Chapter 308

The first response to Jialai was the sound of the crutches falling.

But Yu Qinniang's uncle was very frightened.

After Xu Tianxin showed off the crutch that could be used as a stool, when he saw Tian's son-in-law was curious, he handed it to Tian's son-in-law and asked him to sit down and try it out.

When the senior official came in, Tian's son-in-law saw that everyone was standing up, and he hurriedly stood up too. Then he was called "Tian Xin" by the senior official again. Tian Qingwen was stunned and forgot to hold on. crutch.

Darling, it’s one thing to have heard about it, but it’s another exciting thing to see it with your own eyes. There are so many things to talk about with your parents on this trip home.

Uncle Yu's face flushed red, and he bent down to help his son-in-law pick up the crutches. It seemed that it was wrong to kneel down and say that the common people were guilty. It would ruin the atmosphere. Many people were looking at them.

Xu Tianxin took two steps forward, shielding the duo from picking up crutches, saluted Jia Lai and said, "General Jia."

Jia Lai pointed at Xu Tianxin and said with a smile:

"The letter also told me to call me Grandpa Jia. How about we meet in person? Let's talk nicely."

"Grandpa Jia, I didn't think this was a formal occasion."

"Only in formal occasions, you should call me Grandpa Jia. Return it to General Jia. Forget it, General Jia. You little girl, what's the matter with your old name?"

Jia Lai complained about Xu Tianxin and walked up to Mrs. Xu in a few strides. He smiled and waved his hand to salute. It was precisely because he was afraid that the people would see these generals saluting all the time that he came down now, otherwise he would have shown up long ago.

Say hello:

"We said goodbye last time. If you think about it, it's been a while since we last met. Sister, how are you doing at home now?"

Mrs. Xu thought with a smile on her face:

But no, the last time I saw General Jia was in a cave, and then I met Lu Yan, Shan Shao, and even General Huo who paid a private visit incognito, but I never saw Jia Lai again.

But the shadow of General Jia is everywhere in the business at home, the mutton eaten at home, the seafood and hairtail fish eaten during the New Year this year, including the wild boar skin and sheepskin boots he wears now.

Her granddaughter said that when she was taken to the mountain col to make cannonballs, she dared to let go of her hands and feet to do it. In those days, she received a lot of care from Lu Yan and Jia Lai from food to clothing.

"General Jia, thanks to you, my family is doing very well now. When I came here, I was still thinking whether I could see you when I came here. My son said he would try to write a letter, but he didn't expect to actually meet you..." Mr. Xu Tai introduced his second son to Jialai again.

Because people asked: "Isn't this the one I saw last time?"

"This is the second child. The third child is at home and didn't come this time."

Xu Tianxin also introduced beside him: "Grandpa Jia, this is my second uncle."

Jia Lai was deeply impressed by Xu Youcang. He had a lot of strength and was a good soldier with a spear. If he practiced hard, he might be able to become a tiger again.

But the Xu family has lost one person, and they may not be willing to let go.

At this time, when he saw Xu Youliang, although he was not as tall and strong as that one, Jia Lai instinctively thought about whether he could become a soldier before meeting anyone.

In fact, this is also fine. This kind of calmness is suitable for fixed-point gunners.

Since Jia Lai entered the tent, he deliberately chatted with the Xu family first.

When the guards arranged the seats, they told Mrs. Xu to sit under General Jia's right hand and Xu Youliang to sit under General Jia's left hand.

Before Xu Youliang sat down, he bent down to express his gratitude to his guards.

Because the soldiers brought him a chair specially and moved it away as if to invite him, he had never received such treatment before. After sitting down, he looked at his mother opposite and then managed to calm down.

Then in order are the academy chief, sir, distinguished students, Mr. Qian, and all the upright and elderly common people.

As for Miss Xu... Miss Xu herself took the initiative to say that there was not enough space for her to sit, so she had to stand.

Xu Tianxin was standing behind Jia Lai, standing with two personal guards.

There was fluffy snow outside, and the red lanterns were swaying in the north wind blowing from the city gate.

There are already soldiers feeding the mules and cattle in the people's convoy.

In the long temporary oil shed, everyone was listening to Jialai's speech.

Jia Lai pointed at Xu Tianxin who was standing next to him, and first told everyone that Tian Xin's letter to him had written all about how busy everyone was for this trip.

Therefore, the general ordered him to express his gratitude to the people on behalf of the general and the Zhenbei Army.

As Jia Lai spoke, everyone glanced at Xu Tianxin. This was something they never expected.

Did you hear that? Even the general knew about this and expressed his gratitude to them. Everyone was a little excited.

