Chapter 304 New Year’s Wishes

In the council building, the generals were full of joy that the people could endure the cold and traveled all the way to the border to spend the Lantern Festival with the soldiers.

You must know that since the change of generals, the new army in Zhenbei has been here, and it has been full of plans, but it has only been more than half a year.

And after half a year, they were able to win the support of the people. For them, this is also proof of good governance.

What's more, looking at the history books, these generals know very well that those soldiers and bandits who treated the common people like nothing were completely defeated. Everything depends on the right time, right place, and right people.

And those who do great things must put the people first.

Only when the people want it, can an iron army continue to grow.

The most famous one is the historical fact recorded during the war period of the founding father of this dynasty:

"We are carrying tens of thousands of people, and we can only travel more than ten miles a day. How should we meet the enemy when we are being pursued? It is better to abandon the people temporarily." This was the opinion of the accompanying general to the commander-in-chief at the time.

"No." The leader of the team sternly refused.

And because of this act of not abandoning the people, after the team was dispersed and the supply of food and grass was insufficient, the people rushed to support him.

It was also people from the common people who picked up weapons and joined the team at once.

And no one thought that the team composed of these people would be trained into a tiger and wolf army.

It can be said that it is still used to this day. Wherever the soldiers went, the people still welcomed them wholeheartedly.

Because of this tiger and wolf division, its name was Huo Jiajun.

This is the predecessor of Huo Jiajun, which was recorded in the annals of history during the founding period.

So it can be seen that today is indeed a slightly happier day for Huo Yunqian since he received the letter from home.

Huo Yunqian still remembers that when he was four years old, he and a cat he raised at the time would hide under the painting table in his father's study and play with the Nine Couples.

The sun was just right that day, and the cat was sleeping next to him.

His father read an ancestral precept in the study and asked his brother to read aloud:

"Purify military discipline, be benevolent and strict, ensure that soldiers do not disobey orders, and the people do not tire of soldiers..."

There are three hundred and twenty words in the ancestral precepts, half of which are the ancestors of the Huo family telling future generations to put the people first and not forget that the roots of the Huo family are among the people. It is even more worthy of the patriotic spirit of those Chinese sons and daughters who came from among the people.

The remaining half is just a few sentences on how to train soldiers and the art of controlling people with clear rewards and punishments.

Later, when he reached the age where he should recite the ancestral precepts, his father was about to teach him, so he recited them directly. He had already walked to the yard, and his father was still wondering when he learned it.

At this time, the generals were relaxing in a rare moment. They were laughing and talking about the yangko performance below. They said that it seems that our soldiers are also very talented. With the suona, look at how each of them can follow the two steps. Jialai's deputy Wei finally returned with the letter.

Jia Lai took the letter and knew that this matter was very popular with the general. He was relieved and presented the letter to Huo Yunqian without reading it first.

Huo Yunqian was not polite. He had planned to watch it first.

Let him see what the little girl dressed like a will-o'-the-wisp wrote.

Huo Yunqian paused after receiving the letter, surprised by its thickness.

Writing a few words for him would be a struggle.

When I wrote a letter to Jialai, those who knew it was a letter, but those who didn’t knew it thought it was writing a book.

"Oh, go and tell me to cook the dumplings, make more, and let the people have a taste of our dumplings."

"Yes, General!" Sui He didn't bother waiting for others to respond and took the lead in grabbing the job.

Sui He smiled and glanced at Lu Yan again, and when Lu Yan nodded with a smile, he and Jia Lai's deputy went to arrange dumplings for the people.

Jia Lai smiled and warned again: "Let me prepare more red lanterns."

Here, Huo Yunqian has already opened the letter.

The beginning of the letter was quite reserved. Despite the quotation, Huo Yunqian understood clearly that Xu Tianxin was confessing her mistake.

The letter said that I recently read a book and learned that in history, the Su brothers did not take the usual path when they were asked questions during the palace examination. One scolded me coolly, and the other flattered me. I didn’t expect that they were already in high school.

And then the flatterer can still do it, and spend his whole life trying to make money for his brother. As soon as he got it back, his brother scolded him again, and he was demoted again. Raise again, demote again, repeat this cycle, nothing big happens.

Xu Tianxin concluded from this incident that if you accidentally make a mistake, flattering can be very effective.

She could only sum up this point.

And she plans to follow suit.

In the letter, Xu Tianxin said that as a caller, she initially called on everyone to come to the border to visit the soldiers during the Lantern Festival. Her original idea was that she also wanted to flatter her uncle and make a small fortune for her uncle.

