Lin Xi and Yu Qing were sitting on a stone by the Qingshui River chatting.

Lin Xi said that the "Eight Auspicious Treasures" proposed by Zhuang Yan were not unique to Qingshui Bay, but Yu Qing did not believe it.

Yu Qing listed them one by one, and Lin Xi denied them one by one. Finally, Yu Qing sighed that only the last two of the eight treasures were unique to Clearwater Bay.

Lin Xi still denied it, and the denial was even more useless.

Lin Xi said: "Sister Qing, double-needle embroidery is indeed unique to the people of Qingshuiwan. But if the embroidery you embroider is not creative and the embroidery method is not innovative, then it is just a rag or a pair of insoles? You can't create a bigger world. The market cannot create higher added value, and small profits but quick turnover cannot sustain it for long.”

Yu Qing asked: "Lin Xi, small profits but quick turnover is also an economic theory and a kind of marketing strategy. Isn't the Qingshui Bay Embroidery Processing Factory now booming in both production and sales? Your mother and your grandmother's monthly income should not be less than 5000. Yuan?"

Lin Xi answered: "Sister Qing, yes, small profits but quick turnover is a kind of marketing strategy. But it is mainly used in the sales of products with low technical content, low raw material cost, large one-time production volume and large market demand, such as A special equipment can produce tens of thousands of disposable chopsticks a day, and an ordinary restaurant on the market consumes hundreds of pairs a day.

Yu Qing asked: "Lin Xi, we have rich moso bamboo resources in Qingshui Bay, why don't we produce disposable chopsticks?"

Lin Xi replied: "Sister Qing, we in Qingshui Bay will never be able to produce disposable chopsticks and exchange precious resources for cheap profits."

Yu Qing said: "That's true. Using disposable chopsticks is actually not necessarily hygienic, let alone environmentally friendly."

Lin Xi asked: "Sister Qing, let's continue talking about double-needle embroidery. Do you know? Why did Aunt Man Yue leave the embroidery processing factory?"

Yu Qing answered: "Didn't her family buy a new house in Shuizhou? Her daughter works in Shuizhou."

Lin Xi said: "Sister Qing, you only know one thing but not the other. If the embroidery processing factory is really in a good situation and the income is high, will she be willing to leave?"

Yu Qing said: "That's true. Who would think it's too much money?"

Lin Xi said: "Sister Qing, you are a former leader and now a lecturer. Don't always say 'this is true' in front of me. I should be asking you for more advice."

Yu Qing said: "Lin Xi, don't laugh at me. I know how well my former leaders led me. By the way, didn't you ask me to think about what kind of stunts I should learn in Qingshui Bay at my level? Really? I have already figured it out. I want to learn the skill of roasting sweet potatoes from you in Clear Water Bay."

Lin Xi said: "Sister Qing, you are making fun of me. The best baked sweet potato is just to make a few more money. How can preaching, teaching, and solving doubts be more important?"

Yu Qing asked: "Lin Xi, do you want me to learn the unique skills of preaching, teaching, and solving doubts in Qingshui Bay?"

Lin Xi asked back: "Sister Qing, have you finally realized the truth?"

Yu Qing said: "Lin Xi, the so-called [preaching, teaching, and solving doubts] means imparting principles, teaching studies, and answering difficult questions. Who in Qingshui Bay has such a unique skill?"

Lin Xi said: "Sister Qing, I thought you had already realized the truth. [Preaching, teaching, and solving doubts] is a philosophy of life. It not only emphasizes the importance of education, but also emphasizes the relationship between people. The mutual relationship between people. Each of us should do our best to educate and help others and help them grow and develop. Only in this way can we achieve harmony and win-win between people."

Yu Qing said: "Lin Xi, I understand, you want me to experience life in Qingshui Bay with the concept of [preaching, teaching, and solving doubts], learning more skills in human relations and sophistication, and using these skills in class [preaching] Teaching knowledge and solving doubts] to students so that they can grow better?"

Lin Xi said: "Sister Qing, the world is the biggest and most basic knowledge. Why did you break up in Qingshui Bay? Why did Brother Yan capsize in the gutter? You just didn't learn the knowledge of people well."