And there are still many people thinking: Tian Xin'er is a child worthy of close friendship. You see, she really writes about the good things she does, without taking credit at all.

However, what Jia Lai said next made everyone even more stupid.

Jialai announced two happy events.

One thing is something that will make them cry with joy for all students who will take the imperial examination in the future.

That is the Zhenbei Army, which integrates military and political affairs. In the future, it will provide the academy with a collection of scriptures on current affairs.

The Academy Chief was stunned by the good news at first, and then he stood up and bowed to the ground in front of Chief Jia Lai.

Bai Muyan and other students were also stunned for a moment, and followed the mountain leader to salute Jia Lai with tears in their eyes.

Because there are still many children in the North, but the reason why they can no longer pass the imperial examination is because of the lack of knowledge in this area.

For example, white hair floats on empty water, and anthurium makes empty waves. They can write all the basic questions that can fill in the blanks by rote memorization. So they can pass the examination as a child student.

But when I go to college, the topic becomes about the relationship between local culture and cultivating talents. Bai Muyan, who passed the examination as a scholar, was considered to have passed the test.

But if we continue to take the exam, let’s take the example of white hair floating on green water, and we should discuss the relationship between regional economy and local governance.

Again and again, it is still this question, let me write about the criteria for selecting candidates for the imperial court.

There are also aspects of governance in which officials must be autonomous and obedient.

It can be seen that the further you go to college, the more you need to keep up with laws, official documents, magic, and current affairs, especially all aspects of current affairs.

Memorizing the Four Books and Five Classics thoroughly and being able to write good calligraphy are already the most basic.

And they have no official documents to read, not even copies of newspapers, not to mention that the North is far away from the capital. Every moment a government decree comes, the day lilies are cold by the time it reaches the North. Where can I get a collection of literary opinions on current affairs?

But their Northern General Huo Yunqian can.

So Jia Lai signaled to the mountain chief and the students not to thank him. It was the general who took over the Northland and discovered the students' difficulties.

There is only one thing. The principal of Wanwang Academy should not only accept students from the north. If there are students from other places who come here in the future, he will also accept them.

The mountain chief responded solemnly.

As for the second happy event, it was about compensating five acres of wasteland and providing supplies to the families of those warriors who died at Beidi Chengguan.

Even Mrs. Xu was stunned after hearing this and couldn't help but look at General Jia. What's more, others will only be even more unbelievable.

There were many old men squatting in the corner, thinking not to taint the eyes of the nobles.

At this moment, he couldn't help but slowly stood up and looked at Jia Lai with wide eyes.

To be honest, I have seen people bully people to death, but I have never heard of people who can get their money back after so many years.

Even if you know that the new army in Zhenbei is different from the troops stationed elsewhere, it can't be like this? None of this is consistent with reality.

However, it is true. The twelve villages that arrived at the border today will become the first batch of implementation villages because Jialai will personally supervise the implementation. As soon as the government decree comes out, the rest of the villages can be reclaimed this year if they hurry up.

Jia Lai couldn't say it directly. The court had no explanation, so the Zhenbei New Army, which took over this city pass, would supply everyone. It stands to reason that it is already too late. Perhaps after so many years, the family has lost its backbone and can no longer survive, and the whole family is gone. It's not impossible.

At this time, Jialai randomly named a Li Zheng and asked him to answer how many people had served in the military and how many had returned.

Sun Lizheng was very nervous, why didn't he name Liu Laozhu? His calf muscles twisted: "Hui, Hui General, there were ninety-two households in our village back then, and seventy-four of them were expropriated, and none of them returned. "

Sun Lizheng was relatively young. When he was drafted for military service, his son was not old enough.

But the other lieutenants were panicked. Even Liu Laozhu's palms were sweating and Liu Jingdong's face was red.

These people are really afraid that if General Jia continues to call names, their reply will become: "There are one hundred and ten households in our village, and one person comes back, and that person is my son."

What a coincidence, none of the Li Zhengmen's sons died. All of them have something to do with the short-lived ghost king Lizheng and the previous Zhenting.

In fact, do the people know this? They gradually see it. They know that no one is a fool.

Some villagers think this way. If that person is an upright person and an official, no one else will let his family borrow some money. This is a matter of life and death. Who told us not to be upright? I still blame myself for not being a capable father.

Isn't that right? Before Jia Lai said anything else, Li Zheng's faces turned red.

Even Liu Jingdong was thinking: He really shouldn't worry about eating. Mingming's second brother (Xu Youliang), like him, didn't eat much along the way, but he said he wasn't hungry.