Because her uncles accidentally made a mistake and mistakenly cut down the century-old beauty pine listed by the Zhenbei Army. More than 80 other trees were also cut down, and the other trees had already been taxed. I didn’t know what to do with this beauty pine.

No one dares to collect the tax, and I don't know who put up the wooden sign of Zhenbei Army. I want to make a good impression first and ask who cares about this matter and how much fine they have to pay.

Otherwise her uncles would get upset. Although there was no delay in felling later, it was still annoying.

Huo Yunqian raised his eyebrows slightly. This was what Xu Tianxin said before, just a shallow scoop. It was indeed quite shallow. With the relationship between Jia Lai and Lu Yan, they still worry about paying the fine, which is quite honest, how honest.

Then Huo Yunqian was thinking about it. As long as he didn't cut down the part of the mountainside he wanted, he could cut down the rest wherever he wanted. Isn't it just some trees? Why be cautious.

While looking for the separate address on the last page of the letter.

Since the wild forest had no name, Xu Tianxin drew a topographic map for her patron Jia Lai on how to get there starting from Erdao River.

Huo Yunqian thought to himself: The painting was very detailed. What a coincidence. It was exactly the hillside he had chosen. He wanted to build the site of Dinglin Temple there this year.

Huo Yunqian remembered that there were not many trees on the mountainside, otherwise the temple would not have been built.

After cutting down more than eighty roots...

Huo Yunqian was a little puzzled. It was a certain distance away from Erdao River. With a radius of a hundred miles, couldn't it stop the Xu family's progress? The scope of expansion is quite fast.

Huo Yunqian still remembered that the beauty pine on the mountainside had an orange trunk and green needles, like dragon scales. The trunk is straight and straight, giving the feeling of soaring up to the sky. Well, I have to say that Xu Tianxin's uncle is quite discerning.

Okay, it’s been chopped down, so what’s the crime? They didn't know that they were busy bringing back wood from such a distant wild forest, and all they were busy doing was just to ensure food and clothing.

Huo Yunqian knew that the Xu family would build a lot of houses this year to accommodate more people, which would require a lot of beams and wood.

Jia Lai took a peek at the letter in Huo Yunqian's hand and found that it contained a terrain map. The general only glanced at the beginning and went to look at the map.

Jia Lai was a little confused. What did the picture mean in the letter that girl wrote to him?

If Jia Lai had known that Xu Tianxin admitted his mistake at the beginning of the chapter, the "miraculous" tree that was to be built as a wishing forest at the Dinglin Temple was accidentally cut down.

Moreover, their general felt that this was nothing, and even he was a little surprised by Xu Tianxin's importance in Huo Yunqian's heart.

You must know that the geographical location is very important for the reason why the temple was built there. They expanded the town north, a step in their plan.

Because passing through that wild forest, there is a narrow path that leads directly to Thirteen Counties. Although those roads are now overgrown with weeds, if more people come to make and fulfill their wishes, the weeds will be smoothed down, and the absence of roads will become roads.

After passing through Thirteen Counties, we then walked on a long and untrodden path. If we could take a shortcut over the mountains and ridges, we would soon arrive at another state capital. Take that state capital, which is connected in all directions and has the sea.

It's not like going from here to Fucheng and then to Jizhou Camp.

In short, it can be said that it was a strategically important area, and the construction of the temple also attracted public opinion.

In order to let more people know what kind of situation the Zhenbei Army is in.

There will be a day in the future when guns will be pointed at us, and I still hope that more people will understand. This shows the importance of the Dinglin Temple that is about to be built, but Huo Yunqian just ignored it without taking it seriously.

Huo Yunqian continued to read the contents of the letter.

Xu Tianxin has already written that her grandmother decided which villages to gather that night.

This execution ability made Huo Yunqian feel that he was right.

Xu Tianxin said that her grandmother sublimated her original intention to show off her cleverness and flatter her, saying that regardless of what would happen if people knew that we were cutting down precious trees, even if we would still be fined money as usual, we should admit it if we made a mistake.

Her grandmother simply thought her advice was good.

Because the family's trading shop can make money, it all relies on the well-disciplined Zhenbei New Army to back the people. Go visit, you should.

Her family owned a shop and knew that generals had local New Year gifts, but ordinary soldiers did not.

As border people, we should consciously know that when the weather is sunny and it rains, we dare not enjoy peace and happiness. We must be mentally prepared at all times. If war really breaks out again one day, then these ordinary soldiers will most likely go to the battlefield. .

Her grandmother has always believed that there is a kind of passing away, not that a person is dead, but that no one remembers it until now.

