Guozijian little cook

Chapter 604 Hotpot is warm in winter

On the way to his aunt's house, Xiao Nianzhi kept thinking about the coal mine.

After arriving at the place, Xiao Nianzhi and Aunt Yu went back quickly and replaced them with new hand stoves.

Grandpa came over early. He had already drank hot tea and read a book for a while.

Seeing the two people coming back, seeing Xiao Nianzhi with the tip of his nose red from the cold, he couldn't help but feel distressed and asked someone to increase the charcoal fire.

The warm temperature in the room finally slowly allowed Xiao Nianzhi's body temperature to return.

After coming back, he was busy with various things, but he didn't see his grandpa for a few days. Xiao Nianzhi hurriedly asked about his health and talked about his family affairs.

Things in the shop, some problems I encountered when I was on duty.

After that, I have to worry about the coal mine.

Grandpa was listening and saying a few words from time to time.

He is not very good at reading, but he has a lot of experience.

Therefore, many times, he can help Xiao Nianzhi come up with ideas and so on.

When they finally felt warm, the three of them walked towards the dining room.

It’s just a home-cooked meal for three people, so it doesn’t require the hassle of dividing meals.

Moreover, when eating hot pot, you are alone and the big nine-square grid on the table makes it more lively.

Aunt Yu used to serve in the palace and knew the importance of serving chopsticks.

My grandpa has also learned a lot recently, and besides, everyone doesn’t have the habit of smacking their chopsticks twice before stirring in the pot after finishing the meal.

Therefore, there is absolutely no problem in having a Jiugongge hot pot for everyone to eat together.

"Think about it, let's eat the mutton first. The newly killed lambs at Zhuangzi are very tender. I specially asked them to select good meat. After freezing it for a while, I cut it into thin slices that are easy to rinse. tasty."

"There's also rabbit meat, and it tastes fresh and tender."

"You said before that the tender slices of pork belly are also delicious, so I've prepared them too."

“We also have freshly cut mutton, which has been specially marinated and tastes very good.”


Aunt Yu talked enthusiastically about the ingredients.

Of course, everything Xiao Nianzhi likes is prepared.

But she didn't ignore her grandpa. Aunt Yu herself had a lot to eat.

The dessert after the meal has even been prepared and is now warming on the stove.

In winter, it would be more comfortable to drink something warm.

So, warm it first.

To make a warm hawthorn and snow pear drink, you need to simmer it slowly over low heat to bring out the juice in the pear and the sweet and sour inside of the hawthorn. Only then will the taste be better.

Outside there is a howling north wind, and scattered light snow is drifting. In the house is a steaming hot pot that makes people eat straight to the head.

Grandpa’s dipping sauce is simple sesame sauce, and he eats more vegetables.

After all, you need to eat a light diet, eat a few mouthfuls of rabbit meat at most, and supplement enough protein.

But don’t even think about it being heavy oily and spicy.

However, with his granddaughter by his side, grandpa felt that even drinking swill was fine.

Aunt Yu can actually eat some spicy food, but after winter, her health is not very good. The imperial doctor has told her several times to pay attention to the light diet and not to be too spicy.

Aunt Yu used to think that just let it go, life is only so long anyway.

But now, she wants to live a long life.

Therefore, pay special attention to these.

Among the three of them, Xiao Nianzhi is the only one who can eat some spicy food, but she definitely can't handle spicy food.

It's very comfortable if it's slightly spicy. It has a strong flavor without being too exciting.

The fresh lamb is very tender and delicious.

Before putting it outside to freeze, the cook has already removed the mutton and marinated it. Therefore, after freezing, and then slicing it, it will lose a lot of the smell and be a little more delicious.

As for the rabbit meat, you can already feel its tenderness and deliciousness without too much processing.

The pork belly had a somewhat plump feel, which made Xiao Nianzhi unconsciously miss the fat beef he had eaten in the past.

However, when eating hot pot, she doesn't like fat beef very much, preferring the upper brain and eye meat.

But if it’s barbecue time…

The taste of fat beef is very rich, coupled with the mellow dipping sauce...

  I want to eat beef!
  It's a pity that you can't eat it randomly.

Maybe it's because the management here in the capital is relatively strict. Even if people eat, they do it quietly and low-key.

According to Yan Xingxuan, local management is relatively loose, so there are more opportunities to eat.

Of course, it’s just more than the capital.

However, you won’t get it often.

After all, cattle are indeed very important agricultural tools!

Although there is no beef, the mutton, rabbit meat and tender pork belly all taste very good.

The freshly cut mutton is well prepared and marinated to taste.

After being scalded with boiling hot water, the meat slices curled up almost instantly. Xiao Nianzhi took the time to pick it out when it was the most tender, and then rolled it in the dipping sauce in the bowl.

The fresh and tender mutton slices are wrapped in the rich aroma of sesame sauce and dipped in the spicy aroma of chili peppers. The three flavors are intertwined from the moment the mutton enters the mouth, and then burst out in the mouth. It is fascinating, but also able to A fragrance that lingers for a long time.

People who don’t eat mutton sneer at this.

People who like to eat mutton are fascinated by it.

Xiao Nianzhi used to feel that he was in the middle.

But now, squinting his eyes and enjoying the tender and fragrant mutton, Xiao Nianzhi felt that he could also fall into the latter category.

Fresh, tender lamb, really delicious!

Unfortunately, today’s preservation technology is limited, and river fresh food is rarely available in winter, let alone seafood.

So, forget about tender fish fillets, slippery shrimps, etc.

Not to mention the various technological meatballs.

However, Xiao Nianzhi didn't like those meatballs at first. In comparison, she preferred simpler and more original ingredients.

For example, mutton, rabbit meat, shrimp sliders, etc.

Nowadays, although there is no shrimp paste, the mutton is delicious enough and makes up for many shortcomings.

Although grandpa eats vegetarian food most of the time.

However, seeing Xiao Nianzhi eating with satisfaction, grandpa also felt that his mood also became happy.

He thought that he had experienced so many ups and downs in his life, gained a lot, and lost even more.

However, it would not be a regret if I could look at my little granddaughter and live happily and contentedly for the rest of my life.

The steaming hot pot dispels the coldness of winter.

After having enough wine and food, the three of them sat there, reminiscing about the delicious meal and holding the hot drinks in their hands.

Although no words were spoken, the atmosphere was extremely warm.

After a long time, Aunt Yu broke the silence: "By the way, I heard that Governor Zhao is returning to Beijing."

After hearing this, Xiao Nianzhi nodded quickly: "Yes, I heard that Zhao Shangshu said he was injured. His Majesty was worried and asked him to return to Beijing to take care of him."

If this happened to another emperor, people might think that His Majesty was afraid that Governor Zhao was far away in Zhendongwei, and that the emperor was far away, and that he had other thoughts, so he recalled him to the capital and took care of him.

However, this is not the case.

 Second watch at 19:[-]

  (End of this chapter)

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