Fortunately, Jialai asked this question to tell the soldiers, and he did not continue to name them.

None of them returned, and the souls of so many soldiers were also buried in the northern city gate.

When Jia Lai came, he saw students carving ice sculptures. He said they were iron-blooded ice sculptures, so he changed them to: "The heroic spirit of heaven and earth welcomes people home in the wind and snow."

Back then, those heroic souls braved the snow to face the enemy. Now, on this fifteenth day when they should be reunited, their families also came to the northern city gate and returned as if the snow had fallen.

So after Jialai announced these two things, he arranged to visit the border defense camp.

"Can we go in?" This time it was Xu Tianxin's turn to be in disbelief.


A group of confused people and students were led into the gate of the camp by two rows of officers and soldiers.

They saw the border town on the left and the dense forest Beiling on the right. They heard that the mountain road was very rugged, making it difficult for baggage vehicles to go up, and it was even more difficult to ride an iron horse.

The high ground to the north is the military station, and there are dozens of schools, large and small, to the northwest.

There are three large stone walls and dozens of small stone walls at the city gate.

Xu Tianxin rehearsed the path she had taken and demonstrated it in her mind. If the enemy attacked the city gate, it would be a downhill slope, and arrows would be fired from dozens of smaller towers in all directions.

Avoiding these dense arrow feathers, you can pass even the second city gate, and you have to go through the low-lying area, because there is another gate here.

Xu Tianxin has seen those ancient city gates based on modern times. She guessed that it should be a large reservoir, and the water would be released to drown the enemy troops. Or just shoot off artillery. Anyway, there will always be someone who sticks here and perishes with the enemy and shoots something.

The people finally came to the last door, with Beining Pass written above it.

Today, Huo Yunqian gave special approval and the city gates will be opened for the common people.

Lu Yan is leading the team to look at Xu Tianxin here. The soldiers will use lanterns to illuminate you.

Lu Yan thought to himself: Tian Xin'er, go ahead. In front of you is the former battlefield, and your father is here...

I heard that the officials who sued for peace with the enemy had their loyal men burned in batches. The sky was filled with flames, and the burning lasted for seven days and nights.

Later, the last general, General Yan, ordered the largest pile of ashes to be buried on the city tower where the guards could see. A monument was erected there.

In front of the monument, the Academy Master led Bai Muyan and other students to kneel down and worship.

Without you, where can I study safely now?

The ancient pass in the north is still there today, but the gatekeepers back then are nowhere to be seen.

I have never met him, but I am deeply grateful for his kindness.

As for the people's team, many old men and women looked at the tombstones and suddenly stooped. When the dust settled, they knew where the tombstones were.

Uncle Yu was the first to cry: "Er baby, this time dad knows where you live. Don't worry. In order for you to stay here, I will also give more things to the army in the future."

Son-in-law Tian supported his father-in-law while crying: "Brother Spring Duck, Brother Flying Duck, Brother Black Duck, I am your youngest cousin Qingwen, I am here to see you..."

He lost several cousins.

Tian's son-in-law was very lucky to come with him on this trip. When he went home, he could tell his uncles and aunts that he had helped them see some of his brothers.

Xu Youliang covered his eyes with one hand and cried. Could this be the only time he could be so close to his eldest brother? While grabbing Xu Tianxin's arm, it was as if he wanted to say to Xu Youtian, "Brother, this is a rare opportunity. Take a look at your daughter."

Xu Tianxin sniffed and thought: How did things become like this? Look at the second uncle crying after giving her milk.

Didn't they come to perform a show? Why did they receive dumplings filled with beef and carrots as gifts, visit the camp, and prepare paper money for them outside the city gate?

And the twelve people were burning paper.

At this moment, regardless of whether there was any trouble in his heart, he felt that during the New Year celebrations, the incense sticks in each village should be burned first for those boys who have not come back.

Yes, we should do something.

There were many guarding soldiers standing on the city tower and at the city gate. These people looked at this scene and were all thinking:

Listening to the cries of the people, and then stepping on the city gate guarded by the fierce bones, how dare you forget that to comfort the heroic souls, it should be a complete turnaround.


At nine o'clock in the evening, the team of ordinary people set off to leave the border.

Even though I cried before, my spirit is different.

In the dark sky, with the torches lit, it was hard to see clearly which old man was shouting: "Soldiers, please go back. Don't worry, I won't pay taxes and grain to the county government this time. I know they are handed over to you." , harvest the rice and noodles I picked this autumn."

Yes, when everyone goes back, they still have to publicize with their relatives: "Farm to fight. Farm to feed more people and fight to have more land to cultivate. We understand this!"

(End of this chapter)

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