Guozijian little cook

Chapter 721: Take 2 sips and get tipsy

Because the taste and texture were good, Xiao Nianzhi couldn't help but be greedy and drank a few more sips.

However, she also controlled the amount, for fear of drinking too much and losing her composure in public.

If she is alone, then social death is nothing.

This life of a person can be said to be long or short, and it will pass quickly with your eyes closed.

However, there are too many people who have interests connected with her now, so if she is embarrassed, it will not look good if everyone follows her.

However, you can ask the Zhang family later where they bought this plum wine. It does taste good.

I didn't like drinking these before, but now I think it's okay to have a few sips now and then.

When they left the table, Xiao Nianzhi's cheeks were slightly red and a little drunk, but his eyebrows were still clear. It was obvious at a glance that he was just tipsy and not drunk yet.

Yan Xingxuan was worried, so he came over early and changed into a low-key carriage, not wanting too many people to pay attention.

Xiao Nianzhi came out not too early, so when he left the house, the crowd had almost dispersed.

Yan Xingxuan took a look, and because of the darkness, no one noticed it, so he quietly got out of the car.

Then in the flickering lantern and candlelight at the entrance of the house, I saw Xiao Nianzhi, who looked like a peach blossom, with white and pink cheeks, and the pink was stained with frosty white cheeks.

To put it a bit exaggerated, Yan Xingxuan felt that that glance seemed to have a burning peach blossom blooming directly in his heart, making his heart palpitate.

Although he was surprised and moved more than once by the appearance of Xiang Xiang.

However, the frequency of the heart beating seemed to be different this time.

Think about drinking.

His eyebrows were a little blurry, but there was a clear sense of clarity that anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance.

She wasn't drunk, maybe she just took a few sips to satisfy her curiosity.

Like a kitten, it is curious about the taste of the water in a human cup, so it explores the soft and cute mangosteen paws, dips it twice, and takes a few sips.

As a result, I found that the drink in the glass was wine, not high in alcohol content, but somewhat intoxicating.

Thinking of this possibility, Yan Xingxuan's breathing became tighter.

He took two quick steps, stepped forward and gently raised his hand to Xiao Nianzhi's side. His voice was low with obvious concern: "Think about it, are you okay?"

When Xiao Nianzhi came out and faced the slightly cold evening breeze, he felt a little tipsy.

Looking at Yan Xingxuan who was right in front of her, she squinted her eyes to see more clearly. After a long time, she shook her head: "It's okay, we can still walk."

I can indeed still walk, and I can walk very steadily.

Yan Xingxuan followed behind her uneasily, for fear that she would fall, and kept his hands ready.

As a result, it was not used at all.

Xiao Nianzhi even jumped onto the carriage neatly.

Yan Xingxuan watched with fear, but Xiao Nianzhi was very calm.

I even felt that I didn’t perform well and wanted to do it again.

Sitting back in the carriage, Xiao Nianzhi was slightly stunned as he thought about what he had just thought.


I was really drunk, so why did I have such childish and exaggerated thoughts?

Xiao Nianzhi pressed his head helplessly, then gently leaned against the carriage and took a short rest.

Yan Xingxuan was worried. From time to time, he would send someone over to ask. Xiao Nianzhi didn't need to say anything. She just said it to prove that he was fine.

All the way to Xiao Mansion, Yan Xingxuan was worried and even wanted to go into the manor to take care of him, but after thinking about it, he finally controlled it.

He watched Xiao Nianzhi enter the house, and a group of servants followed to take care of him. He couldn't help but give the housekeeper a few more words, and then he worriedly turned around and got on the carriage.

Laishun didn't dare to speak. Seeing his master like this, Laishun actually wanted to say: How about we just lay the floor today?

But forget it.

After saying that, the master turned against him because he was still having a hard time.

After returning home and drinking hangover soup, Xiao Nianzhi insisted on washing up before going back to bed.

This sleep...

Didn't sleep well.

Although he drank, he became unconscious.

But I couldn't stand it, my mind was running wild, and then I started to have more dreams. So when Xiao Nianzhi got up in the morning, his head felt heavy, and he looked like he hadn't slept well and was very tired.

She knew drinking would cause trouble before, so she rarely tasted it.

Yesterday I was just greedy, but I didn't even sleep well. Xiao Nianzhi couldn't help but sigh: Hey, it seems that no one is lying.

The feeling of drinking wine is indeed unpleasant.

However, we still have to go to morning court.

After washing and tidying up honestly, I got up neatly.

Except that my head feels a little heavy, there is nothing uncomfortable elsewhere.

Yan Xingxuan also went to the morning court today, although he is just a daily mascot.

However, he can follow him and no one dares to stop him.

Yan Xingxuan was mainly worried about Xiao Nianzhi, so he followed him all the way. He looked at and thought about it, and his thinking was normal, but his face was not very good. He couldn't help but ask a few more questions, and then thought that after the court was over, he would go back to his house and let someone make soup. Think about it and make up for it.

Today’s morning…

Cold and long.

Xiao Nianzhi actually didn't listen carefully to what was said before.

Anyway, when it reached them, there was no important information.

It's nothing more than the annual accounts. Some people have borrowed money from the Accounts Department. They should pay it back and give it to them. Don't force me to slap you.

Well, this is what Xiao Nianzhi summed up.

However, these are things that can only be done by clan members, or people with authority.

It has little to do with Xiao Nianzhi.

The matter of collecting debts was finally handed over to the Ninth Prince for execution.

after all……

The younger brother of His Highness the Crown Prince will have to assist the new monarch in the future. If he doesn’t have any ability, how can he do that?

Moreover, as the legitimate son of the late Queen, he had a bad temper and many clan members had complained about him to Your Majesty.

Therefore, His Majesty feels that such talents are most suitable for collecting debts.

It makes me sick to see each of them shamelessly pretending that they have never borrowed money.

Therefore, evil people will eventually need to be punished by evil people.

I sent out the most fucked up son, you can figure it out on your own.

The clan member who borrowed the money received the news before noon.


In terms of ruthlessness, His Majesty is the most ruthless

If you don't come in the open, you come in the dark.

I just owe some money, but when money is tight, please understand.

This is pressing step by step...

Isn't that too much?

We are from the same ancestor!

The clan members were all in the house, scratching their heads and not convinced.

By the time the Ninth Prince came to the door, everyone was honest again.

The Ninth Prince's character was not very good to begin with, and after his mother died, his mood became even worse.


The new queen ascended to the throne, although the Ninth Prince also knew that this was a normal process.

A country cannot be without a king for a day, nor can it be without a mother forever, right?

Moreover, the father did consider his brother and did not choose a successor with a prominent family background, which made it difficult for his brother.

However, the Ninth Prince was still unhappy.

Now was the chance to vent, and his eyes were filled with a deep light. (End of chapter)

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