matter what is said on the Internet, Cen Wen will not be affected in any way.

Because she doesn't have a social account.

It’s not that various social platforms didn’t email her and invite her to register an account, but Cen Wen ignored them. If she doesn’t open her life to the public, she won’t expose her behavior habits and patterns, and no one will understand her, which is safer.

For her and Jiang Shan, safety is the top priority right now.

(End of this chapter)

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