Chapter 249 Confrontation
Lin Dazhi roared loudly, and the villagers and tourists who supported Linxi fell silent, and the scene was silent for several minutes.

Lin Dazhi was a little proud. He patted his big belly with a pair of big hands, turned his voice to the maximum, and announced to everyone:

"Now, I will formally implement the order of the young master, and escort the criminal Lin Xi to the village office for interrogation. Anyone who interferes with my execution of official duties will be treated as an accomplice!"

The villagers and tourists who came to watch the excitement just wanted to squeeze to the front, but now they are slowly retreating one by one, ready to run away when Lin Dazhi is not paying attention, so as not to be punished as an accomplice.

In the broken stone house, Lin Xi's mother threw herself on the small stone table and fainted from fright, Lin Desheng sat on the small stone bench in a daze, and Lin Xi's grandmother sat on the ground stroking the old goat's corpse and lost her soul.

Lin Xi's expression changed from sadness to anger, and from anger to calm again. She picked up the broom again and walked in front of Lin Dazhi.

"I warn you, it's against the law to hit me with a broom."

When Lin Dazhi saw Lin Xi walking in front of him with a broom in his hand, his complacency dropped a thousand miles away, and even his loud voice turned into the cry of mosquitoes.

Lin Xi blocked Lin Dazhi with the broom in his hand, and asked Lin Dazhi loudly:
"Let me ask you, are you serious about what you just said?"

"W-Which words?"

Lin Dazhi's burly body began to tremble again.

"Just a few words!"

Lin Xi didn't move the hand holding the broom, and pressed the recording and playback button on the phone with the other hand:

"Shut up, everyone. Director Ben Zhibao is carrying out the order of the young master today, escorting Lin Xi to the village office for three interrogations!"

"Let me tell you, Lin Xi has indeed broken the law. If the young master hadn't blocked her, she would have been taken to the town's prison long ago, and she is probably in handcuffs by now."

"Now, I will formally implement the order of the young master, and escort the criminal Lin Xi to the village office for interrogation. Anyone who interferes with my execution of official duties will be treated as an accomplice!"

"You, you, why did you record my words?" Lin Dazhi's body trembled even more after hearing what he said just now.

"Let me ask you, is what you just said true?" Lin Xi asked.

"Yes, no. No, yes." Lin Dazhi spoke incoherently.

"Is it 'yes' or 'no'?" Lin Xi asked.

"Some are, some are not." Lin Dazhi replied in a low voice.

"Speak up, what about that loud voice just now?" Lin Xi raised the broom in his hand.

"Some are the truth, and some are just because I suddenly thought of it to scare you. Xiaoxi, you can pretend that I haven't said anything, okay?" Lin Dazhi begged Lin Xi pitifully.

"Which sentences are the truth and which ones are just thought of to scare me? Say it quickly, you have to say it, and say it loudly!" Lin Xi insisted.

"It's true that I carried out the young master's order to take you to the village office for interrogation, and the rest are false." Lin Dazhi had to tell the truth, and his voice raised a little.

"Really? Did he really ask you to come and take me to the village office for interrogation?" Lin Xi couldn't believe it.

"Really, can you put down the broom?" Lin Dazhi nodded vigorously, looking at the broom in Lin Xi's hand with big eyes in horror.

"As long as you tell the truth, my broom will naturally be put down. You tell him exactly what he said without missing a single word." Lin Xi raised the broom in his hand towards Lin Dazhi.

"I say what I say, but I'm afraid I can't do it if I can't miss a word. You know that brother Dazhi has a bad memory. When I was young, my big dad asked me to recite, and I can only recite one sentence after memorizing for three days." Lin Dazhi saw Lin Xi holding up the broom, The tall body shrunk down involuntarily.

"Stand up straight, speak the truth quickly, and stop talking nonsense!" Lin Xi put down the broom in his hand and pressed it against Lin Dazhi's waist.

