My live broadcast room communicates ancient and modern

Chapter 312 The most beautiful country person

Chapter 312 The Most Beautiful Countryman (two chapters in one)

Regarding using birch bark to make tents, clothes, and even boats, the question is who first learned it from.

The men from the two families who knew how to make tents could only say that their ancestors had encountered a group of mountain people when they were hunting, and they should have learned from them, and they didn't know anything else.

Mrs. Xu thought:

In fact, you are called mountain people outside, but I didn’t expect that there are people you call more like mountain people.

Even though the villagers in Leijiawo couldn't explain it clearly, the first time they saw the magical big tent made of tree bark was during a live broadcast.

The family members in the live broadcast room followed Xu Tianxin's camera, touched and looked at it, and sighed that all the gifts given by nature are treasures. Not only can this be used as a camping tent and a greenhouse, but it is also recommended to the assistant and the anchor grandma to make a camping rain screen in a romantic way, so that they can put it in the car and take it with them when they go out. I am curious to check it out.

After checking the information, I found that I first learned it from the Ewenki people.

Translated from Chinese, Ewenki is really "the people living in the mountains and forests", an ancient and mysterious nation.

It is said that he has lived in the mountains on the side of Lake Baikal in the Xing'an Mountains for a long time.

Of course, that nation is still very likely to be the enemy of our dynasty now, because they have few people and they are not convinced by your dynasty.

In fact, fighting for the world is just like that. It is good to be with this country today, but it will be bad to break up with that country tomorrow. There are no permanent enemies or friends.

So everyone in the live broadcast room is checking the historical trend in the later period. Don’t look at the current ethnic group that is not good to us. However, it is said that they were beaten back by the Great Russia in the later period and were not allowed to stay there. After they were convinced by this side and unified, this It is a very tough and heroic nation.

I won’t mention the battles between Tibet and Burma, but I’ll just talk about the British-French allied forces’ battle that made everyone in the live broadcast room very sad. The national gene was reflected. Thirty-nine percent of the people of this nation went to the battlefield.

Think about it, if removing the old, young, women and children is equivalent to the whole family of men going up to fight the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, this is also the reason why there are very few people in this ethnic group later. Not to mention, he later made great contributions to China.

And why do I need to mention this paragraph?

Isn't that right? After Mrs. Xu sat in front of the fire and told the men that she would peel birch bark starting tomorrow, she took the walnut kernels that Lao Lei's wife had given her and insisted on eating. Everyone here is It was very simple to entertain them and their grandson with the best.

While saying to Leili Zheng:

"Old Lei, you are the only one who knows how to make a tent out of tree bark. I have never seen it outside and no one uses it like this. Do you know what it means?"


"Your village can no longer retain this idea, it should be handed over."

Lei Lizheng didn't understand. If I can't keep him, I won't keep him.

It's best for all us ordinary people to learn how to do it. Maybe it can help many people save money on oilcloth.

It happened that the commander of the Zhenbei Army was changed. This general was so kind and allowed the people to fish in the ownerless river that no one had contracted.

Now that their village mentions this general, they are really grateful from the bottom of their hearts. Even his eight generations of ancestors are hoping that the general will stay here for a long time and never leave. This is true.

If you want to make a birch bark tent, you really need that kind of big oily fish.

The elders in the village who know how to cook it have said before that it cannot be made without the fish meat, which is rich in fish oil. It is so strange.

This is also the reason why only two families in Leijiawo have purchased that object, while others have not.

In the past, the officials here did not allow them to fish indiscriminately, and they could not afford it.

Of course, even if they are allowed to catch fish in the river now, it is not as good as Erdao River. There is a big river where boats can be sailed. It is very vast, and only there are big fish with a lot of fish oil.

But our village can't compare with Erdao River. We can only fish in the river to see our luck, and whether our family can bear to eat it and use it to make tents.

This is because the fattest fish meat needs to be removed from the whole fish and left to dry in the sun. The fattest and sun-dried fish meat must be boiled with birch bark to soften the birch bark.

If you want to make it a dirty black or miso color, green or red, you can make it. If it is black, put some hay in it and cook it together.

Finally, sew the tent as big as you want, use a frame on the inside, and use the bark to cover the frame on the outside.

Afraid of collapse due to heavy rain or heavy snow, I would like to add some wooden supports outside to make them stronger.

In short, don’t insist on being told that you have to do what you want. For those like the Xu family who have the ability to waste fish and meat, just play with them casually. A row of colorful ones is more exciting.

You see, Lao Lei didn't tell the two families who knew how to make tents at all. The above was all what he told Old Mrs. Xu in a twittering manner, without reservation at all. The two families were just supplementary explanations at best.

Lao Lei also said that if you want to keep it warmer, you can cover the bark with thatch and quilt. In fact, it can be used as a house.

For example, if your family is too poor to build a house and can only buy two fish, to be honest, you should live in this house. It is better than living in a cellar. At least this house has yang energy.

It's just that Leili Zheng has never met anyone poorer than his village, otherwise he would have told others about it.