And those soldiers stationed at the border all year round have not returned home for several years, and perhaps even their parents have forgotten their appearance.

One day, Jun Moxiao was lying drunk on the battlefield. How many people have fought in ancient times. Her grandmother said she would talk to the old sisters about the young man she had visited. They need to remember.

Huo Yunqian placed the two pages of letter paper he had read on the table and continued to read the next page.

Xu Tianxin seemed to be analyzing psychology with Jia Lai.

In the letter, she said that she started out as a clever person, but every day after that, she felt that the responses with actions and smiles made both her and her grandmother feel deafened.

"Xujiazhuang, Sunjiagou, Yujiazhuang, Shanhetun, Jiaohe Village, Yangmajiao, Xiaosanxing Village, Sanskeshu Village, Nianpangou, Baijiazhuang, Haadang Village, Erdaohe Village, all of them.

There are two academies in town, and all the students are welcome.

Mr. Qian and the businessmen in the town all responded.

Everyone wanted to visit the soldiers who built the boundary monument with their flesh and blood, and wanted to bring laughter to the soldiers whose faces were covered with frost and who stood firm in the wind and snow, so they decided to rush to the northern city gate in the wind and snow together. "

Huo Yunqian finally knew why the letter was so thick.

Xu Tianxin also saw how the people fished. They could obviously be lazy. After all, they were just here to visit and it didn’t matter if they took as much or as little as they wanted. However, the villagers from various villages kept fishing and said they could catch more. Son, get more for the soldiers. It's already cold outside. If you don't eat well, how can you hold on?

She also wrote about how the peasant women actively collected vegetables and what they thought about this matter.

Huo Yunqian was silent for a while when he saw the simple answers Xu Tianxin relayed in the letter.

In the last two pages, what Xu Tianxin wrote to Jia Lai touched Huo Yunqian even more.

“The people in the north will always know better than the people in any city.

An inch of mountains and rivers, an inch of blood, a handful of scorched earth, a wisp of soul.

I have been thinking about my father since I started.

Back then, every family here had their sons taken away from them. No one understood better than the people here that the people in the north had to share weal and woe with the Zhenbei army.

In particular, it is now called the Zhenbei New Army. This time it has a new general. His surname is Huo. He is hope in the hearts of the people.

The people are looking forward to the revitalization of the Northland, and everyone has a responsibility.

The second hope is that General Huo, who comes from a century-old family, can become the magic needle of the Northland, and the new army in Zhenbei will continue to grow, so that foreign enemies will no longer dare to invade.

I hope the enemy invaders can go, and our army can go too.

I once asked an elderly grandpa, can you still perform the Yangko dance with me?

He said that not only could he twist it, but he also said that the enemy invaders killed his own son. If that day comes again, he can still go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

So Grandpa Jialai, maybe the voice of the wheel of history is really too quiet, which makes everyone only remember the results of victory or defeat in the war, but not the sacrifice of every ordinary soldier and civilian.

How much the people hope that one day the Zhenbei New Army can avenge their sons.

Climbing first, beheading generals, seizing flags, taking the crown bravely, seizing the enemy's battle flags and trampling them under the horses, the new army in Zhenbei will be famous in history and powerful in China.

Sincerely, I salute each of the martyrs who have never met them but are deeply indebted to them for their loyalty and bravery in protecting the country.

Salute to every general who is not afraid of life and death, has a strong ambition, and drinks ice for ten years to keep his blood warm.

Salute to the ordinary soldiers who stick to the frontier, stick to the north, and protect the lights of thousands of families.

Pay tribute to all the soldiers who cannot go home, Xu Tianxin. "

Huo Yunqian's hand tightened on the letter.

He felt that this was Xu Tianxin's New Year's greeting to him.

Jia Lai was still surprised why the general's expression suddenly changed.

Huo Yunqian came to the window. The glutinous rice balls should have been cooked below, and Xu Tianxin's grandma was telling the soldiers to eat them while they were hot.

The other accompanying people, in order to please the soldiers, continued to dance Yangko despite their fatigue.

Huo Yunqian had already read through the records when he took over Beidi this time.

At that time, there were not enough troops, so the front line recruited 53,000 men from the families of the northern border to go to the battlefield, but in the end, less than one thousandth came back.

I heard that a few years ago, in the northern part of the border, almost every household hung white flags, but they had not received any compensation money.

He used his strength in peacetime and his life in war. After the peace talks with the enemy, the court was satisfied, but the people in the north had nowhere to find even the bones of their own son.

But it was these common people with pain in their hearts who came here to let the soldiers have an unforgettable Lantern Festival happily.

(End of this chapter)

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