"Xiaoxi, this is what the young master told me. Brother Dazhi, Lin Xi intentionally hurt the guests who came to Qingshui Bay to play. You go and bring her to the village office for me, and I will interrogate her thoroughly, what the hell, she is a little chicken." Lin Dazhi learned the solemn words again.

"You are the little chick!" Lin Xi gritted his teeth in hatred, and unconsciously picked up the broom on Lin Dazhi's waist, just right in Lin Dazhi's armpit.

"Ouch, itchy, itchy, itchy..." Lin Dazhi sat down on the ground.


The onlookers couldn't help laughing, and pushed forward one by one.

"Dear folks and tourists, thank you for your support to me just now. Today I must seek justice and give myself an explanation for my old goat and my red persimmons. Did you all hear it just now? He Lin Dazhi As the director of public security, he uttered wild words, frightened ordinary people, killed my old goat, and damaged my red persimmons, should he apologize to me? Should compensation be made?"

With one stroke of the broom in Lin Xi's hand, the crowd at the door of her broken stone house suddenly became passionate, and the shouts were deafening.

"Justice must be sought!"

"There must be an explanation!"

"I must apologize!"

"Compensation must be made!"


"Fellow folks and tourists, even if I committed a crime, it is not up to Lin Dazhi to be charged, nor is it up to him to have a solemn trial. What era is it now? Now is a society ruled by law, and law enforcement officers from law enforcement agencies will naturally come to handle the case and punish me. What is his solemn status? Does he have status? He has resigned, so he cannot be regarded as a person with a unit. His household registration has not been moved to Qingshuiwan Village, so he cannot be regarded as a villager of Qingshuiwan Village. I am not trying to smear He, he is now an out-and-out "three no" personnel, and he still wants to have someone escort me to the village office? He wants to have three interrogations on me? Hmph, I'm showing mercy if I don't call the police and arrest him..."

"You don't need to be merciful, you smear my Xiaoyan, I just want you to go to jail and have three joint trials for you!"

Before Lin Xi could finish speaking, a vicissitudes of life full of vicissitudes of life soprano sounded at the entrance of the alley.

"I'm waiting for you!"

Lin Xi showed no sign of weakness.

"Okay, the little chick has finally turned into an old hen!"

The onlookers consciously made way for the soprano.

"Can I be as old as you? I'm still Huaguduo, hehe. That's right, old woman, should I call you Mr. Da Mei or Miss Mei?"

Lin Xi faced Mei Xuexiang who was walking towards her.

"You are not qualified to talk to me!"

Mei Xuexiang was full of anger, and the two drooping flesh on her left and right cheeks shook violently up and down.I don't know if it's because of being angry with Lin Xi or after returning to the true nature, I ate too much fish and meat all of a sudden, and suddenly became fat.

"Lin Dazhi, come out!"

Lin Xi turned his head and shouted towards the yard of his home.

"I'm here, tell me what's going on."

When Lin Dazhi saw Mei Xuexiang coming with Zijasmine, Mrs. Meixuan, Meiyuan, Mei Fangfei, and Meihui domineering, he was so frightened that he turned around and fled into the courtyard of Lin Xi's house. No matter how loud Lin Xi yelled, he couldn't come out.

"Lin Dazhi, let me ask you, are you still the security director of Qingshuiwan Village?"

Lin Xi asked Lin Dazhi loudly.

"Yes, yes, of course, of course."

Lin Dazhi hurriedly responded, he didn't want to be vague about this.

"Okay, since you are the security director of Qingshuiwan Village, I now ask for your protection."

After Lin Xi finished speaking, Mei Xuexiang had already walked in front of her, only one step away.

"Ask for my protection? How to protect?"

As soon as Lin Dazhi heard Lin Xi begging him for protection, he immediately revived with full blood and rushed out of the yard.


Mei Xuexiang was just one step away from Lin Xi, but Lin Dazhi rushed to Lin Xi before her.

"Grandma Zhuang, oh, Chief Sect Leader, why are you here? Xiaoxi, what kind of protection do you need?"

Lin Dazhi smiled and greeted Mei Xuexiang, but at the same time he did not forget to ask Lin Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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