Unexpectedly, the Xu family girl is very cautious about this matter now. Does it sound like it is a secret recipe?

Mrs. Xu said:

"You don't understand what I mean. I mean, other cities and military camps have never heard of the method of using birch bark to make military tents. Only you know how. Then they can only buy animal skins and linoleum.

And if you give this idea to our Zhenbei Army, do you think it can save our Zhenbei Army a lot of money in military accounts?

I think your bark is quite soft after cooking. Rolled into a roll for military belt, it is lighter than those animal skins and saves money than buying oilcloth to keep out the rain. "

Only then did Leili understand.

Before he could speak, Xu Tianxin had been listening carefully. Unexpectedly, the villagers in Leijiawo all said happily: "It's not that bad, Li Zheng, then go and tell our army. Don't let them buy oilcloth in advance, then Don’t spend money in vain.”

Leili was in a dilemma: "I...but I don't dare to go."

Everyone laughed, but Lao Lei didn't care. He clasped his hands and begged Mrs. Xu: "Then I'll have to trouble you, sister. You can tell me. It's easier for you to talk to Mr. Zhenting than me. I really can't do this kind of thing." no."

Mrs. Xu didn't expect to avoid anything that would make her outstanding. First of all, you are not as good as Lao Zhu in this regard. Leili Zheng's wife nodded repeatedly.

Lao Lei was dissatisfied: "That's because he and my sister have seen a lot of people who are officials, so they have practiced it. He has also seen female generals, but I have never seen one. I know Zhao Zhenting well."

That's true.

Then Mrs. Xu agreed, and then looked at the villagers in front of her and said, "Don't worry, everyone, I won't take any credit when I tell you this. I will definitely mention the name of our Leijiawo village more loudly. Although not Dare to say what reward we will be given immediately, but you remember, a good official must know what he knows." Like the quota for corvee service in the future, if four are levied, Lei Jiawo will be exempted from two. Mrs. Xu thinks this should be No problem, right?

Even if the high-ranking officials couldn't control the details, she would definitely ask Zhao Dashan for this favor and not let the villagers of Leijiawo suffer.

In addition, Mrs. Xu specifically pointed out that the first two families who knew how to make tents did not hide their secrets at all, otherwise it would not be possible for the whole village to know.

Mrs. Xu, Lei Lizheng and Mrs. Lei mentioned in a low voice:

"Take care of me more in the future. I think the old people of both families are gone. There is no one to make trouble. The younger one is still too young. The middle man and his wife have to be busy with work and the burden is quite heavy. Please help me pull something out." . After asking them to sew the tent for my family, if there is any easy job in the village that can earn more points, consider them. This can also be called their special contribution to the village. "

Both of them nodded and agreed.

In fact, in village life, the village chief's wife is the key figure. Especially under the premise that the village chief is afraid of his wife, and the daughter-in-law is more serious than the village chief.

Isn't that right? Taking advantage of this topic, Mrs. Lei took the opportunity to approach Mrs. Xu and tell her what was in her heart:

"Sister, actually since I heard that you were going to visit the army at the border, our village has also been thinking about what we can give.

Then I asked the new general to let us go down to the river and then up the mountain. Everyone's life was much easier.

To put it bluntly, everyone can finally live a human life, guarding the mountains with firewood, and no longer shivering in the cold. "

When Mrs. Lei said this, she pointed at the old woman with a severe hunchback in the distance:

"You don't even know that not long ago, the government officials came to the village to measure the land and distribute it to the families in our village who have not returned from military service. The one I am referring to is Grandma Da Shuan. They all cried. It made the villagers even more anxious.

So sister, don’t think about our village being poor. If this happens again in the future, just scream. Like this year, we have been saving since the beginning of the spring to guard the mountains and each family can contribute some effort. If there is more, can't we take less?

Another thing is that our village has actually finished storing ice. It doesn’t cost money to save more ice. We plan to push the ice outside the camp gate and put it down in the summer.

Do you think this trick will work? You can't arrest your brother and accuse him of going to the camp randomly, right? After all, everyone has good intentions, so as to save the soldiers from being thirsty during the summer of training. "

Mrs. Lei wanted to get some accurate words from Mrs. Xu, otherwise she would be confused.

"What, ice?"

"Ah, sister, do you want to go and take a look? There is a place at the corner of the mountain in our village that used to be a tomb. We don't understand what it is. There is no coffin. I have seen it. Was it stolen? That's it. We threw out the remaining corroded broken boards.

Anyway, it was very cold once you entered the underground cave. It was so cold.

Everyone cleaned the place, spread straw and reed mats to store a lot of ice cubes, and covered it with leaves and rice bran to seal it. It should be okay, right? Afraid of not having enough, some families in the village also kept six cellars to store ice, but they were not as good as those stored there. "

"Why do you save so much and send it all to the camp?"

Mrs. Xu didn't expect Leijiawo to be so diligent. This was much better than their village. It’s not thanks to the Erdaohe folks either. The main reason is that there is a magician in the village, her eldest grandson, who can use saltpeter to make ice. The one who knows magic is the most greedy in the whole village, and he always misses eating popsicles in the summer. The eldest grandson didn't mention it, and everyone forgot to store the ice pops in their busy schedule.