Yu Qing said: "Lin Xi, thank you for your advice. I will definitely learn the unique skills of human relations and sophistication in Qingshui Bay, and strive to be a truly wise man [preaching, teaching, and solving doubts]." Lin Xi said: "Sister Qing, the so-called unique skills are nothing more than It means that a person has unique or extraordinary skills. In fact, everyone in this world has his own strengths, but we ordinary people will not pay attention to or summarize a person's strengths. In most cases, we are more concerned about a person's shortcomings. .”

Yu Qing said: "Lin Xi, only by exposing others' weaknesses can you better highlight your own strengths. You just said that the situation in the embroidery processing factory is not very good? Is that possible?"

Lin Xi said: "Sister Qing, my mother and grandmother earned more than 1 a month at their peak, and more than 5000 last month. They basically rest at home these days. Do you think the situation is good?"

Yu Qing asked: "Lin Xi, you said that double-needle embroidery is a unique skill created by our Qingshui Bay, so why is the situation getting worse and worse?"

Lin Xi replied: "Double-needle embroidery is a unique skill that can embroider unique embroidery like Grandma Xi's. However, now embroidery processing factories use unique skills to embroider the lowest-end embroidery and rely on small profits but quick turnover to compete for the market. Well, It certainly won’t be long.”

Yu Qing asked: "Then what do you think we should do next?"

Lin Xi replied: "It's very simple. Return to the true nature, use the unique skill of double-needle embroidery to embroider unique embroidery and occupy the high-end market."

Yu Qing asked: "It takes several months or even years to embroider a unique piece of embroidery, right? What about the income of embroiderers like your mother and grandma during this period?"

Lin Xi replied: "Sister Qing, the peerless embroidery I am talking about is not just the "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" embroidery like Grandma Xi's, but high-end artistic embroidery with high added value."

Yu Qing asked: "Isn't that the same embroidery as Grandma Xi's "Along the River During Qingming Festival"?"

Lin Xi answered: "The high-value-added high-end artistic embroidery products I refer to include headscarves, scarves, clothes, interior decorations, etc., which are aimed at targeting high-end overseas markets."

Yu Qing said: "Then it might take an embroiderer a month to embroider one piece of embroidery."

Lin Xi said: "If one piece of embroidery can be sold for tens of thousands of yuan in a month, is it more efficient than selling dozens of pieces of embroidery in a month for only a few hundred yuan?"

Yu Qing said: "This is natural."

Lin Xi said: "It not only improves the efficiency, but also promotes the development of the unique skill of double-needle embroidery. Now we only embroider some low-end street goods, and there is no need for the unique skill of double-needle embroidery. Gradually, the situation is not good, and the skills are also deteriorating. In the end, they all go back to planting sweet potatoes, and young people will never learn this skill.”

Yu Qing said: "Lin Xi, when you said this, it suddenly dawned on me. A unique skill must be unique to be truly unique. Then the Fire Stone House can only run a B&B like it is now, right? It's impossible to express 'excellent' from a high-end direction, right?" "

Lin Xi said: "The Burning Stone House needs to work harder on the word 'absolute'. What is the difference between this and the B&Bs in other places? Isn't it better to earn some accommodation and food expenses?"

Yu Qing said: "It is not easy to earn some accommodation and catering expenses after renovating a broken stone house. I think it is a bit difficult to work on the word 'absolute', and it may be a waste of effort."

Lin Xi said: "Sister Qing, although the stone house is dilapidated, it is a 'wonder'. After the current renovation, it is even more of the best among the best. We can't focus on the B&B, but let it reflect the value of the best."

Yu Qing asked Lin Xi: "How are you going to show the unique value of the burning stone house?"

Lin Xi replied to Yu Qing: "We should fully display the 'Burned Stone House' instead of limiting it to the Stone House B&B. In other words, we should let tourists know that they are staying in a 'Burned Stone House'. Staying for one night is an artistic journey and a return to nature." , a physical and mental sublimation!"

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