Mrs. Lei said: "I won't give them all away. This is not about breaking ground in two days and digging cellars. I can empty out a few cellars in advance. Just leave them for your village to store autumn fruits for sale. After all, who can guess? Is it likely that late autumn this year will be as cold as last year? We are afraid of what to do if we can’t save the frozen fruits and the fruits will rot. If there is ice, even if some of it melts, there will still be some left. This autumn there will be more fruits than last year.”

"If there are a lot of fruits, we can sell them to the county and city this winter."

"No, are you going to see the ice?"

Mrs. Xu couldn't help laughing. It was so late at night that she went into the mountains to see what the ice was doing in an ancient tomb. Sometimes we folks come up with such a strong energy that people find it strange.

When Leili heard this, he also criticized his old wife and said: "It's so late at night, you go into the mountains, you don't have to show off your stink. Besides, Dalang and his friends have already stewed the forest frogs and loaches."

Only then did Mrs. Xu realize that she was cooking again, so she hurriedly stopped her and said, "I finished my lunch in the afternoon, so why are we stewing frogs again? Ever since we came here, the frogs here have not been good, and we are harvesting them every day."

During this season, wood frogs are still looking for partners, and the ones who show up are all male frogs. It first needs to search for a habitat and find a good place. Then it calls to the female frog it likes and asks them to come to the designated place to mate. Even males in the animal world know that if you want to find a wife, you must first find a place to stay, otherwise no one will care about you.

As a result, the little frog was intercepted and thrown into the stew pot halfway through. Why do we humans have to wait for others to finish their burrow?

Lei Li was smiling: "Hurry up, sister, get up quickly, the stew is already finished. You and Tian Xin'er use your chopsticks first, otherwise everyone won't be able to eat. You don't know, you will leave tomorrow, and the folks will come looking for me early in the morning After discussion, we all want to learn from your village to have dinner together tonight. I feel envious to hear that your village kills pigs to celebrate the New Year. I thought about it, don’t just follow your village’s work to earn work points and then not enjoy it, that’s not going to work.”

In fact, all the folks in Leijiawo knew that the Xu family was in good condition, and they were afraid that the Xu family's grandparents and grandchildren would starve here after eating three meals a day at home.

You have to get up early and leave early tomorrow. You can't stew meat early in the morning for fear of being too late.

And the village borrowed a lot of money from the Xu family's ancestors and grandchildren last year, and this year they taught them how to make paper, and even asked them to help sew birch bark tents when the fish came. It will only be better to wait for the mountain products and fruits to be collected in the autumn. How can we not remember this? This kindness.

So the men went down to the river early in the morning to try to catch loaches and forest frogs. In the eyes of the villagers, it was because the Xu family was lucky and they would catch whatever they wanted.

Otherwise, the water would flow on the ice this season, the snow on the mountain would not have melted yet, and the net would be difficult to pull. Logically speaking, it would be rare to catch so many frogs.

Unexpectedly, they were standing barefoot in the icy water, and everyone shouted and pulled the net. Oh my god, my nose is old (it means a lot). Then Uncle Li Zheng said that he could never put back the frogs he had worked so hard to catch, so this time the villagers gathered together vegetables and ate them together. However, don’t overeat. Eat only two bites per person, otherwise the plate will be empty in the blink of an eye.

When Mrs. Xu and Xu Tianxin arrived, there were only stewed loaches and forest frogs on the long table, as well as fried wild eggs, stewed roe deer meat, fried soybeans, and more than ten kinds of pickles from each family. . If there is no salt, they are reluctant to buy it. If the mountain people here are willing to take out pickles to serve them, then the guests are very important to them.

As well as washed fresh garlic, diced mother-in-law, and squeezed chili sauce.

"Hey, can we dig out the mother-in-law now?"

The little girls in the village hurriedly replied to Mrs. Xu: "Grandma Xu, it was we who dug it. If we can dig it, it will come out." They endured it before swallowing the words on their lips: "Can you give me two more days, rare words?" , we will dig some wild vegetables for you to take home.

For girls, there is really not enough place for them. Girls like Xu will always casually tell them some things about the girl's family. For example, let them pick up some saponins and leave the pulp, then boil it with water with wild flowers or wild fruit peels. After boiling, use a drawer cloth to filter out the thick juice, which can be used to wash your face and body.

Mrs. Xu specially asked Tian Xin to go to the nook and cranny, start the live broadcast first, and add another show tonight so that the family can see that this trip is coming to an end.

Then follow them to taste this long table, feel the warmth of the bonfire, and look at these capable mountain people under the light of the torch.

As a result, the family experienced Xu Tianxin’s food from a first-hand perspective. The question asked by many people was: "Do we sell frogs? If we don’t sell frogs now, can we always sell small root garlic and mother-in-law dices? Can it be delivered to your home with free shipping? We are here People from out of town haven’t had this for several years.”

(End of this chapter)

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